
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Suspicious mind

Toby visited the vet this afternoon, to get current on his immunizations. This afternoon he sulks! Not because he was stuck.

No, he is put out because I haven't put away the cat carrier. Something is not right in his world, and he's stopped speaking to me. Oh well.

He's right; something is up. Although I'm not leaving until Monday, he goes to kitty kamp tomorrow. They can have a few extra days to give him a good, close haircut.

In other news, the shed saga is over. Les Nesman's office is in place.

I told Dan I was leaving Monday, and would leave him the key to the old shed, to handle the details while I was gone. His response was "Meet me out there Wednesday morning!", and I did. Following an overnight downpour, they brought it in.

Then Dan and Joe brought over "your damn stone", and set it. A giant slab of sandstone I bought on sale at the landscaper across the road, so I can step up into "my damn shed". My granddaughters sited it at the old shed.

And while Dan hung over the back of his truck and enjoyed himself haranguing me for twenty minutes, Joe carried the contents of the old shed up the slope and put them in the new shed.


  1. Hari OM
    Two jobs knocked down with *harumph* one stone...Nice looking shed and well done on the V-E-T trip. ... Sorry Tobes, but that carrier is still out fur a reason!!! YAM xx (Oh, and yes about the FPLs. There's lots available if we know to look for it!)

  2. Funny, I never thought of bathing a cat, but of course they have to be bathed. I definitely think the groomer would be a good one to do it, LOL. Nice looking shed!!


  3. cat camp, oh dear. poor kitty. Doesn't know that that is love. Nice shed, the way things are going you could rent it out for a tidy sum.

  4. I see that Toby likes to hang over the edge of the platform, just like Ruby does on my ironing board. Why is that, I wonder?? Ruby came in over an hour ago--snacked a bit of her food then wandered around crying so I put her out. Half an hour later she was right back at the window, wanting in. Nope. Not gonna happen. It's night time (almost) and you can just go home (though I know that Cheryl is gone to Ohio and men just aren't the same as being cared for by the woman of the house. :)

  5. Toby, poor baby...Nice shed and a nice couple of guys to get that done so quickly. Enjoy your trip.

  6. Wonderful news that the shed (and the stepping stone) is in place.
    If we know that Jazz is going to the vet we have to get the cat carrier our a few days in advance. As soon as he sees it he retreats under the bed and velcroes himself to the carpet. If no-one chases him he will emerge, but if we knock against the cat cage he shoots back under the bed.
    Have a wonderful trip away.

  7. That's a lovely little shed and I love the stepping stone. I could use a few of those here because people keep cutting across 'my' lawn.
    I usually hide the cat carrier when I need to get Lola into it, then scoop her up while she's eating.

  8. I rather fancy that little shed myself.

  9. Nice shed. You can never have enough of them. I would like a summer house. The polytunnel suffices but it gets too hot sometimes. I like the stone too.

  10. Sad to say that if that shed was here in England it would be broken into and emptied within hours.

  11. A very stylish shed and a good size. You'll be able to cram it with things when you get back … more things!

  12. I discovered that what is stored in a shed usually has no use.In fact we need very little.

  13. Our pets do know how to make us feel guilty, don’t they?

    That is a very nice shed and how wonderful that it all got done before you begin your vacation. Enjoy.

  14. Another job done and you can leave with a sense of relief.

  15. Poor Toby. We shall be doing some cat sitting shortly for my daughter's cat. Poor thing will just get a visit and food for a little while each day.

  16. Toby knows the drill. That was nice of them to make to effort to move your stone despite the bitching. got many lunches lined up?

  17. Yes, the great portent of doom, aka kitty carrier. Ah well, he'll have fun at camp - all children, furry or no, do.

  18. I have had the cat carrier in permanent residence in Slim's room, with the hope that he'll consider it part of the furniture. So far (months later) he's still suspicious. Sounds like the all the pieces are falling into place at the new place, damn it. :)

  19. I love the name of your shed! And what a magnificent stone!

  20. WKRP in Cincinnati.....I loved that show. Nice shed. Poor little Toby...he knows something bad is going to happen.

  21. Now you know how to get things done... tell them you won't be there to supervise.

  22. Toby's thinking, 'oh, you'll pay. Oh, will you pay...'

  23. Your damn stone looks like a great idea

  24. Hope things improve between you and Toby. It's no fun getting the cold shoulder from your pet. We used to get it all the time when we were owned by a basset hound.

  25. Glad to know the damn stone is now in place next to the damn shed! I hope Toby is in a better mood now....

  26. I find once the simple surroundings are sorted, life feels much more manageable. Gotta a chuckle out of Les Nessman. What a great show that was. I'll expect the pork market broadcasts from you next.


  27. It's cute looks like a tiny barn.

  28. cats know....
    I love your shed!!

  29. I keep the cat carrier in my loft. If I open the loft hatch for any reason, the cat scarpers. It's quite hilarious. She must think that is the only thing up there.
