
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day trips

Someone in Wisconsin who reads the blog wrote overnight, that since my road trip was gone for now, perhaps I'd like to have lunch with her. Of course I would, and she and I have a lunch date. And Ann, who, like me, is up for most anything.

So what say you. Let's see how many lunches I can eat out in Wisconsin. Ann lives between Milwaukee and Madison. If you live an hour or so north, south, east or west of an imaginary point between those two cities, and would like to meet a stranger for lunch, let me know. I'll bring Ann, if I can.

Dear Mage wants to know what cookbook I'm bringing with me. My two cookbooks, Mage, are long gone. My mother gave me Settlement House cookbook and my mother-in-law gave me Betty Crocker, with the plaid cover. So my current cookbook is the internet. Laura cooked directly from Google. I have to have one or two versions printed out, in a plastic sleeve and in my notebook.

Tonight I had potato soup, and six servings are in the freezer. I won't be making that again until next spring. I made it this morning and played cards all afternoon. When I came home, soup was on.

If you live near enough in Wisconsin to meet me for lunch, I would enjoy the rendezvous. My email is over in the sidebar below the search box. Leave me a note in comments if you cannot locate it, but want to know.


  1. Happy Cooking! I have some good cookbooks, but I use Allrecipes most of the time.

  2. That sounds like fun. We're too far, which is unfortunate.
    Old cookbooks are available on Ebay. My Betty Crocker cookbook for boys and girls is out there, too. I may buy that, I miss some of the recipes.

  3. I also have a Betty Crocker cookbook though mine has food pictured on the front and back covers. It was a wedding present long, long, long years ago.

  4. I have two shelves of cookbooks I never use. Google is much easier.

  5. Talking about cookbook I been going though mine, one can find plenty of recipes on line.
    Coffee is on

  6. Enjoy your lunches... and take pics for your blog! I'm afraid Wisconsin is a bit far to go for lunch... but share it on your blog and we'll all be there virtually. Your potato soup looks good. I like mine with a little sour cream on top... or possibly shredded cheese... or chopped bacon.

  7. That soup looks delicious. I hope you can meet up with lots of people for lunch. If you ever come to Nova Scotia I'll drive to anyplace you'll be! (It's a small province!)

  8. You wouldn't consider a detour by way of Massachusetts, would you. . .?

  9. How neat to meet up with bloggers / readers for lunch! You are an adventuresome sort, aren't you? Potato soup - one of my mom's standards (no other vegetables, except onion). -Jenn

  10. Potato soup looks yummy! I love crock pot cooking! Hope you have a chance to meet up with other bloggers in Wisconsin. That would be a fun adventure!


  11. A traveling lunch vacation sounds wonderful. If you ever come east to PA, I would love to have lunch with you.

    I still have my Betty Crocker cookbook. I do get most of my recipes from the Internet and I find typing the ingredients that I have into Google and getting a lot of ideas for dinner helpful, but there are certain old BC recipes that I still enjoy today.

  12. I'm not in Wisconsin so I won't be joining you. I am anxious to hear about the lunch.

  13. What a wonderful idea about the trip, I wish I lived in the area.

  14. I had the cookbook with the plaid cover too. Now I just look recipes up on the Internet. That potato soup looks yummy. Wish I lived in Wisconsin. I would definitely meet you and Ann for lunch.

  15. I hope you find many people with whom to have lunch - or they find you. I have way too many cookbooks. I especially like chatty ones where people talk about their lives. My wedding gift cookbook was The Joy of Cooking.

  16. This reminds me I should dig out my slowcooker from wherever I stashed it and get some vegetable soup going.
    I hope you have many lunches with old friends and new.

  17. Leek and Potato soup made with ham stock... I can see why your freezer's full, but I don't think it would last me till next year!

  18. If I lived near enough to Wisconsin I would invite you to lunch.

  19. Hari OM
    I love that shot of the pot and the sitting area - HOME!!! I must check out Mage's bloggy - a quick glance and there seems to be a fellow shipping enthusiast there... what a great idea to try meet her and hope there are more takers! YAM xx

  20. I'd love to meet up, but I'm rather a long way from Wisconsin!

  21. What a great idea! Lunch with many!
    That soup looks amazing.

  22. I suppose you made the bread too. but what a great idea, lunch trips.

  23. I've had nothing but good experiences in meeting fellow bloggers, enjoy yourself. Love the foodie pics.


  24. Your soup looks delicious! Wish you were travelling to the east.

  25. I've met four of my blogging pals in person. A good time was had by all. By this time we aren't strangers.

  26. You have the finest spirit for adventure. Enjoy.

  27. How I wish I did live close enough. Maybe we could have a virtual lunch for those of us unable to attend...we could each blog about what we would bring to a pot luck luncheon, and provide the recipe.

    1. I've done this with other artists -- we created a cookbook with all of our favorite recipes. Each person who participated wound up with a completed cookbook. Fun to look at, but some of the recipes were definitely different!

  28. I have a bookcase full of cookbooks that I'm looking to pass on. I forgot to ask my niece if she wanted any of them when she was up here this past weekend, so they'll sit until her next visit. Would you mind sharing your recipe for potato soup?? I dearly love potato soup and yours looks so much better than mine, which is tooo simplistic for words (can you say, potatoes, water, onions, celery , milk and butter?)

  29. What a great idea. I should really do this with the few bloggers close enough to meet up. I live a ferry ride to anywhere so logistics are a big factor. I would love the potato soup recipe, can you use new potatoes? I have a house full of visitors, it is raining, potato soup would be a lifesaver,

  30. I wish you many fun lunches! Enjoy your trip.

  31. I have the Betty Crocker cookbook with the plaid cover, looking a little tattered and worn. My mother gave it to me in 1962. I can't say that I've ever used it that much (because I don't cook very well), but it's come in handy as a reference several times over the years. I, too, go to the internet these days.

  32. soup and buttered bread look good. Try for one of those older "supper clubs" in WI.

  33. I live in Sydney if you ever come to Australia you are welcome to have lunch with me.

  34. The soup and toast look very tasty. Enjoy your trip to Wisconsin and your meet up. If you lived closer we could do lunch too :-)

  35. What a wonderful idea. I do hope you have some good responses and can meet some readers. Please keep us posted.
