
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fifty years ago

We were so proud fifty years ago, as Americans, and every single one of us. We who were old enough remember where we were. Those not old enough tend to remember where they were the first time they saw the old magic.

Today we do not have that thrill, that image, that lift of spirit, mind and body. Like the heat wave so many of us and so much of the world is sinking under, we are oppressed by our president. Some words I've copied down of late:


Obviously racist

Dangerous rhetoric


I cannot look. I cringe and shrink in at his words. Frequently there are tears.

I read even more disturbing news. The man can lose the popular vote by fifty million, yet capture the electoral college, he has so consolidated his base in this midwest of old white men, terrified of losing power.

I just don't know. I can only keep on trying.


  1. When you or anyone else finds a solution let me know.

  2. May every one of those old white men die now. I can't believe I'm saying that.

  3. Keeping on trying is all any of us can do.
    Despite our fear, our anger, our shame and our pain.

  4. It's just so tiring, isn't it? And scary.

  5. I remember. But everything was not perfect 50 years ago....But there was so much more hope. We need to find that hope again.

  6. My sister was so wrapped up about the moon landing 50 years ago. I was 3 years younger and was interested, but not glued to the TV screen like she was. So much has changed technology wise since then!


  7. The electoral college should not be allowed to hold sway, or even exist in my opinion. Why should their vote count more than anyone else's?

  8. Part of the solution is to vote...Even my 17 year old granddaughter can't wait to vote and will be pushing her friends to vote as well. And the small local and state elections are important too!!

  9. I am ashamed to say that I voted for him, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine he would be as horrible a person as he has turned out to be. I am also ashamed of our congressional representatives because of their lack of honor to their duty to the people they represent. I vote each and every time and always vote for new people. Somehow it never makes a difference. Sad state of affairs.

  10. There is always something to worry about isn't there?

  11. It is a far different time these fifty years later.

  12. We felt we could look forward to more progress and achievement. Now we have a terrifying climate crisis, the disruption of Brexit (in the UK) and a current situation in Iran that is extremely worrying. Trump takes the reckless side every time.

  13. He has set the USA back by 100 years or more. Both America and the U.K. have greatly diminished in the eyes of the world in the last three years. Now it looks as though we are going to go to war with him against Iraq. We have both destroyed diplomacy.

  14. Hari
    I echo all the sentiments here... this week I have indulged in watching as many films and shows as I could related to the space program (and there have been plenty - and all of them excellent). I remember the event very clearly because I was already ten years old and a sci-fi enthusiast; here it was becoming real. Seeing reels of Kennedy and Krushcev and then susequent leaders reminded one that politics is no game-show business... which our current leaders appear to have forgotten. AS for your electoral system - am not overly impressed with ours either. First past the post is based on 50%, which has proven disastrous. That pass mark needs to be a lot higher! Am alos an advocate of proportional representation and compulsory voting - what good is a 'democracy' where so many of the people for whom it affects take no part in its process???

    I'll stop there... YAM xx

  15. Fifty years ago a truly great team effort came to fruition. Hundreds, if not thousands of people, contributed to this incredible project which culminated in man walking on the moon.
    What an achievement!!

  16. That was a time. This isn't. This is the rise of the rednecks. Hopefully, it's their last gasp and soon diminishes.

  17. wasn't the electoral college initially meant to prevent a madman from becoming president? Wasn't the congress supposed to hold a mad man in check? How wrong it all has gone, how little sway the "people" have, as it turns out.

  18. Stats show that Hillary received around 2.8 million more popular votes than Trump. Electoral college MUST GO!

  19. We need to find candidates who care more about their constituents than about the gravy train and that means looking outside the main parties.

  20. I'll keep trying along side you. There is no other choice.

  21. Fifty years ago we had pride and we have fear and despair.

  22. Keep on resisting! The USA is in a struggle for its very soul right now.

  23. Its frightening thinking that anyone could consider another war..and the present government here seems determined to hang on to the Orange One's coat tails....

  24. I'm struggling with it all too. Even the sound of his voice makes me mute the sound and avert my eyes. I agree with Tom - he has set us back at least 100 years. But I'm afraid it's more than old white men who support him - look at the people at his awful rallies. Scary stuff.

  25. all these articles and opinion pieces about how Trump will win again no matter what are just too fucking depressing and I don't even read them. our only hope is to keep the House and win the Senate. he has done so much damage with still over a year to go. I can't even comprehend what this country will be like at the end if he gets a second term.

  26. All I (or anyone) can do is live their life one day at a time, and make the best choices they can in those 24 hours.

  27. 50 years ago I graduated from high school, witnessed the moon landing, saw Woodstock on TV, the Manson murders, and I began my freshman year in college.
    Big year.

  28. I remember watching the lunar landing and thinking it a great accomplishment. Now, we are being undone by our political and economic systems and the world is a scary place.

  29. I worry for those 4 brave women he targets so viciously. They are in mortal danger.

    It is all so sickening and causing much ill health I would think.


  30. And now Britain seems to be being given to a similarly stupid buffoon...

  31. This is all the result of the loss of common decency, respect, chastity, truthfulness/honesty, and love for our fellow man. We never rise up against it, we just seem to sit back and let it all happen. We've allowed television beginning at the end of the 60's to corrupt everything that's decent when we didn't resist the filth they began to portray, little by little, until society has begun to accept it. There are no role models for our children. I guess we're paying the piper!

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  33. The electoral college is an antiquated system that was created for particular reasons. It's time to let it go. We no longer need it. I'm concerned, though, that the Russians will interfere in the election and the power of our votes will mean nothing.


  34. I'm with you Joanne. I cannot stand anything about this racist piece of crap occupying our White House. We have to ban together and VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!

  35. It's a tragic situation. He is so obviously unfit to be President. And now he's trying to control British politics by turning Boris Johnson into his adoring puppet.

  36. That 'man' is the worst human being alive today.
