
Monday, June 17, 2019

Five days later

Toby went to day care.
Load after load went out to the moving van.

 The last load has the water lily sculpture,
Toad, Pig and Lamb.
Toad seems to have lost a bit of leg.

Farewell to the little garden.
Some pink sedum beginning to bloom.

From one living room to another.

Dan the maintenance man hooking up washer and dryer.

Lynn and Jim.
She and Jim came Friday and Saturday and helped finalize furniture, condense cable cords, put things away.
The killer minutia.
They will be back Wednesday, to hang pictures.

Empty boxes.
As fast as I emptied them another neighbor took them to pack for a move.

No idea what day this is.
Stuff is everywhere.

Toby is home, and taking in the state of affairs.

My office is reassembled, and still no pleasing him.

Kitchen is done.
I need the stool to reach the second shelf of the lower cupboards.
The cupboards over the microwave and the refrigerator are empty.

The last of the boxes!

The studio. It will be sorted tomorrow or Wednesday.
Jan and Tom stopped on Sunday and helped me open out the loom.

The cat's demeanor says "At last! A chair I know,
in a state I remember!"

Life is so close to normal again.
Some pictures to hang.
Some tchotchkes to relocate.
I can get back to my life. 


  1. Wonderful news - and photo story. Here's to reclaiming life. And a good one.

  2. good that you had so much help. not Toby's first rodeo, he has probably already settled in. now, back to life!

  3. Looks like you're on the downside of the whole move. Nice to know pretty much where everything is. Yay!

  4. I thought of you earlier today, Joanne, wondering how the move was going. Glad you are settling in so quickly.

  5. Wow - you're fast! I'm glad it went smoothly (at least it sounds like it did) and you are almost back to normal. Don't forget to allow for some recovery time. It's a shame about your garden; you and Laura really made that one thrive in such a short time. But ... needs must, as our British friends would say.

  6. Good to hear you got that taken care of. Now get some rest!

  7. It looks like much has been accomplished and next week at this time you will be looking for something to do. I am so glad that everything went smoothly with the move.

  8. That looks pretty close to being done. Glad you had the help of good friends. Cats are adaptable. -Jenn

  9. The worst is a few days you can take a deep breath and say "I'm home". So glad you had lots of help. If at all possible have a good nights sleep and a cuddle with the cat.

  10. Well done. At last you are in your new home. Enjoy.

  11. That went really fast. You are so organized. Toby looks upset in the one picture.

  12. The one part I hate about moving is when there is stuff everywhere and no home for it yet. Usually I try to put things in the same places as before, for instance cupboards to the right of the stove get this this and this, cupboards to the left get that that and that and so on. But it doesn't always work. At least now the only person you need to please is yourself with how you arrange it all and Toby is already settled now he has his chair.

  13. So great to read your post and know the move went pretty smoothly, with lots of good friends to help. It will feel more and more like home, I'm hoping. Toby will calm down, too!
    Great that someone took your boxes away so quickly. Be well, Joanne!

  14. Moving is always SO hectic! But it sounds like everything is getting back under control and it will soon be home, sweet home once more!

  15. Yay! You're in!
    Moving always seems exciting until you actually have to do it.
    Careful on that stool!

  16. I'm so glad you're in at last! Moving is hard work but the finish line is in sight....hooray!

  17. Congratulations on a big accomplishment. May your new home be full of happiness and contentment.

  18. You did great with the unpacking! I sure wouldn't want to be hooking up that washer and dryer! That's good that there were people eager for your boxes. That's often the hardest part to recycle, repurpose etc., following a move! Welcome to your new home!! Looks great and I'm sure within days Toby will feel at home.


  19. In a few days everything will settle down and you will enjoy your new home.

  20. A new word for my vocabulary: tchotchkes.

  21. At last you're in your new premises! I hope it doesn't take too long to sort everything out. I'm sure Toby will be happy as soon as he's found the one place where he will totally get in your way! :-)

  22. Like everyone else I'm saying - welcome to your new world.
    As the Seekers said - there's a new world somewhere they call the promised land.
    Here's hoping your new world fulfills its promise.

  23. Home sweet home. Hope you settle quickly and enjoy your new home.

  24. Moving. 14 years ago we moved across province. I'm not sure how we could or would manage another. Houses do fill up.

  25. May you feel cozy and at home in your new place. And Toby too! What a lot of work you have done. And soon it will all be like a dream.

  26. I'm happy for you! Anticipating is worse than the moving process. Slowly but surely this will become the new normal and it looks good already.

  27. Looks like you are nearly home and dry. Good to see Toby has staked his claim on what looks like a very colourful chair.


  28. Congratulations! It looks like home.

  29. Toby will take time getting used to things.

    I'll have a move coming up, and while I hate the moving process, I'll be glad to get away from the rampant incompetence of my current landlord.

  30. Once the kitchen is settled, I always felt that the other rooms alway get cozy in other rooms.

    Go glad moving day got going!

  31. I must say Toby does look considerably happier in that last photo. Very best wishes in your new home - hope you are happy there. x

  32. Great photostory. I just didn't have the energy to do mine, tho I have photoed up my favourite things about the move. Good for you, you sound quite settled and I do love your large windows.


  33. You're in!..and good that the boxes were going to another leaving things packed "until later" !!

  34. Excellent. It's great that you've had steady help everything. Toby seems none too fazed, ultimately. Welcome home. x

  35. A very exciting post filled with friends and a new home. Thanks for taking us along. :)

  36. Your house looks great. I love the flooring in the kitchen. Having those boxes removed for you was a gift. When we moved our stuff from storage into the house we still had the RV at the RV park. Everyday giant loads of cardboard and stuff out of the front yard we didn't want went in the dumpsters. That saved us from trips to the transfer station. Things look good there, the cat looks less disgruntled.


  37. that was smoothly organused...but I bet you and the cat are glad that it is over.

  38. I am glad all went smoothly. You have good friends. I hope you enjoy your new home.

  39. Well done! It will all be lovely now.
    So happy for you.

  40. Yay! It looks really lovely Joanne. What a great place to live!

  41. Enjoy your new home in good health and happiness!!

    The stool in the kitchen looks like it could tip if you stepped onto one side or the other - I hope I'm wrong!!!

  42. So glad things are finally coming together for you and Toby.

  43. Moving is a chore! Glad you had help.

  44. Congratulations to you and Toby! I love that photo of Toby - he looks exhausted, in a good way. I also love that chair. How nice to have help with the minutia. That is what always does me in. A new chapter and new weaving!

  45. I love reading this a second time. And how is life?

  46. Moving house is exhausting but I'm glad you are settled in your new home. Loved the photo of Dan hooking up the washer and dryer. Haha. I hope you made him a cuppa tea!

  47. That is brilliant, I am glad you have got back to your life and got this move over. It seems to have been looming over you for so long!

  48. So much to do! It never ends, does it?!

  49. Glad to see that the move is almost done. Best of luck with the last of it.

  50. I'm just catching up on your recent blog posts. What a whirlwind of a month you have had. I know moving can be very stressful. You seem to have kept your good humour. I love your new floors!

  51. Welcome and good luck in your new home, Joanne! Britta
