
Saturday, June 22, 2019

The reveal

I wonder if any home has come together this fast! My friends Lynn and Jim, have my eternal gratitude, with thanks to Jan and Tom, too, and my new little home is ready to make me happy.

For me, much of comfort is happy old things displayed for my viewing pleasure. That said, here is my office wall, and many old friends still in view.

There is little remarkable about any kitchen of mine. Coffee pot, check. Toaster, check. Accessible cupboards, not really. However, for that I have the handy eight inch stool.

I was warned so often to be careful of the stool, that I will give it an explanation. Seventy six years ago my dad was walking home from the bus stop, and a packing crate board bounced from the back end of a truck. He picked it up, brought it home, and make that first stool for me, for my first Christmas.

It was 1943 and the only board he would have (no trip to Home Depot available). He designed the stool carefully. The legs not only are at an optimal angle, they are cantilevered into the top. My brother made hundreds of copies for children, grandchildren and friends of the family. The original is a footstool under my desk.

Jim, who was on and off the stool hundreds of times these last several days, and who weighs around two hundred pounds, I'd guess, pronounced it more than adequate.

Here is the same kitchen table with the same flower vase, and this week's flowers.

A piece of the living room, with the glass lamp from my BFF, Carol, and a watercolor by an artist from Michigan. 

I think I needn't point out, every room is awash in light!

The studio is far more organized; ready for my next project to go onto the loom. And the loom will always be ready now:

Hilary Cooper-Kenny's prayer flags are on the wall over the loom.


  1. Your new digs are looking very cosy. Toby seems to approve. How wonderful that you still have the stool your father made for you. I like, too, that it was replicated for other children to enjoy!

  2. It looks WONDERFUL. And the cat has obviously given it the seal of approval too.
    That footstool is beyond precious.

  3. And a big smile when Toby put in an appearance.
    Here's to many happy days in your new home Joanne.
    And here's to the many good friends you have in your life - like the saying goes 'Friends are the family you choose'. Sounds as though you chose well!

  4. I love it!! Glad you got settled in so quickly! That is a cool looking stool! Enjoy your new surroundings!


  5. It's beautiful! I am so impressed. And what a sweet story about your dad and that stool. I remember my grandfather, who was a very fine carpenter, taking water skis that the Cypress Gardens ski factory gave away because they were imperfect, and making beautiful end tables out of them. And he also made a little stool for my much-younger brothers to stand on in the bathroom so that they could pee like big boys. I swear, I can see that stool right this second in my mind so clearly. And hear the sound it made as it got scooted across the floor. Where IS that stool? I'd so love to have it.
    I'm happy for you, Joanne. Your nest is lined and cozy, your things all right where you need them to be and there are flowers on the table.
    Enjoy it all!

  6. Your nest has been beautifully feathered..may you have many happy days in it. Toby looks nicely settled.

  7. Your new home looks lovely Joanne and all sorted at speed, Not a packing case or box in sight, a good place to be... enjoy!


  8. Hari OM
    At last, a place to call your own... truly. Give Toby a chuck under the chin for me! YAM xx

  9. It looks so organized and beautiful. I love the cheerful light!

  10. You seem to have landed well and happily

  11. Everything looks so lovely! Wishing you much good health and happiness in your new home!

  12. That's a quick turnaround! I wish you many happy memories made in your new home. It is complete with a cat and treasured items already. -Jenn

  13. Great design for that practical foot stool.

  14. Looks like kitty is pretty laid back
    Coffee is on

  15. What a happy moment for you. :) It is a great thing when everything is exactly where you want it to be.

  16. Your foot stool is a wonderful, practical heirloom and your home looks very cozy.

  17. I am so delighted for you. It looks amazing. I have been impressed with the light since you moved in. Well done to you and your buddies for getting it together so fast!


  18. Just great! Amazingly efficient job of moving out/in. You should give lessons!

  19. Home sweet home the it is nice to have all your bits around you.

  20. You already have a comfortable and homey place to live.

  21. So glad that you are now moved into your new place and settled in comfortably. Isn't it great that your loom can be set out and ready for use any time you like. Enjoy your new place.

  22. I love your kitchen. It looks very efficient and a fun place to cook. I especially love that you have good, cheerful light. It all looks comfy, convenient and wonderful, Joanne! Yay!

  23. It certainly has come together very quickly. I know you are going to be happy there. Interesting story to go with the stool, which I calculate is now 76 years old.

  24. Looks lovely - and cat has already chosen his favourite place.

  25. Nicely sorted..and I see your oversee-er cat is comfortable!

  26. Everything looks lovely, Joanne. Good friends and family made your house a home.

  27. Lovely! And light is one of the most important things in a room - you've got lots of it!

  28. yay, the house is now a home. and a perfect one for you. have they rented out your old unit yet?

  29. Good to see that humongous book shelf back to doing the job it did for so many years...holding the assorted weaving supplies. I'm happy to see Toby is back to his supervision of all things.

  30. Welcome home Joanne! Glad you're in and basically settled. Toby certainly looks like he's comfortable.

  31. Yes, Toby looks properly draped. Lovely to see those favorite things on the walls and the loom ready to go.

  32. Everything looks great, bright, shiny, and comfortable!

  33. The su-purr-visor seems to approve.

  34. I haven't looked at blogs for a week and now surprise! here you are, all moved. Congratulations. It looks nice.


    1. I used to have a chair I stood on to reach things in my closet. My dad didn't built it, but he finished it. He did it to match with the bed and chest of drawers in my room (French Provincial) and I used it with a desk that he had finished years ago. I moved away and it became my step chair. Then my husband (now ex, of course) stood on it. That was the end of it. He outweighed me by 100 pounds or so. I don't know what made him think my little chair could hold his weight.

  35. YOU've got it very nice, and the light rooms are a great bonus. And how wonderfully well organised and cosy it looks!

  36. It looks wonderfully neat and clean (she said, looking around at the cobwebs above her)!

  37. Lovely! It feels like a home to enjoy living in for you and your cat!

  38. Your new home is sunny, bright and so very cozy. Enjoy.

  39. That is the only way to move house! The light is marvelous! I'm glad to see that Toby has approved and I wish you many years of happiness in your new home.

  40. Dear Joanne, congratulations on making a house into your home. Stamping it with your delight by putting pictures and other treasures on the wall and flowers and lamps on the tables. The brightness of the rooms is such a gift. Peace.

  41. You seem to be settling in very quickly and efficiently. It all looks very cosy. Toby's looking very comfortable and well ensconced.
