
Saturday, April 13, 2019

The trifecta didn't leave the gate

Laura's mother, her father, her stepfather and her custodial grandmother all signed a petition to the court to return Laura to her mother at the end of this school year, May 24th. The hearing was set for Wednesday at one in the afternoon.

We all went, of course. Actually, the court told us to show up.

Perhaps the magistrate read our documentation. Probably not. She said she would appoint a guardian ad litem, who would interview Laura and her mother and step father and report findings to the court. The magistrate set the next hearing as a trial, for June 11 at 9 a.m. I don't get out of bed until 8 a.m. The alarm clock better work!

No question, I was grumpy the rest of Wednesday. And Thursday. Then, on Friday, I had a statement from the attorney. The court appearance close to obliterated the rest of my retainer. There was an invoice for a new retainer, of the same amount.

To say I lost it is a gross understatement.

I effing lost it.

My friend Lynn emailed, So What Happened? I gave a brief recap. She responded, Getting My Coat; Meet Me in the Driveway!

She took me for a hot fudge sundae. I ordered chocolate fudge/raspberry truffle hot fudge, and I am no fan of chocolate. We sat in her car (it's still cold here!), eating death by chocolate and talking.

And look who filled my field of vision! I wonder if it was his mother's shirt. Fuck the magistrate and the court. There's hope for this world.


  1. I am so glad you have a Lynn in your life.
    And love that shirt.

  2. A friend and ice cream can make the worst day bearable. It will be hard, but we have lived enough years to know that we can get through the crap that life throws at us.

  3. The lawyers are really the only ones who come out ahead, are they not??

    Ice cream or chocolate - or better still ice cream AND chocolate - are helpful, though.

  4. well, what a bunch of shit! I'd have been stomping around chewing nails. so much for the easy transfer.

  5. Ah, we need to grab hope wherever we can find it! I would have lost it, too. So frustrating and crappy. Lynn is a wonderful friend!

  6. Bloody lawyers! They seem to think we have bottomless refillable purses. Love that t-shirt and the death by chocolate :)

  7. Lawyers and court cases are definitely not cheap. I can understand your anger.

  8. Everyone needs a friend like Lynn's. To me it sounds like such a simple thing to resolve in the courts and it seems like the parties are in agreement. I don't get why the courts are prolonging this at such a expense to you and I'm sure others. I hope you enjoyed that sundae!


  9. I don't get it. It's not as if she's 8 years old. She's a grown up about to be adult. It should be a no-brainer rubber stamp job and next please.

  10. I hope everything will be ok soon.

  11. Lawyers are up there in the popularity ratings along with politicians.

  12. I was just reminded of the Beatles this morning. That was good too.

  13. Oh my Joanne. So disappointing, frustrating and costly.

  14. Sometimes I wonder if we give judicial / political officials too much credit. Are we sure they can read?

  15. Hari om
    What the fudge??!!!😮
    Glad Lynn was on the ball at least. YAM xx

  16. All you have done doing whats right and then when its almost done bam life throws some damn curve balls that in our golden years (ha) you shouldn't have to deal with. Lawyers are like leeches. Glad you have a good friend to be there for you.

  17. Oh, honey. It'll all work out, of course, but in the meantime- what a cluster f%*k.
    They probably got that shirt at Target. Or someplace like that. I hope they play Beatles music for that child too. THEN I would have hope.

  18. Court proceedings are rarely quick or simple, even by consent, when a child is involved. The court has an independent duty to protect the child's best interests and must satisfy itself that the situation serves that purpose.

  19. fleeced, sounds a cozy enough word, but opposite...I am so sorry, infuriating to say the least. Lawyers and insurance companies march hand in hand straight to hell. Life in Umurka, No amount of ice cream can take the sting away.

  20. I honestly think people don't read important papers carefully any more. When I was called for my citizenship interview I gave them very specific written dates when I would not be in the country. They scheduled me right in the middle of that time.
    What a rotten nuisance for you. Glad that you have a friend like Lynn.

  21. I am sorry to read this. Family courts seem to be staffed by incompetents everywhere. When will Laura age out of the whole process?

    1. She will be 18 this December, but is not free until she graduates, next June, 2020.

  22. Next hearing in June? Absurd.
    I'm with Rachel and Allison - at this rate, Laura's age will make all this silliness moot.

  23. For a week that started out so well, it didn't take long for the handle bars to fall off did it?
    I'm so glad you have a good friend nearby who knows how to make you feel better.

  24. I'm not sure that custody hearings for seventeen year-olds sound appropriate. The battle has probably been lost or won by then, and, in Laura's case, won.

  25. If I lived close enough I'd go with you to egg the courthouse. Then your lawyer's office. You should not be this insulted for being a caring grandmother.

  26. Really! Seems like a legal scam to fleece you for more money. Of course this is how my ex daughter-in-law convinced my son to not go the lawyer route and ended up conning him into agreeing to spousal support, as well as paying child support until the girls are 22. She is a slick one.

  27. There's always a silver lining somewhere, but in this case it seems difficult to find.

  28. Hot fudge sundaes aren't a thing in the UK, but they sound delicious. I guess our equivalent is something like brownies and ice cream, which would certainly lift my spirits after that sort of negative experience. Courtrooms are usually bad news one way or the other.

  29. I agree with Ellen. I wonder what Laura thinks of all this kerfluffle. My words aren't very printable.

  30. So sorry Joanne, just can’t imagine your anger and frustration with the system.

  31. So sorry to read this Joanne and hurray for the Lynns of the world who keep things together when rage takes over. Oh these lawyers. Capitalizing on family stress.


  32. Sorry to hear that you are going through this. So good to have a close friend at times like these.
