
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A good week, and it's only Tuesday, going on Wednesday

The weather has been beyond reproach this week, and scheduled to remain very nice here, in spite of a potentially historic winter storm in the middle of this country forecast for tomorrow. On Sunday, the little front garden was cleaned up and looking good.

My job on Monday was to get up and get to the dentist. I meandered all the rustic old back roads to go to the other side of the valley, and still arrived half an hour early. I could have stopped at the heron rookery and watched with all the people craning up and looking at activity in the nests up in the tree tops.

The benefit of arriving at Dr. O's early was leaving his office a happy person about the time my appointment was scheduled to begin. He could not believe an implant he set had gone belly up, and he was right.

The pain is from an infection under the gum line. I left with two prescriptions and an appointment to come back in ten days. The best news of all, an office visit does not come close in cost to a new implant.

So far I've cited the weather, the front garden and the dental visit outcome to support my good week thesis. I completely skipped over the need to detour out of the park. At the end of my road, with my google voice instructing me to turn left, I sat and stared.

A new unit, with my new house number. I know it's not the unit I wanted, and was told about last December. As my neighbor and I remind ourselves, we live in a trailer park. We reel in our expectations frequently.  I am sorry management is not upfront with us. On the other hand, it's not my company, and neither the park manager nor I expected this unit before May.

Of all the things I was promised in December, the unit has only the walk in shower.  As that was the only deal breaker, I can't complain much. Well, I could complain, but I won't. I turned right and took another exit from the park.

This unit  is two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a laundry area. I know the pathetic size of that second bedroom. However, I am not the New Jersey owner of this trailer park who has the necessary footage to place this size trailer and will.  If he personally had to use that second bedroom, he would not be a happy person. 

Dan, the maintenance man, has been inside, and confirms my bathroom has a walk in shower unit. All I need to know. He also informs me after the drive is poured, there will be no room for a ramp to the porch, as well as stairs.

I sent him a mental rejoinder. I will buy a wagon anyway, because I will pull my groceries up my ramp in my new wagon.

Oh, I forgot. Nancy and I beat the guys today, by about thirty points. Our score overcame their two double pinochles in the same game!

Finally, tomorrow is the first custody hearing. My attorney tells me, if the hearing goes perfectly, the magistrate could give custody back to my daughter tomorrow. Let's hope.

All the paper narcissus coming up. Nothing is in bloom yet.


  1. Wonderful news on several fronts. I am so very glad that the walk-in shower is present and correct. Fingers and toes will be crossed that the first custody hearing is the last, and hope the dental woes are easily fixed.

  2. Our weather has been extremely reproachsome. Ice this AM and snow this PM.

  3. I would love to live in a trailer like that. To me it would be like being on permanent holiday.

    1. And good luck with the hearing, of course.

    2. Except for cutting the grass every week, it's not too onerous. And thanks for the good wishes.

  4. I happened to watch John Oliver's latest show recently wherein he talks about unscrupulous trailer park owners who gouge their (plot) renters. It made me wonder how you were faring with yours. Are there restrictions being placed on the amount at which they are able to raise the rental fee annually?

    May the mouth pain lessen quickly!

    1. I've lived here three years come this summer. My rent will increase again for the month of May, and will be five percent higher than the first year I lived here. Actually, there are two bits to our rent; the land the unit sits on and the actual unit. The rent for the land can be increased annually; the unit rent can never go up. I think this is Ohio law. I used to know, but like so many things, that bit of knowledge is gone. My bit of land was 297 on my last statement, the unit 569, for a total of 866. That may or may not include a cat charge. I know it is comparable to apartments of the same size around here.

    2. Unit rent is! That's pretty great.

    3. I'll look into this again tomorrow. It doesn't seem right. Some people own their units, so only their lot rent can increase. I'll try to be clarified on renting and lots tomorrow.

  5. Hari OM
    What a great post, Joanne... despite the difference in unit ordered, one can't help but wonder if that wee bedroom is actually destined to become your 'office'?! A level of providence at work. I too send warm wishes for amicable proceedings tomorrow. YAM xx

    1. Oh, Yam, you have no idea how I coveted a front porch!

    2. ...ah yes I see...this one would be much like you have. Excuse my travel-addled lack of observation! Yxx

  6. I'm happy the week has been going well, but disappointed for you about the new unit. Perhaps this one got mixed up with another delivery to a different park? Do you have to accept it or can you wait for the correct one? I do hope you get a ramp either way. Is there any kind of porch on the other side or is it as blank as the side we see here?

    1. No, this is what management ordered because they think a two bedroom unit is more desirable to future renters than a one bedroom.

  7. It's so frustrating when things are promised and not delivered. At least the shower is right; they could have gotten that wrong, too . . .

    And while infection isn't fun, it's funner than having an implant redone (and paying for it)!

  8. If you can only have a ramp or stairs, I would push for the ramp.

    1. They only will build stairs; I have to build the ramp.

  9. I'll miss Laura terribly. Emily is now Blake? You can tell I haven't kept up with things. Too much work and exhaustion. My kids don't like to be mentioned on my blog. My son avoids it so he doesn't get upset. No way to know with my daughter but I think she's mad at the world.


    1. Yes, like the millennial hate message that pops up from time to time, telling we old effers to die; we've ruined the world for them and can't get off the planet too soon.

  10. Go with the ramp, definitely! Your new place will be great.

    I still remember your sunflower growing out of a crack in your drive. You must have a green thumb.

  11. Seems like things are coming together! I guess the second bedroom could be sort of a small office? TV room? At least you got the walk in shower. Hope it goes well at the custody hearing tomorrow.


  12. So much happening in your world right now and most of it good. That's the way to start spring season. The trailer looks quite large even though it sounds like it has a small 2nd bedroom. If I recall correctly you were hoping for a 1 bedroom trailer.

  13. Let's hope you have a good time from now on.

  14. I saw that John Oliver piece too and am glad to hear that you do not own your unit- that appears to be the biggest mistake because they only decrease in value and the cost of moving them to another piece of land you could own yourself (which I know you don't want to do anyway) is so prohibitive. And it just doesn't seem right to me that what you thought you'd agreed on is not what you're getting. I know that a walk-in shower is extremely important but so is a little porch! Can one be built?
    So glad about the tooth. Take your antibiotics and it will heal. And may the custody hearing go smoothly and well!

  15. Good luck on the custody proceedings! I have been dealing with my son's legal matters. If I did not love that child beyond all measure, I would just through my hands in the air and give up. His ex-wife is a piece of work, very manipulative. Hope the gum infection is soon gone.

  16. I wondered too if a porch could be added on. but if you are moving from a two bedroom to a two bedroom, what's the point? I'm glad this next storm is apparently going to miss you.

    1. Right now I'm in a three bedroom double wide, and going to a two bedroom single wide. It's quite a downsize.

  17. Things seem to be going quite well but for the infected tooth. A botched root canal once left me with a temp cap infected canoeing in the Canadian Wilderness...Not good...:(

  18. So much change. I'm hoping it all feels good once it is complete.

  19. We are looking at a double wide up the coast a way.
    Hugs with the custody...can your daughter deal with the girls?

  20. Joanne, I like the color... blue or grey (possibly grey blue? hard to tell on the computer). So, if that's your unit, will you be able to move in sooner than you thought? And could you not have a porch (deck) built on later?

  21. It's been an eventful week so far! I hope everything continues to go your way!

  22. Good luck with the hearing today. I hope things are resolved the way you want, Joanne.

  23. oh no Joanne, I hope the rest of it meets your expectations. Moving isn't fun when everything is perfect...

  24. Lots of good in your week. Your walk in shower, your implant behaving. I hear you on the towing. I have a few towees (?) as with my health challenges I can no longer carry. Recently found one for $5 for my laundry as the hike to the laundry room is ginormously challenging.
    Your total rental looks expensive. I recently found out that mine is income geared which pleased me no end as I have been overpaying. I don't know whether I can get retroactive refund. I'll have to check.
    Good luck with the pain and your pills. I sent off a wee parcel for you today.

  25. Well poop, I'm sorry you did not get the desired floor plan. Would it kill the park management to build you a ramp? Going up and down stairs with things in your hands is not good.

  26. We lived in a two-bedroom 10x50 single-wide for 5 years, and I think it's the only time in my life that I was truly organized. It had that tiny bedroom. We added a little desk in there and called it my "study," but I don't remember using it -- or needing it, for that matter. I look back now and appreciate that home and those years. Liked it pretty well at the time, too.

  27. I hope the hearing went how you wanted.The walk in shower is good, the lack of a ramp not so good. I hope you can figure out a way around that.

  28. Relaxation and the time's your own to come. Good times in a new way.

  29. Glad to know the trailer isn't quite what you expected but you can live with it.

    I've never needed an implant. I must admit I'm a bit wary of them, even though they're so common nowadays.

  30. I had an implant a couple of years ago. It involved about 18 months of appointments, but was worth every penny. You are the only other person I know who has had one. They are very rare here.

  31. I hope you are already feeling much better. The whole situation about the new rental sounds not quite right but I have no idea what it should be...But I certainly hope you get a little porch!

  32. Hope the week has continued to be good and everything works out like you wanted it to.
