
Thursday, February 21, 2019

It is what it is; we are what we are

Stephen Colbert said last night, concluding his monologue, "Donald Trump isn't committing a crime, Donald Trump is a crime." The sun is shining today, the world is relatively good, and so you see how I drifted into a post title.

What do I have to talk about? Almost nothing. Have you read the news this morning? But, it's out of our control. It's like the Yellowstone geyser. When will it blow, not if.

So, here in my little corner of Boston Township, USA, my goodness, you all sure do like the red that I already decided will be the only red I will use in future. 

My new weaving career began with towels I intended to give away. I bought and wove several colors, including a red that appealed--on my computer's screen.

It was a screeching color, and I will not confess where the first towels are now. My new red is called, by the red namer, cerese. It makes me wonder if there are vials named red, green and blue locked up somewhere, like a meter and a kilogram are perfect, precise, and locked away.

I don't see my cat first thing in the morning. Sometimes I hear Laura leave at 6:30. That's nice; I turn over and go back to sleep until 8:00. I get up, fill Toby's food and water, clean his cat box, and then take care of my breakfast. 

Mr. Cat may appear by then, or I go looking. It's so big here! I look on the sofa. Then I look in the studio. Studio it was today, as it has been most of the winter, on the bench, by the register.

That's the next color, down there on the floor, periwinkle. I assure you, there is no standard periwinkle locked in a vault, but this is a nice rendition. I'm also amused at this little scenario.

The box of bobbins originated about where Toby's back end is on my bench. That means he pushed them far enough along to jump on, then pushed the rest of the way off. Any further retribution he considered, for being on his bench, seemed to be put off until this morning. Now it's 1:30 p.m., and his morning has yet to commence. The bobbins are cleared away and put where they really belong.

And finally, here is where I live now:

Laura has the master, the living room has a sofa and two chairs. Bedroom #2 has the loom, Bedroom #3 has me.  It was fine for three people, or two and a loom. But for one, come this June, way too much. 

The final choice of floor plans isn't in yet, but one bedroom units are pretty much the same. Living room, kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, bedroom. So I downloaded a typical plan:

Pretty close to perfect, don't you think! And going on half as much. Mr. Cat and I will be in pig heaven. I'll pass on the cottage garden, but all the shabby garden concrete decorations will come, and all the spiffy ones, too.


  1. Looks just right for one person and a cat Joanne. Good luck.

  2. Periwinkle is one of my favorite colors of all. The bobbins of it you have look very fine.
    I like the new floor plan! It WILL be perfect for you and Mr. Cat. Perhaps he can even have a bed close to a vent.
    I was talking to a friend on the phone this morning. We were discussing how as we're getting older, things have not always turned out like we had planned or hoped. But they are, as you say, what they are. I said, "Honestly, we can't even truly control what happens in our own lives, much less what happens in the world." And it's true. I was looking at the tree which is still in my yard from being blown down in the hurricane back in September. Was it September? October? I don't know. But I certainly never planned for that to happen and most certainly did.

  3. I love that blue. don't know that I would call it periwinkle. I thought periwinkle tended a little more to violet. the new floor plan looks perfect for you and Mr. Cat and the living room looks perfect for the loom. big changes ahead...c'mon June.

    1. Color is the most disturbing element in the world. In the old days, when I wove things and sold them, I sent something to a customer. I told her I had the thing she wanted in salmon and would send it. She sent it back: "This isn't salmon!" Sigh. It is what it is. The stick on labels on the thread say periwinkle. When it's cut 50% by the natural warp, it will be anther color. It is what it is. Yea, c'mon June.

  4. Political news here in the UK is equally distressing at the moment, with Brexit etc. Scary times.

  5. It's almost midnight here, I've been trying all day to convince myself that there's no point worrying about things we have no control over, It is what it is.

    1. Here's what I learned from the big red bus crash, Yael. My skull was cracked; only quick action by skilled doctors saved my life. But at the cost of much of what I know. But I function well with what is left. I had no control over getting her, and only will left now, to do my best. It is what it is.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rachel. I think it's a little marvel. Cute as a button.

  7. Hari OM
    ...and the loom which has been so busy? Perhaps it will share the bedroom. I can see that happening! The bed only needs a corner. Golly. June's not far away. YAM xx

    1. No, the loom and all the sewing corner goes in the living room. It's bigger than the current living room.

  8. Our cats like to keep us guessing in their choices of nap areas. They use the same one for several days (or weeks), then for some mysterious reason feel the need to move on.

    1. I can just see him pushing the little crate across the bench then off the other side. Then looking over at it. "Take that!"

  9. It looks to be all one could ask for. Compact, tidy, where does the loom go? Is the bedroom big enough for you and the loom?

    1. In the living room. My guests have always congregated in the kitchen!

  10. Even being smaller that where you are now, it still looks bigger than my unit here. my kitchen is miniscule and I don't have a separate dining area, my table and chairs are in my living room, my laundry takes up one side of my bathroom. You do have an excellent layout though, I like it. I like that you're taking the garden ornaments too. I would take all of mine if I were moving, but any potplants would have to stay as they are all home to ant nests now.

    1. The ornaments that were gifts to Laura probably will go with her, if she wants them. I am quite attached to all of them, and couldn't part with them.

  11. A quick calculation on my side of the equator tells me your new bedroom is 1.3 square metres bigger than my lounge room, so you'll have plenty of room for your loom whichever room you choose to put it in.

    1. Every room in the new unit is bigger than the equivalent space I use here, so we're talking win-win-win!

  12. I love floor plans, don't ask me why, but there's just something about them. Your new layout looks perfect for you. And kitty. And wasn't it thoughtful of him not to try to "weave" your yarn for you? You could have had a mess there :)

    The news is increasingly worse, and yet, getting ever closer to the tipping point of retribution for the big orange fella. I'm enjoying seeing things fall apart for him; can't wait for your fine country to be restored to sanity.

  13. That floor plan looks pretty good for one person. But, I like your current floor plan, too, because I like 2 bathrooms. The only thing I didn't like about our studio in San Francisco was just one bathroom.

    1. Welcome back! It's all OK because the cat and I have separate baths, and we're all who live here.

  14. Cats must push things off. They cannot help it. Your new "digs" look perfect. Loom in bedroom or livingroom? -Jenn

  15. It is great to have something to which to look forward!
    Your tea towels are Very Much Admired and Jealously Guarded!

    1. The postmistress and I chuckled about your address being so many meters down the road from the place before it. How fun, and how pleased I am that you have them. And are using them!

  16. One of my cats just cannot tolerate yarn in view. She has to make sure it ends up under a chair. Always.

  17. I love the new layout! Plenty of room there. Martha, the boy cat is also territorial and will toss stuff to the floor if we dare put it on the bench at the foot of our bed. Oh, excuse me, HIS bench! I love the towels you sent me. I have forbidden the man in my house to wipe his hands on them ….. MY towels!

  18. That is a very well thought out floor plan. Everything you need, nothing you don't. We used to have a periwinkle Saab. They were having trouble selling it due to the color, so we pretended we did not like it, and got them to lower the price. Actually we liked the color a lot.

  19. You and Mr Cat will be nice and cozy in your new digs. I am anxious to see the periwinkle towels next year. It is a good color.

  20. In your new apartment, will you put the loom in the living room? Mr Cat is such a brat. Like all kitties!

  21. Have to ask. Are you getting the walk-in shower? I hope so!

    1. The rental agent says so! I think it is a rental plus. Wash the baby in the kitchen sink; take the toddler in the shower with you. Train them young to get in and get out and never use bubble with beads.

  22. You and Toby will find the new apt the right size. I love the layout.

  23. I like seeing floor plans, it looks like this move will suit you very well.

  24. I could live in that space for the 1 bedroom. Just enough size for me. I know you'll enjoy it!


  25. I think your new space will be great. It's amazing that all the rooms are larger than what you are using now.

  26. Even the one bedroom looks very roomy. I'm sure you will love it!

  27. You never know what you are going to get with a cat. Our new girl is always always around us but never on us.

  28. I love the idea of downsizing. My sister and I are making plans for our joint retirement (whenever) and we have come up with a humdinger - two tiny cottages and a central 'community' building, on a reasonably-sized plot. We are very simpatico, but enjoy our own space as well. Periwinkle blue is a color that sounds naturally happy.

  29. Well, Mr Cat won't let a few bobbins prevent him from sprawling on his favourite spot. That puts the inconsiderate humans in their place!

    The new apartment looks good.

  30. looks great but where will the loom go??

  31. I love the floor plan, I wish I could get one of my place to show the layout which works rather perfectly. Big adjustment from the large houses I lived in but I am content with my new life.

  32. I think you are right about the final floor plans. Pretty darn near perfect. Congrats.

  33. Space looks wonderful, love the colors, adore the cat.

  34. The one-bed floor plan looks perfect. I like having a bedroom as far away from the living room as possible. Your current digs look very ample; I can see why you'd want to downsize once Laura moves back with her mother.

  35. OK, where is the loom going? When we lived in the big house, mine stayed in a corner of the living room. Right now my sewing machine and quilt fabrics live in the dining room.

    1. We make our homes accommodate us nicely! The whole studio will go into a wall and a corner of the living room. It consists only on a table with the bobbin winder and serger, the sewing machine table and the loom. Ten feet; less around a corner.

  36. That periwinkle blue is my new favourite colour.
