
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Weather or not

I really haven't a lot to say about the weather. We have just a slice of the current storm going by. Wind, large rain bullets, and fifty degrees, though it's not pleasant out there. The wind is up to fifty miles per, so the entire scene is weird. When I hear a trash bin go by, I look to see if it's mine. 

The power has been iffy all morning. Never exactly going off, but setting off my battery back up for the computer. Eventually I gave in and shut down. When I went to make lunch, I see the electronic clocks in the kitchen fared poorly.

My towel flags are on the downhill side now. There are almost 150 around the world, doing their job. I am pleased for them. That many towels only mean 75 kitchens, but that's good. 

With luck, I can be done and have the loom battened down for the move. Then I believe I'll try a pop-up venture that's been on my mind a while. I do need to talk to the gallery owner, but nothing will happen before fall, so plenty of time.

I need to make some sample fabrics this summer from the sort of thread now available to me. Gone are the days of my pick of the gleanings from any sweater factory or dye house in the East. But I still see wild and crazy in my head, and I can make it work.

Here is a garment I lifted from Pinterest, and have no attribution except that and its negative number. Too much fabric for me, but an example of putting so many things together.

I'll see if Diane would represent me on an "if come" basis. Not even a dedicated space, but silly things here or there, on a pop up basis. Now you see it, now you don't.


  1. Your towels are doing yeoman service in my kitchen even as I type this!

  2. My kitchen too!
    I like your pop-up idea. Sounds pretty perfect.

  3. I'm lost on the towel business but it does sound intriguing!


  4. Those towels are being ambassadors all over the world! :) I love mine.

  5. Hari OM
    Love that batwing top... totally see you working similar magic!!! YAM xx

  6. We are still having such lovely Spring weather here. I am hoping we don't get any of your stormy weather over here - can you direct it the other way please.

  7. I like that. I have a son in law with a felt pop up show in San Francisco right now. Felt...I like felt but not as much as I like your towels.

  8. My towels are still on the table in pride of place... dishes or hands even, eat your heart out!


  9. This current weather system has varying degrees of havoc to most of the country.

  10. I'm still very much enjoying the towels Diane so I am one of the 75 households you've touched. Many thanks for your generosity. :-)

  11. The wonderful journey of towels in the world, the idea is wonderful, they will definitely gain a place of honor here.

  12. your towel flags, spreading peace and joy and good will all over the world. I think your pop up venture is exactly right and if the little gallery doesn't jump on it, she's a fool.

  13. Your towels are like John Gray's postcards, except in reverse . . . it would be fun to see a map with markers of all the kitchens around the world that now host your towels . . .

    Pop up weaving station sounds like a great idea.

    1. Looking forward to it! And I have emailed you with a request about that . . .

  14. I love my towels! That was a really freaky wind storm last night! We had a couple of trees down, one almost hit a tenant's vehicle. No power all night, but no injuries, so all is well!

  15. I want to say enough to this winter, but I just looked at the 14 day forecast. Not yet.

  16. I would love to buy towels from you if you are selling them....They are so beautiful and apparently indestructible! Our weather is going to improve; I keep telling myself that.

  17. Your mind is always working. Hope your weather (and mine) improves soon.

  18. I do like your towels! That was some ferocious storm that went through your area. I think it was the wind that was the hardest to deal with this time around.


  19. a pop-up venue seems like a good idea, whenever you have enough product to make it worthwhile setting up and selling, then rest and recuperate before starting over.

  20. I've just wiped up my coffee mug with one of your towels and read jenny_o's comment. A map would be great to see where all your towels are currently doing duty.

  21. Here in Belfast the power supply is pretty reliable but in the remoter areas there are occasional outages. It's very annoying when all the electric clocks are zapped and have to be corrected.

  22. I use the towels every day, between washings. Love them!

  23. Joanne your mind is an interesting place to be...can't wait to see what 'pops up'. Also thrilled to death to be on the recipient list of your beautiful towels. You will always be part of my kitchen.

  24. Sounds like a good plan! Loving the towels, by the way.

  25. Oh Joanne, I'll be so happy when we can all stop about the weather. OMG, now they are telling us spring is going to slam in like a freight train, and prepare for flooding!
