
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Another winter storm

There is a storm warning for tomorrow for winter weather, ice, snow, freezing rain, from the time tomorrow begins, at midnight, until the temperature rises above freezing tomorrow afternoon. The high temperature will be thirty eight degrees. 

There I am in northeastern Ohio. In the blue belt of rain is a weather symbol I cannot interpret. A couple of chicken feet. Are they attached to a chicken, head first in a gutter overflowing with  icicles?  I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and calling it sunshine emerging from freezing rain.

There is so little to tell you about, aside from slippery slush as I came home from cards today. I told Laura she should salt or risk a fall in the morning. She came in and said she saw what I meant.

Nancy had a double pinochle today. Woo-hoo. We still lost.

I'm ready to start again with towels. Here are the first three dozen plus I will begin with.

The colors are back, left to right, cerise (red), pumpkin, cayenne (an orange/brown spicy). In the front are four cream and two plum. I'll start tomorrow sending emails. I'm not going anywhere, until the sunshine melts the chickens out of the gutter.


  1. Those colors are great. Cerise is my favorite!

    Ice is deadly.

  2. I LOVE your interpretation of the unknown symbol!

  3. My daughter Jessie told me today how much she admires the dishtowels you sent me.
    "Aren't I lucky?" I asked.
    "Yes!" she said.
    Thank you again.

  4. That looks really pretty. Ummm... ANOTHER winter storm. What a crazy season it’s been.

  5. Hahahahaha, the gutter chicken is a "freezing rain" symbol.

  6. Hari OM
    Whichever way it's interpreted, it means spring ain't coming yet... oh your towels - I adore them. YAM xx

  7. Symbol might mean snow/rain ?? They're talking sleet after snow in KC...

  8. Pretty colors of the towels. Looked like a great hand for pinochle. Wonder what the winning hands were? The higher altitudes here at due for more snow (they got anywhere from 10-24 inches over the past few days) come Thursday and Friday. Here its colder than last year at this time. I'm wanting the 71 degrees that is the average for now as opposed to the 55 degrees we are getting. In summer I'll be wanting a 55 degree day, LOL. Wise idea for you staying in until things clear up a bit.


  9. My brain tells me I should be referring to freezing rain as Chicken S..t from here on in!

  10. Those chicken feet look to me like the spikes of frost to follow the rain which then leads into snow. Wrap yourself as warmly as you can, I have goosebumps just thinking about 38F which is about 3.5C; a temperature where I wouldn't even get out of bed!

  11. I love my cerise towels and so do most of the neighbours I've shown them to, only one didn't, she doesn't like red.

  12. That does look confusing! Ice, frozen rain, is what it makes me think of. I have to drive from Bath to the Falls and back again tomorrow with my sil....I hope it will be ok. I answered your question about where the ski clothes came from on my blog after your comment. Laura might find it interesting.

  13. again your towels are gorgeous. And winter can just get over itself! Every year I look south, looking at property that we can not even dream of affording but I look anyway.I can almost feel the warm sunshine, mostly because i carry around a hot water bottle in my pants. Illusion is everything, I do hope you do not get hit with more snow/ice/cold/bleah!

  14. We have a freezing rain warning, but it's also possible that we'll be spared.

  15. I was going to comment and tell you we are located just above that weird symbol, but I couldn't figure out what that symbol was, then I kept reading your post - ha ha , chicken feet! Yes, it is calling for freezing rain tonight, here as well. Might as well have another bus cancellation day - what are we at now? 14? Your tea towel is currently hanging in my kitchen. -Jenn

  16. The chicken feet are heading my way today. I would rather Bluebirds.

  17. Don’t blame you Joanne. Stay inside. That’s what I do but when I get a chance to be out again, it’s like I am let out of jail.

  18. It does sort of look like a chicken gone belly up in an ice storm doesn't it?

  19. looks like a monster face to me with sparks for eyes and icicle daggers for teeth. whatever it is, dead chicken or monster, stay the hell indoors! I know nothing about pinochle but I guess the boys are still crowing. maybe you need to show them the dead chicken in the gutter. and more gorgeous towels.

  20. What beautiful towels! I don't think I have ever seen such...creative weather symbols. My guess is snow/sleet/ice. But a chicken in a frozen gutter is way more fun.

  21. I know you guys get the bad winter weather way worse than us down here.

  22. I look at your weather and then I feel bad about complaining about your weather. However, I just don't seem to be able to help myself - it's the desert! Pretty towels, you do such nice work.

  23. Freezing rain doesn't sound worth getting up for.
    That's a much more stylish symbol than ours, though it does look rather like dribbling reindeer.

    1. This is my laugh out loud of the day. Out loud and smack my knee.

  24. You can't say that you are stuck indoors with nothing to do! Lovely work.
    Stay warm and dry..we are awaiting a storm here too, but hopefully no ice!!

  25. Yes, those do look like chicken feet in the air, don't they. I'm redoing my address book in hopes that it is readable. Very cold here. It's a good cold weather job. Hugs to the both of you.

  26. This awful weather has got to end someday, doesn't it?

  27. The snow has stopped. The rains will soon begin.

  28. Great colors. They are all so subtle and comforting.

  29. Dear Joanne, we got 4-6 inches of wet snow on Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning. Heavy to shovel. All I do anymore--since I no longer drive and so the driveway needn't be cleared--is shovel a path--the width of the shovel--down my driveway to the street so that I can walk across and get my mail.

    You certainly do produce a lot--you must be truly expert on the loom. Peace.

  30. "calling it sunshine emerging from freezing rain" - that's optimistic.
