
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Walking papers

The appointment was one p.m. First therapy, and the unhappy words on both sides because I cannot pull to a standing position, left arm alone.
Visualize the one that broke me last week. A walker. Someone lifts me from the chair and stands me in the walker, still holding me up. Bad left arm must hold the center front of walker, verboten right arm in sling. Now, on tiptoe of broken foot and leg take shuffling step with right. Tried it again today,  failed again. Came up for lunch, then left for doctor appointment.
I really have not mentioned my lovely granddaughter in this ordeal. Once I was wheeled into the hall after therapy, and there was Laura.

Another time, popping off an elevator. Waiting in my room. I suggested advance warning would be good, but she stuck with surprising me. "I can always wait." 
Today she popped from the elevator we were taking down to the van. She popped back in and rode down.

And off. The whippersnapper was right on schedule. More xrays showed no additional healing (WTH, it's only been two weeks), but no shifting. He asked what prompted my early return. I discarded the sling, showed the mobility of my right arm vs. left, and without pain. 
I explained he had to get on my team; he'd already cost me seven days. For good measure I tossed in my granddaughter, circulating among good friends and family, all because he chose not to listen to me last time. We agreed my broken right shoulder would be a long time deteriorating to the condition of my trashed left shoulder, and perhaps it didn't matter. In black sharpie he wrote a no restrictions note. We shook right hands.
I turned in the release to the desk. The news beat me down the hall. In the next hour therapists and I ran through all the failed stuff, using the bars in the bathroom. Ludicrous, but effective. Tomorrow I get a new wheelchair and a new routine. WooHoo.


  1. Wonderful news. I hope it all goes to plan. Hugs.

  2. Keep up the good fight Joanne!

  3. Definitely wonderful news. I am very, very glad that the whippersnapper listened.

  4. Your Grand daughter is indeed grand, bless her heart! Man, You are one tough biscuit! You will be good as new in no time, if by no time it is meant . no. time....Heal well, try to do the mind over matter thing, some say it works. Thinking of you with well wishes.

  5. High five! . . .er, perhaps not, under the circumstances . .. Hug, maybe? I'm glad you got your whippersnapper to listen. Please be careful, though!

  6. Good to see Laura again. I’ve missed news of her too!

  7. Glad you got the no restrictions note, but do be careful.


  8. This is great news, but please take it easy. I know you want to get going , just don't rush too fast too soon.

  9. Glad you got what you need. I have tears in my eyes reading about Laura. You and her are a great team.

  10. Progress. Just take it slow. I am happy for you.

  11. You are moving right along. I knew you would get the doctor to see the light. Laura obviously misses you. I think you'll be stronger every day now.

  12. Yes, please be careful... another fall just CAN'T happen. And I agree that Laura misses you... and you, her.

  13. Woohoo, indeed! Laura sounds like a peach. x

  14. Glad you saw the doctor and he agreed with you! And isn't Laura a sweetie.

  15. Hari OM
    WTG Laura... and gran!!! YAM xx

  16. Good old you! Stick to your guns - you are no push over for anyone and I am sure that secretly they all admire you for it. Onwards and upwards.

  17. You are truly a woman of steel, or should that be titanium? He met his match. Best wishes to you and Laura.

  18. That makes much more sense, well done. Now, you'll be tangoing out of there in no time!

  19. You are a wonder! Happy for you.

  20. Yay you! They all buckle under your steely gaze.

  21. Well, thank god you got a doctor who would listen. It should never be this hard. Onward to freedom!

  22. Yay! You're already looking much better (in that van photo).

  23. Way to go! Literally! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  24. You have nerves of steel my friend!
