
Monday, August 13, 2018

Took names; Kicking ass

I mentally sorted my gripes, high to low. Absolute highest: no use of right arm re broken shoulder. Think about this. My left arm is trashed and scheduled for repair surgery when I broke the right. Every thing I do with the left hurts and hurts it more.
Last week I called the young whippersnappers nurse and told her (voice mail, of course), my therapy is severely limited by not using my right arm. What solution does the doctor have? He must get on this team! No answer, of course.
Over the weekend I had lots of time to consider. I am permitted to further wreck my left arm, but don't use the right arm you broke! Without that arm, I cannot stand, except with help. Once up I can stand for the derigeur ten minutes required for clearance for the next activity, like walking, again.
But I cannot hold the parallel bars to walk, except left handed. I skew left, twisting and aggravating my right knee, not to mention my feet are not stable to walk because two hands are not on the bars. Don't tell me there are plenty of one armed people. That's a skill set I don't have and don't have time to develop.
I returned from PT at lunchtime, angry. I called the whippersnapper and made an appointment for tomorrow. I need him to clear me to use that arm to get up and walk! Then he can fix them, one at a time.


  1. One at a time sounds so frustrating. Does any of this generation even know what a whippersnapper means?

  2. I hope they sort things out for you soon!

  3. This is a tough situation, but it will improve. For sure, not as quickly as you would like it to, but it will. I'm so sorry you are going through this!

  4. HOW I wish that my eldest brother had a fraction of your drive. He too is currently hospitalised, but accepting all the medico's directions and being grateful when they deign to visit.
    I love that you are more than ready to snap your whip at the whippersnapper.

  5. Oh, Joanne, sending much love and admiration for your determination! Keep speaking your mind, and asking for what you need. Oooh, if I could be there, I would advocate for you! Love from Illinois! LOVE your blog!

  6. Hari OM
    Heck Joanne, I'm starting to think you are indestructible with occasional hurdles - you will win this one too! YAM xx

  7. Not a damn thing the matter with that brain. Keep advocating for yourself. Wish all your blog buds could storm the place en masse.

  8. If they don't agree I'd use the right one anyway. Give'm hell!

    1. Protocol. If I use it, therapy ends. Damned if you do, etc.

  9. I hope things get better for you soon.

  10. well, that's a bunch of shit. they can't clear your arm for even just holding onto the rail for balance? give 'em hell Joanne. it just about the only entertainment you've got.

  11. Keep yelling, Joanne. They are getting big money to help you and they need to do their job.

  12. I wonder if there is such a thing as in-bed therapy to strengthen your legs. Can you talk to your regular physio people to get their opinion? There's more than one way to do things sometimes.

    Other than that, I just want you to know how much I admire your spunk. I have a bit of an idea (from observation) how hard this is to resolve. My dad went through similar things but he had paralysis to complicate everything. My mother had a long recuperation after a serious car accident years ago and it took six weeks in hospital and a year of therapy to restore her shattered leg and elbow to functional but not complete use. Patience is as important as spunk. Each in the right measure. Don't push it too hard and injure something else.

  13. It must be frustrating Joanne. Keep after them!

  14. Wow! Again Wow! Don't know the answer to your situation. Seems like if you can't use either arm then you need someone to get you on your feet so you can walk and walk beside you for balance. Can't a PT do this? That way your arms could heal and you could still get your walking in... screw the parallel bars!

  15. Give 'em hell! They tend to forget about you if you don't remind them once in a while.

  16. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I hope y'all come to a workable solution. It's not good for either arm at the moment.

  17. Hope you get some answers and some lifting of restrictions when you meet with the doctor tomorrow.


  18. If you use the arm, therapy ends? What craziness is that when you clearly still need therapy?
    Rian has a good suggestion about a PT walking beside you for balance so you can at least start walking.
    Your 'go for it' attitude continues to hold my admiration.

  19. My mother would have told you that your annoyance was a sign that you were getting better … it always made me want to scream!

  20. I really feel for you, Joanne. What a way to spend the Summer.

  21. They need to change the protocol....why are medics so inflexible?

  22. I love the title of this post. I can feel your frustration. I have little use for members of the medical field (on all levels) as they a) apparently don't have time to listen to patients; b) apparently don't have any interest in listening to patients, time or not; c) seem to think they know more about you and your body than you do. Good luck - keep at it!

  23. I have trouble following orders. I guess one day, I will be sorry, but not yet. I do hope they resolve the issues soon. Can you swim yet? Water physio?

    1. My single known revulsion is going into water other people have peed in.

    2. Especially with a recent incision. Although they probably have enough chlorine in the water that it would be safe.


  24. Joanne, do you have family or friends around to advocate for you? As you've seen, it is hard to be your own advocate while trying to heal. If you don't get responses today, ask to speak to the Medical Director and explain your problem.

    I love your spunk!

  25. Yes, one at a time. Having both my hands fixed at once was a very bad ide. Very.

  26. Keep kickin' ass!!'ll get there with your determination xx

  27. Oh my! Between a rock and a hard place. Keep kicking ass!!
