
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Boggling boredom

Normal boredom has expanded exponentially today. Usually morning is therapy, afternoon is recovery, evening is free time.

It's Saturday. All bets off! My aid said " What are you wearing today, then just evaporated. Breakfast came, no information. Some visitors to my roommate, who brushed by me. Just as well; I don't need breathing treatments. But I haven't washed my face or brushed my teeth yet today.

I did have a shower yesterday; first since the infamous morning of July 20. 

My world. Sigh. I did snag a lost seeming aide with hands in pockets. I sent her off to see if I have therapy. She passed my door three times before she came in and reported No. At least I could dismiss the clothing issue.

I sent her to find Mary Ann, and pulled out the fake tablet to try a blog post. I heard someone approaching. Mary Ann parked the vitals trolley center door and oozed away. 

Eventually she reappeared, zipped around the curtain and sat on the bed. "Seen Titanic? I'm the violin. One called off, one went home. I came in three hours early. Then one of us fell.

It's eleven in the morning. Maybe after lunch I'll get into the chair. I can side board transfer now.

I think this will be more small print. If I change to big, but set the post aside, it gratuitously goes back to small print. WTH. It's not like I'm using paper and pencil.


  1. I cannot imagine how bored you must be, Joanne! But the size of the font in the blog post is just fine as viewed on my laptop computer, so no worries there. I wonder if that is just how it is set to appear on your tablet? Can you read other blogs on the tablet? Thinking of you. Although I don't comment very often, I do read everything you post.

  2. Nothing happens on a weekend, or at least that's what it was like when I was hospitalized many years ago. Joanne, just seeing those pictures makes me anxious. I really really hope you don't have to spend any more time than is necessary in hospital. And I hope you have nice nurses. -Jenn

  3. You may not think so by looking in a mirror, but with the sun in that fluffy hairdo, you have Grandma Rolf's pretty silver hair, too.

  4. The only small print is between the photos Joanne! Hope you day improves!

  5. I hope something fun happens to brighten your day!

  6. I can imagine it must be boring for you when you are normally so active. But in no time you will be good to go.

  7. Well all the bloggers are still out there hopefully keeping you amused Joanne.

  8. So maddening to be parked there in bed.
    4 days in the hospital at the end of July (pancreatitis) and I was never once offered toothbrush, clean gown, or shower. Hospital hygiene indeed!

    1. Marty, it's awful! Clean gowns happen daily, but I must keep on the toothbrush. Two times a day simply is over the top.

  9. Oh that is such a pain. Invalidism doesnt suit you so i sure hope you will soon find out what exercises you can do by yourself and get busy on those at least. And i hope you will soon have an idea of roughly how long you will be in. That always helps to know.

  10. I hope you recover quickly, and believe it will be as I know you from here.

  11. When you going to blow that place Jo? Have there been any dates tossed around? I see those big surgical scars on your leg. I hope they'll send home health aides to you so at least you can spend time at home. Love you.

  12. Recover quickly, Joanne, and I hope you will soon come home!

  13. I see, still in the hospital. so boring. I'd be going mad. sp let this be a lesson to you little girl, pick that foot up knee high.

  14. You always amaze me! Keep putting those photos of health care (or lack of it ☹️) out there in the World Wide Web. And hoping that you and Laura and cat will be able to be back to normal at home soon. 😘😘😘Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  15. Good for you - side board transfer is a major step toward mobility again. And yes, weekends are long and empty in the hospital. Sometimes it is for the reason you have described here and employees are doing their best short-handed, but it doesn't feel very good to be stuck in bed because of it.

    You're doing well on the tablet! The size of print looks good from this side of the screen. Keep your brain working and chin up, my dear.

  16. Hospitals are the dullest place on earth on weekends. Praying that you heal quickly and can head home (safely).

  17. Well look at you! You'll be going home in no time at all.

  18. Not much longer, I hope. You're definitely looking brighter.

  19. Hari om
    You're on our screens telling us about it. That is good news! Keep on healing. YAM xx

  20. You're there sitting and blogging..a good's wishing you many more good steps..keep that loom in mind!! Big Hugs xx

  21. Sigh.
    Love that fluffy do you are wearing. And hope for much better times ahead. Soon.
    Blogger playing with the print size is frustrating. You have only one small sentence.

  22. I remember when I broke my leg in 2004 and how horrifying the boredom was. Thankfully I didn't stay in the hospital long. Being a nurse myself being in the hospital sure gave me an eyeopener about what the patient goes through.

  23. Am returned from hospital --yesterday-- still can't shower because not waterproof yet, incision halfway round my neck. Am most immediately sympathetic to your reduced mobility. You're staying with the program. I diverged the 1st time they sent me home and had to return in a hurry. All best wishes to both of us as we return to our new normal lives.

  24. Hospital stays are incredibly tedious. I hope you get back home asap.

  25. Ugh. If you were here, I'd take you to the Conservatory and have you smell the stinkiest orchid we have in the collection. ;) xx

  26. Oh, Joanne, we are all so sad to read this. My Retired Man has been in a rehab facility too often and all of them had therapy on the weekends. I am sorry to read that is not the case with you. It is not right!

  27. It's always good to see you writing, and rather amazing given that you're hospitalized. You're a brave, determined woman, and a fine writer. I think of you every time I pass the Canton Yarn Barn, which has been frequently lately. Of course, the yarn is no longer there and hasn't been for years. It's now a piano restoration business. I hope you're able to be back home soon.

  28. selfies from a hospital bed - not as good as selfies from the outdoors or your home. All the best.

  29. If escapes from hospitals were possible, there could be very interesting sitcom about patients. Tedious is a mild word to say the least.

    What is the schedule for your incarceration? I hope you improve enough to get home soon.

  30. Oh gosh, I missed it somehow that you were still in the hospital. Hoping you get sprung from there soon!!


  31. I'm amazed and happy that you can already transfer yourself to a chair! there's just no holding you back is there? at this rate you'll be dancing the hokey-pokey by (before?) Christmas.
    Boredom is a terrible thing. Do you have a device that can hold a book for you to read?

  32. I've missed you injury I've been away hope you feel better soon.

  33. I'm sorry that you are still in the hospital. I hope that you will be able to get out of there soon. In my opinion, it is the worst place to get any sleep or rest; and how can a person heal and recover if not allowed to sleep.
    I hope you will be able to get physical therapy and help at home, so you can get to go home as soon as possible. I believe that
    you will feel much better, and less bored when you get to come home.

  34. Joanne you are have had more than your fair share of bad luck and still just keep on keeping on...well done you...and feel better.

  35. You must be as bored as hell. Get home soon!

  36. Joanne, my grandkids know that I don't like the words, "I'm bored" when there are so many things to do. But I can easily understand how this can be true when you're physically incapacitated. And looking at the picture with your right arm in a sling... how are you posting? Are you a leftie? Hugs!

    1. I'm a right handed cheater. I'm busted over andover, daily

  37. You may be trapped in that room, but it is good to see you roaming the world - keep on keeping on.x

  38. Nursing home and rehabs are centers for drugged calm and boredom...:(

  39. You are looking good in your shorts and t-shirt. Can someone bring you a laptop? Small or big, it's good to see you.

    1. I tried my grandaughter's antique laptop and was frustrated to despair. I swapped it for our marginally more modern tablet.

  40. I did not realize that you were still in. Oh dear! What a trial.
