
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Cat rights

So much housekeeping to deal with in an emergency. Laura went with aunt Janice. Money comes and goes in the bank. "Just board the cat," I advised. "Toby likes it there."
 "But how much!?" asked my sister.
 "Eight or ten a day."
 "We'll work it out at home!"
And so Toby took up temporary accomodation in
Jake 's home, in the basement. Door closed.
Jake is a year old Cairn terrier, full of himself. There have been innumerable encounters over the last year! Toby has learned confidence. Jake has learned to jump higher and higher, and bark--well, you know Cairns.
Tom put cushions on high basement places, made a playground, takes care of Toby's food and box; even goes down to play. Jake knew the cat was afoot, and not invisible. He kenneled up the first night,  but did not sleep. The next morning he hoovered up all the evidence Toby spent the night upstairs. Jake was awake two solid days.
Toby, meanwhile, expanded his "upstairs privileges. He called at the basement door earlier and earlier. He slept in every piece of furniture; with every person. Jake knew real trouble loomed. Soon his bed time would be noon.
Actually, Jan took pity. Toby grew up with dogs, and worked into the heart of cat, dog, person alike. Although he wasn't about to set Jake straight, he could wait for Jake to get it. So, for several evenings,
Jake sits by Jan on short leash and high alert, watching a cat make itself at home. He's quit the incessant barking. Jan's almost ready  to invite Toby up for a  formal introduction.
Stay tuned.


  1. That's the best way to introduce them...slow and steady. Soon they'll be best buds.

  2. Toby is self-confident and knows his worth. I like that in a cat.

  3. Poor Jake. I do hope the introduction goes well and that Toby doesn't dominate Jake toooo mcuh.

  4. Toby sounds very 'adaptable'. And how are YOU 'adapting'? Keeping you and yours in my prayers.

  5. Are you able to leap out of bed in a single bound yet? Glad he's going to be introduced. Glad you are writing.

  6. Poor Jake. He will need counselling after this...

  7. The UN should take notes! Hope you are doing well Joanne.

  8. I'm laughing but really I do feel sorry for Jake :) It sounds like Toby is a match for him; he just doesn't know it yet. I was actually wondering just a day or two ago what Laura and Toby would be doing in your enforced absence. Thanks for the update.

  9. I, too, am thankful for the update. Now, if only you mend with no more problems!
    Think of you often! We are in Wisconsin now.

  10. Eventually they'll get acquainted :-)

  11. It is all so challenging, and I am relieved to know that some beloveds are cared for- most concerned about your discomfort at the moment, and healing- healing hurts, too. Know that you are being thought about , sending well wishes to you.

  12. I am so sorry to hear of your accident and send quick healing wishes. Hopefully the cat and dog will be at least calm in each other's presence.

  13. Not like anyone has asked, but I'm #teamtoby.

  14. Sounds like a good plan to have them "co-mingling" until they get used to each other and hopefully they will soon!


  15. Heatwave or not, I can imagine there's a slight 'nip'in the air!

  16. I'm glad things are being taken care of. Happy to hear Jake and Toby may soon be friends. With all that off your mind, you can sit back, rest and work on getting better. Of course you can't will the bones to knit any faster than they normally would, but having peace of mind over other matters has to make a difference.

  17. Hari om
    Softly softly calm the cairn! YAM xx

  18. so then where are you? and how is Laura doing at Jan's and Tom's since as I recall, they were not exactly supportive of Laura. as for Toby and Jake, Jan should just let them be together. they'll figure it out pretty quick and my money is on the cat.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. They should make it into a soap opera and market it for people to buy for their pets to watch! :D

  20. Any idea how long you'll be away from home? I hope it won't be too long. Keep getting better.

  21. Toby sounds like a very confident cat. Hopefully, the present arrangements won't be for too long - I hope you heal quickly!

  22. They sound to be dealing with the problem in a very sensible way for all concerned. I do hope you are on the mend.

  23. It just goes to show that pets need as much careful handling as humans....

  24. on a short leash - I would think that would get the message across but then understanding animals is tough.

  25. First introductions can be so awkward. Hopefully, this story will have a happy ending.

  26. Lots could happen. Sounds like it will/could go well.
