
Monday, August 6, 2018

No sacrificial jeans

I lay on the foyer floor of the wellness center, broken shoulder cradling broken thigh. The EMT deftly slipped a pair of scissors into his hand and reached for my jean's cuff.
 "Don't cut," I hissed .
 "Your knee. Your thigh."
 "Don't cut!"

It was not noon, and I spent the next several hours having my broken bones xrayed at that auxiliary emergency room, under the direction of "downtown" . "It's easier this way," and recalling my experiences of being trundled from A to B "downtown," yes it was.

I kept my jeans intact.

About eight in the evening I made the trip to Cleveland Clinic main emergency room. 

Barely in the examination room, the kid whipped out the scissors. 

 "Don't cut!"

No answer. The fabric taughtened.


 " She said not to cut!, " and a lovely woman EMT elbowed Mr. Scissor Hands aside. "We know the value of good jeans!"

Over the butt, good leg, bad leg; jeans folded and sent home with Jan. Probably less noise from me than cutting.


  1. Ouch. I am so glad (and a touch surprised) that someone listened.

  2. Well, at least your jeans are intact. and on the upside, steel rod aside, you didn't pulverize any bone like another friend of mine did when she failed to notice those three steps she fell down. so I'm guessing that fixing your shoulder is out of the question for now.

  3. Hari OM
    Interesting. When I trained in OZ, the rules were made very clear. No cutting of clothing without first asking for and receiving clear permission. It was to be avoided if at all possible. Glad ot hear you were still in a state to defend your denim!!! Attagal Joanne. YAM xx

  4. Oh wow, amazing they listened.

  5. You persisted and you prevailed (with a little help from someone who was listening).

  6. The beauty of being a bit older is that we speak our minds. We know what we want and say so. I'm glad you saved your jeans.

  7. You are a feisty broad, Joanne :) Glad your jeans are intact; I just wish you were too.

  8. Good to save the jeans! You’ve had a rough go of it the last few years Joanne!

  9. "Don't cut, I hissed." Good stuff! You are a power to be reckoned with.

  10. Priorities, right? A good pair of jeans is a difficult find these days, all stretchy fake denim, so , yeah, good on you! I wish your pain away, can wear a good gal down...I lost your email address, please send, Thanks! and be better!

  11. Oh my! Getting the jeans off over those breaks would have me screaming the house down. You are so tough!
    It is nice to have people around who appreciate the value of a great pair of jeans though.
    I haven't worn my jeans in two years and I'm gradually shrinking back to the point where I can now almost get them done up again. I refuse to go up another size.
    I hope you are feeling much more comfortable by now.

  12. Oh dear, sounds awful. Try to keep your spirits up. I am terrified of falling.

  13. I remember when I broke my leg in 2004 and they cut off my best pair of jeans. And my new leather ankle boots!! I should have made them give me a huge dose of morphine and just take them off.....

  14. Oh, man. Had that woman not intervened, you woulda had cut up jeans. :(

  15. I would have thought and said the same thing, especially as it can be hard to find just the right pair of jeans.


  16. Oh, Joanne, so sorry to read of you accident. I wish you heal good and quick. To be able to remember the jeans at such a moment is a sign for a strong will, and that you have, stamina!

  17. Sounds like me at the hairdressers!

    Stay strong, heal well.

  18. Wishing you a speedy recovery. How unfortunate to have broken both your shoulder and your femur. And I do agree about not wanting to ruin a treasured pair of jeans!

  19. Glad you can find a humourous moment, even if it wasn't exactly rib-ticklingly funny at the time.

  20. Now you have something to look forward to upon healing: putting on those jeans yourself and wearing the hell out of them!! -Jenn

  21. Get well soonest. Well done on the battle of the denim. Hope all well aside from your smashing time. Steph

  22. Oh my, be safe and keep that good thought. Glad the jeans got saved.

  23. As a matter of fact, I just bought a pair of perfect jeans and would probably yell the same thing. It’s so hard to find jeans that are just so!

  24. Every women knows how hard it is to find the right jeans. Glad you had an advocate.

  25. stay blessed with faith and positivity dear friend!

  26. Crikey! I'm just catching up with blogs and have been reading all about your latest accident. Very sorry to hear about it but glad you still have a sense of humour. You really must learn to bounce!

  27. "Mr Scissor Hands," LOL! I'm glad the woman EMT smartened him up!

  28. Bravo to that woman EMT. You may be stapled together, but you can wear your staples with your jeans.

  29. Cutting to suit themselves, glad you resisted.
