
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Grossness first, then onward and upward

On the way into therapy a couple  of weeks ago, I ran straight into that damn toe lift problem, and fell straight down on my shoulder. The other one. My foot that couldn't be bothered to lift up broke first; metatarsials three and four, I think. My shoulder broke, of course. I heard the clavicle snap.

In between, I heard my femur break. I now have 8 inches of steel rod in my thigh! The good news is, perhaps both legs are the same length again. The bad news: I'm still in bed.

That's it for now. I'm not tablet savvy yet.


  1. Oh my goodness! You've had a bad time. Please take care and keep us updated on your progress!

  2. Poor you Joanne. I am so sorry. You sure broke a lot of things. Why couldn't it have been the shoulder that needed replacing? Do you walk with a quad cane? You need to. I fall a lot too. Guess it is part of getting older. I am thinking of you and sending out good vibrations. Hope the pain isn't too bad. What a terrible fall. Do you think we just get going to fast to pay attention. We must slow down. Love you.

    1. I guess that is good, because PT here you come! Tell Laura to download the recipes.

  3. Landsakes, Joanne! You are one to never do anything half-way!

    Keep us apprised. This may take some time to heal. You're one tough lady.

  4. Oh dear. Sorry to hear this news Joanne. Take care and mend. xx

  5. OMG Joanne! Who did you piss off? Wish I was there to help.

  6. DAMN! Glad you're being taken care of, but what a drag to be immobilized again. I understand too well the limits of trying to blog with a tablet, but we'd love to hear how you're doing.

  7. Oh Joanne. It sounds awful but you are on the mend by the sound of it too. Speedy recovery and take care.

  8. I reckoned it was something big, I was correct! So sorry for your breaks and pain and bed, which can be a prison or a blessed place to be, sometimes sorry. Dang- when you do something you go big!! Heal well- always in my thoughts, dear Joanne.

  9. I was trying to think of something witty to say, but this is too serious for wit right now. I am so sorry you've been dealt another blow. I hope you have good doctors and good pain meds!! I'm sure Laura is coping fine without you, but concerned nonetheless. Lordy lady, you are made of strong stuff (well, stronger now, I guess what with the steel rod and all). Keep us posted if you can. Thinking of you! -Jenn

  10. I wish i was close and can help.Take care.

  11. Ouch! Sounds horribly painful. Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.

  12. Oh, Joanne. I'm so sorry. Be a good patient, do everything they tell you, and speedy healing, my friend. Hugs.

  13. OMG Joanne......what a horrible thing to have happen. Rest and heal my friend.....we are all thinking of you.

  14. I can't even think of anything witty to say. You have had such a time of it. I hope you heal quickly and that the pain is minimal.

  15. Lots of healing thoughts. Wish I could do more.

  16. That non lifting toe is a real menace. My husband has this so cannot risk walking on his own as a stumble can lead to disaster. I am so very sorry that you have all this trouble and pain...why does it always happen to the good guys?

  17. Heartfelt (very, very gentle) hugs and oceans of caring.

  18. You have more accidents than you justly deserve, Joanne. Please take more car and get fully better soon.

    1. 'care', of course. I have less accidents than I deserve.

  19. I agree with the one who said that you never do anything half way! Wow. Terrible.
    You did not need this on top of everything you have survived. I thought Old Man is like Lego because he has been put back together in so many places. I think you have surpassed him. I know nothing about blogging, but LOVE my iPad. Look forward to hearing more. Thank you for the update, with photos, no less!!
    Dear Joanne.

  20. you don't do things by halves...concentrate on mending well...sending virtual, careful hugs!! xx

  21. I'm sorry this has happened to you. I hope you can find a way to get comfortable with so many areas hurt so you can rest and sleep. May your recovery go smoothly and quickly.

  22. Get well wishes from here, too, Joanne.x

  23. Ow! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  24. Hari OM
    Oh good grief, what are we to do with you? (Said with a wink and sloppy grin and sent with HUGE love and healing vibes.) Let us know more as and when you can. ***MWAH!*** YAM xx

  25. Oh no! Just what you didn't need. It is my sincere and earnest hope that you heal quickly.

  26. Oh bum!!
    Don't be in too much of a rush to be up and about again. Look after yourself and let others look after you, too.

  27. Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear all this. Maybe in the long run it will be of some benefit if your legs are the same length, but I am so sorry all this had to happen. Wishing you powerful healing! Take care! Be Well!

  28. Oh Joanne, so sorry to hear this! Hoping things heal smoothly and quickly!


  29. The upside is that you and Laura managed two beautiful summer vacations before you mutilated yourself again and you kept your head out of this one. Those are impressive sutures.

  30. So very sorry. Rest as directed and heal quickly.

  31. So very sorry to hear of this. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  32. geezus effing christ.
    Ok, as your do to start you on O2 if your sat is under 95%. Even hyperoxigenation aids recovery and healing. Ask your doc, if they haven't, to do a complete bone scan, looking for CA. Second, see if they think it could be Paget's disease. Maybe just osteo age related issues, but figure it out. The Femur break worries me.
    Heading to seattle, getting cath next week. Em surgery maybe the same week, hope not.
    Take care, Joanne. Best of luck.

    1. not 'as', ask, and not 'do' but doc. Sorry....

    2. The best to you and your Em. Onward we go.

    3. 95 this AM. 96 this evening. Not bad for an old ex smoker. Oh, wait. I forgot about the bones.

  33. Sounds horrendous, hope you are mending quickly and life returns to normal soon.

  34. I'm so sorry to hear of this latest fall Joanne, and so many breaks with it! I wish we could wrap you in cottonwool for a while, keep you warm and safe. I do hope the healing and therapy go well and you are soon up and about. Please take it easy once you are back on your feet. As easy as you can anyway, it won't be much fun having to slow down so much I suppose. Sending good, healing wishes your way. How is Laura coping?

  35. Was worried not seeing you round and now this.... I do hope recovery is quick and relatively painless and send my best wishes to such a brave person. X

  36. Oh my Joanne, I too was wondering where you were. I'm so sorry you had another fall. I know we start losing balance around age 60. Do you think maybe it's time for you to use a walker to give more stability when you walk?

  37. Oh good grief! So sorry this has happened to you.

  38. You poor dear. You have been in the wars. Hope you are soon back on your feet and that you are not in too much agony. xx

  39. I am learning to slow down so I don't fall. Wish I had the body of my youth and the wisdom of my elder years!

    Take it easy.

  40. My goodness, how horrid for you. Found you from another blog. I hope you heal fast dear lady and are comfortable and not in too much pain. XXXXX

  41. Joanne, Joanne, Joanne! How horrible. Wishing you quick and thorough healing, comfort and peace while you mend.

    I can't imagine actually hearing your bones as they break!

  42. Oh no! Sending you much love, Joanne!

  43. Sending you good healing thoughts!!

  44. Good gosh! Joanne, that’s plain awful! And here I was feeling sorry for myself when you had so much more to deal with. Sending you lots of healing aloha.

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  46. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Terrible news! I hope you heal as quickly as possible and remain in good spirits!

  47. I was right to be worried about you. I am flat out so sorry. I'll keep you in my thoughts every day.

  48. Oh Joanne, I missed this, I have not been at the computer lately. This is bad for you. I am sure that you will cope with it but I am sorry that you have it to cope with all the same. I hate the idea of hearing one's bones breaking. Ugh! Thinking of you and really hope that you're home soon, and healing.
