
Thursday, August 16, 2018

First day of school

Well, I missed it, but Laura didn't. We're both working on "school" right now. She has physics, art, English, government, ASL, and more she can't recall because the tablet is "configured like a phone, and that's stupid" . Oh well.

She wore her favorite thrift store outfit, and picked up new glasses tonight.

Back at my place of knowledge,  I have been drilled in the proper bath equipment, transfer apparatus, lounging apparatus. 

I keep on smilin, agreeing, demonstrating my ability to transfer from anywhere to anything. My goal to leave is Wednesday. I'm good for an 8 inch step, and just need four in a row, up, to get in my front door.


  1. Oh Joanne. I hope you will be able to go home when that time arrives. Keep studying and doing your homework

  2. Laura is looking lovely.
    Glad to hear you are progressing well, and looking forward (not as much as you are) to hearing you are home.

  3. Looking good (you and Laura❣️)😘Keep moving! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  4. Big steps for you both. Here's hoping you'll sleep in your own bed on Wednesday night!

  5. She looks nice. I'm so glad you will be home soon. I am almost excited!

  6. homework is a drag, but you gotta do it to pass.

  7. Laura is looking radiant and you are sounding ever so eager to get in your front door. Well done Joanne.

  8. Well done, both of you! You'll be home before you know it!

  9. Do your homework girl....we're all cheering for you.

  10. Pulling for you, Joanne. Happy 1st day of school to your Laura. x

  11. Woman, you are a force of nature! I bet the medical people wish all their patients would be so motivated to "do their homework" to get better again.

    Laura looks awesome!

  12. Laura looks so pretty and happy. She will be better, though, when she gets her beloved grandmother home.

  13. an eight inch step , may as well be a mountain! Well done, you!
    Her school work load sounds daunting! Young brains are so good at stuff! My son also took ASL and again in college, loved it- I took one quarter, learned very little but enough to communicate with a stranger at the airport.
    I do hope that you ease up a little, healing takes so much patience!! Wishing you well, thinking of you always.

  14. Wishing Laura a great school year ahead and you'll be able to get home very soon!


  15. I like Laura's outfit, here in Australia high school kids wear uniforms and I actually prefer that, it saves all that "what will I wear today?" bother and no one ribbing anyone else for their clothing choices. I hope Laura has a great year.
    I also hope, very much, that your get out Wednesday plan happens.

  16. Hari OM
    Kids are all back at school over here too... and the summer fading fast. Echoing all good wishes here to you both!!! YAM xx

  17. She's looking good...and doesn't she look like you!! xx

  18. Laura looks so cute in her school outfit.

    You are doing great to be able to do 8 inch steps. It will be wonderful for you when you get to come home on Wednesday. Won't it be great to sleep in your own bed and follow your own schedule.

  19. I hope you reach your goal and get home soon!

  20. Your Laura is adorable. I'm sure she's missing you like crazy. I hope things get back to "normal" for both of you soon.

  21. Laura looks ready for anything. You are ready to take on anything. You make a good team.

  22. Sorry you missed Laura's first day back, but glad Laura didn't. She looks ready to go... and you sound like you're ready to go too (home that is). Hope you make your Wednesday goal... just keep on keepin on!

  23. You must be getting very anxious to move on.

  24. That's a pretty impressive thrift store outfit. Learning sign language is good. I learnt it when I was a kid but I've never used it since so it's now totally forgotten.

  25. Good variety of subjects, though I think it's probably all the other stuff you pick up at school that's really useful.

  26. I expect you'll be home Tuesday then.

    1. Well, my sister and the car will be here Wednesday. The best I can do.

  27. Your girl is beautiful. Keep working hard Joanne. You got this!!
