
Saturday, August 18, 2018

A quest

I know many of the aids by name by now, and not just because they wear name tags. Marianne and I rub along quite well .

She is past efficient when speed is essential, and way laid back when not. I've been late for nothing with her in charge, including those horrid days I was Hoyered out of bed,  screaming in pain because the straps were ill positioned on the nine inches of titanium rod in my thigh. We remain speaking work mates, a lot because I've learned new ways to get out of bed.

I'm champion at side board, and standing and pivoting now. Interestingly, my bare feet can barely tolerate these floors. Shoes are essential to dressing, for me. Flat feet.

Back to Marianne. We have running conversations about her evenings and weekends.

"I have a soccer mom van and no kids, I take care of so many."

After a day off, "Blondie and I took the kids to the zoo today." Blondie is another aid, with inch long, spikes of bleached white hair. Marianne scrolled through zoo pictures of herself pushing a double stroller with one hand and occasionally leading a third child. Blondie was there, with two daughters.

"Well, how was it? Something you'd do again, or maybe not for ten or fifteen years?" 

" It was such a good idea, " said my my little ball of energy. "No repeat!"

When she talks food, I only listen, of course. But this weekend became interesting. She and her boyfriend both have the weekend off. But, it's raining. 

There are two ball games. In the rain? There is the Italian Festival. In the rain? 

I asked if she knew The Holden Arboretum? "Yes, but in the rain?"

" Hard rain? Cold rain? You wrangle kids and old duffers. Your boyfriend is a police officer. You haven't melted. You both have waterproof clothing! "

Marianne was warming. The attraction of the arboretum is the fairly new skywalk, high above the trees, overlooking the valley.

"My former husband has a dedicated bench there. I've never seen it. I understand it's by his favorite pond, though I couldn't find my way back. The one our oldest daughter ran straight into, in her 'walk on water' days. "

"A quest!" said Marianne. "We'll find it, and I'll bring you its picture."


  1. How exciting. I hope Marianne can find the spot to take a photo for you.

  2. It is great when you cnnect with someone like you have with Marianne! Hope you have a good weekend Joanne.

  3. It seems you have made a new friend. Good for both of you.

  4. How lovely. And I am not in the slightest bit surprised that you are still inspiring quests. I do hope this one is successful. (and am remembering my father telling me that my skin was waterproof when I tried to get out of doing things in the rain).

  5. I like the idea of a quest. May she find the grail. :)

  6. Hari OM
    You have a way with motivation, Joanne! YAM xx

  7. It's always good to make new friends, and great that Marianne is one of your aides.

  8. You are such good company, so cheerful under these compromising circumstances- Patients like you are rare, I am guessing!

  9. You never know who you're going to meet and get along with.

  10. I'd love to try the skywalk.

    Once you've been in hospital for more than a week, the personnel become more . . . personal. If you're in long enough, some of them become like a second family. And they like the ones who give back, as you are doing.

  11. One of the best parts of working in the orthopedics side of wing of the hospital is making friends with patients because they were there for a longer time. Enjoy.

  12. I am glad you found a friend during your stay. Nurses are angels.

    My RM has spent too much time in hospitals. When things got bad, it was the nurses that I could talk to, it was nurses that held our hands, it was nurses that cared.

  13. I do hope Marianne manages to find the pond and seat. I love the tshirt she is wearing, such wonderful colours!
    Good to hear you are managing to move about more.

  14. Marianne does look like a jolly sort. Good luck to her on the quest!

  15. Sounds good, Joanne - and making plans (even at the moment for other people) is fine! Hope you show us the photo!

  16. Let us know if she is successful in her quest.


    1. Of course. I appreciate that she keeps me connected to a real world, even if only in evented for me.

  17. You seem to get into the hearts of people wherever you are.

  18. Nice to know you've got a fan club there.

  19. Might as well make the best of your stay there, and making new friends is indeed a bonus❣️Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  20. You sound so much more vital.

  21. Nothing as good as having the right person there to help out...:)

  22. I'm glad you had a good helper!

  23. I wouldn't go sight-seeing in the rain. I hate rain. It would spoil all the fun.
