
Friday, August 24, 2018

All the news

Wednesday evening my sister brought me home. Here's what one month of unfinished business looks like. It would be worse, except Laura brought me all the mail she got, and we put our junk in Regina's trash and I paid bills on my cell phone.

Took me one day to get down to the desk pad. That was Thursday. I finished much off today, after an appointment with the young kid doctor who put the titanium rod in my leg.

He gave me a copy of the x-ray. I tried to scan it, but once again my HP Office Jet Pro is convinced it is not associated with my Dell Windows 10. So just let me report, a 9 nine inch long titanium spike, with 8 screws through it. Dr. Wilkie showed me the line that is mending, four weeks later. I can only see a separation where the break started, at the knee.

He asked how my recovery was coming, and I said save for the effing knees, not bad. Based on year old x-rays of my knees, for which he recommended replacements and I turned him down, he injected my uninjured knee with cortisone. I prompted a shot for the right knee, too. He grinned. "I don't think so. You'd take advantage."

My very oldest granddaughter stopped by tonight. Bekka is twenty five, and welds for an aerospace company. The hair cut is brand spanking new. Her mother doesn't even know, let alone seen it.

And speaking of haircuts, the final picture of me with an extra month's growth. Melanie says she'll "see what I can do with it," and I said "Cut it off!" "We'll see," said a very pleased Mel.

So, that's all the whining for a while. Work to do. We have lot's of post cards to address to registered voters who skipped the last election. Get out and vote. Go to the polls in November. If you don't vote, you don't count!


  1. Glad to hear you're home again! Life is always better at home than in any hospital.

  2. so glad you are home! your one month of unattended to business looks like my desktop all the time! the young kid doctor doesn't think he could outrun you?

    1. Well remember, he was the one in charge of the needle. He did acknowledge I was a toughie. Spend much of your life on your own payroll and that's the probable outcome.

  3. Bekka looks very happy. Glad you are home and back at it.

  4. Yay! Glad you’re home and settled in Joanne.

  5. Hari Om
    Apart from the long hair and state of desk, it's like you never left. The girls look happy and you are back on track with whipping up the world. The world is turning in the proper direction! YAM xx

  6. The beat goes on and you don’t miss any of them. Glad you are home, Joanne.

    1. Well, I did watch them plead guilty, be convicted, plea bargain or be granted immunity, one by one. I figure we're three more outs and done. August is historically bad for presidents.

  7. Love the grins of your granddaughters. Glad you are home.

  8. Looking good, your doctor's right, another shot and you'd have been running the streets.

  9. Had to go back and read. Well, you make my woes seem trivial! You are one tough lady!

  10. Glad to hear you are home again! Continue healing! Better days are coming.

  11. I'm glad you are home. There is really no place like home. Now, listen to the doctors and don't over do! You have some very nice look granddaughters!!

  12. Home is the best place to mend! Glad you are able to be back there among the familiar.


  13. Thrilled that you are home again.
    And smiling that the kid doctor has your measure.

  14. My doctor looks about 12 years old. By the time he's out of Jr. Hi school, he'll be a marvel. I'm just glad he knew whom to send me this summer so I could enjoy autumn. Been home 2 weeks, therefore qualified to welcome you back to your home. All my best wishes to you.

  15. Remarkable progress, so pleased you are mending, or should that say have been repaired. Keep on the way you are,

  16. Cut it off? Why? It's so pretty :)
    I'm glad to hear you are home now and getting stuffs under control again.

  17. You've been through much, but it must feel good to be home.

  18. So happy for you. Autumn should do the trick. No place like home.

  19. I'm glad you're back raising Hell.

  20. You look great, and I am glad the break is healing. Yup, also super glad you are getting so much good done.

  21. I have no qualms that you will have everything organized and running smoothly again very soon now that you are back home and Laura is there to help. You are definitely one tough cookie... but do be careful. You need to allow yourself to heal.

  22. You sound to be getting some of your usual vim and vigour back - going great guns. Best wishes for the next stage in your recovery.

  23. Good to know you are home, don't work too hard. I bet Toby was pleased to see you.

    1. He has reservations about the wheel chair. He has yet to sleep in it, and that is usually his first move to claim.

  24. There's no keeping you down! You are an inspiration. I can't believe your elections are starting again. Our election process is probably too quick...a few weeks. But I think we end up with the same people we would if it went on for years.

  25. Well Joanne, you certainly have "hit the ground running"! You are one amazing chick!

  26. You'd take advantage? And what is wrong with taking advantage?

  27. Can we help? I can send you stamps. My husband is American but lives in Ontario. He votes in Washington state as that was the only state he voted in before immigrating to Canada. I think you are fabulous.

  28. You are really something! I am ashamed to say that I would be so wrapped up in myself that I would not be thinking about getting out the vote. No wonder you fill me with awe.

  29. Pleased that you are back at home, one tough customer, you! Do take it easy, try to, I know that is not your style but , you know, healing takes a bloody long time. You really are such a good sport, I could learn a thing or two from you!

  30. When you're back you get right down to business don't you?

  31. Excellent news on all fronts. Your doctor is just trying to keep you from going hiking or bungee jumping or something of the sort, I am sure.

  32. Good to see your girls flanking you! And, huzzah for being home!
