
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Praying mantis, peach crumble and perfect tie on

On Saturday Laura tackled (ahem) four weeks of weeding. I kept her company. The plants keep filling in. We have a praying mantis in the sedum, and a cone flower as tall as Laura's wire flower.

My sister stopped to offer fresh peaches! Just the smell is divine. Laura made her google version of a cobbler last summer, but this year I held out for a crumble. It was a tough sell, but now she is a convert, and announced she could settle just for a pan of the crunchy stuff, with ice cream!

My bowl full, with three scoops of good vanilla ice cream!

I spent the entire weekend tying the new warp to the old. All 440 ends! In the old days, it was 800 to 1,000 ends for a new run of fabric. I should be grateful for towels, not shirts.

Tiring business, and it put me to sleep a few times. I understand how cats can just zonk. It has to do with blurry eyes, tired fingers and aching shoulders.

But now it's all tied, new to old, and tomorrow I'll get it pulled through and tied to the breast beam. Laura admired it for a second, and asked "You pull it all through at once?" Yes, I do.


  1. How wonderful your sister gave you peaches. I love them. I'm only buying a few here and there this past few weeks and they make a lovely snack. I missed my chance to buy a box last week's sales at the local supermarket. It's great to see you at home again and getting back into household routines.

  2. Peaches and ice cream , oh yes please. Your doctor probably ought to have put you to sleep for a couple of months. What a get up and go human being you are. I suppose you have always had energy to burn.Must have been a child on fire!!!

  3. I'm with Laura on the crumble top and ice cream.

  4. It is good to see you are getting back to your life again, Joanne. Naps are always welcome here!

  5. Laura's peach crumble looks so good. I can almost taste it.

  6. The garden looks luxurious. And you look good sitting at the loom again! Do follow your cat's advice, though.

  7. Love the photo of you snoozin' with the kitty!

  8. Fresh peach crumble? Bliss. Naps? Also bliss.
    I am loving your garden, and impressed (as always) at your fortitude.

  9. Good to see you back doing things. You are a force.

    I would always choose crumble.

  10. Yum with that peach crumb! Good to see you are back at the loom for a bit!


  11. I'm glad that Toby allowed you to share - almost forgiven! Enjoy those restorative cat naps, and put me down for a portion of peach crumble.

  12. The cat nap and peach crumble cure are perfect. I liked the preying mantis that was camouflaging itself pinkish to match the plant it was sitting on.

  13. Sorry, I meant to type praying mantis. Realized what I had done as soon as I hit the publish button.

  14. Some people chose wives here on the quality of their crumbles.

  15. This is just peachy. Enjoy both your pie and your weaving.

  16. Hari Om
    Oh my... now I am drooling... any kinda crumble - but with custard for me; it's cold here and the warm stuff is required! So wonderful to see you at the look Joanne; one thread at a time (or all...) YAM xx

  17. You are amazing. Crumble looks spectacular.

  18. Wait a minutes, weren't you the woman in a sling just a couple of weeks ago?? You amaze me! (Are those the jeans they were going to cut off you?) I have a basket of peaches on my counter... you may have inspired me. -Jenn

    1. $49.95, still intact!
      I showed her how to drop them in boiling water and cold water to slip the skins. She thinks all this stuff is on google, and it probably is, but grandmas don't need to look for it.

    2. I wish I had my grandma to show me things but I was very little when she passed

  19. Is I were as slim as you, I could blissfully eat that big bowl of peach crumble and ice cream. As it is . . .

  20. No place like home. That mantis was camouflaged in that beautiful sedum. I would prefer the crumble too. So glad you are home.

    1. Oh, and I bought my soon to be eleven year old Bella two cookbooks yesterday for her birthday. She loves to cook.

  21. Fresh peaches! Heaven! Fresh Peach Crumble! More Heaven! I do love seeing your garden and admire your tenacity with the loom.

  22. So good to see you at home working again. Peach anything would be great.

  23. So good to see you back at your 'post' in front of the loom. No wonder you wanted to save those jeans.

  24. glad to see you back at it. I was surprised, no casts? peaches are out of season here and I no longer do the grocery shopping so don't know what's on offer at the store. I won't buy California peaches, too mealy, but I will buy Georgia peaches.

  25. Glad you had a rest afterwards. That cat looks to me as though he does nothing but rest!

  26. Talking of vanilla ice cream, I read today that a lot of vanilla ice cream in Britain contains neither vanilla, cream or fresh milk - the three traditional ingredients. I hope your ice cream was the genuine article!

  27. Gosh, both the weaving and the garden are delightful. So glad you have the energy to tackle all that plus three scoops of vanilla. I wish you could send that all out here. Hugs.

  28. I remember when you first moved there and your plants were babies. How lovely now.
    Fresh peaches, peach crumble!

    Good to see you at the loom.

  29. just catching up with you all..glad to see you out,on the mend and busy!
    Peaches...very nice, however you eat them! Have you tried crumble topping using half rolled oats and half flour?

  30. My dads Aunt had a loom that looked like that once long ago. The family saved rags for her and she made among other things "rag rugs". I still have mine which I used in kindergarten to get me through nap time. I still have it these many decades later....:)

  31. Your garden is looking wonderful. The praying mantis must think so too.

    Crumble anything is delicious! Laura is quite the cook and baker.

  32. It is great to see you hard at work again!

  33. Congratulations on your "escape"! It must be lovely to be able to choose what you're going to do again, and when.

  34. Mmmmm...crumble. Taking a cat nap with the cat would def be in order.

  35. Those alien-looking bugs are so interesting. My wife found one in our backyard a few years ago.
