
Monday, June 11, 2018

Learning curve

For a year I've had an unused Amazon fire. I saw blogger will take pictures from my phone, and I can access my blog on this device, so I put it in my suit case.

After breakfast this morning I came out on the deck to watch the birds, the lagoon, that trees, Spanish moss. I took lots of pictures. And Amazon only sees the pictures from Ohio. No idea where it lost South Carolina!

So, back to birsa, breeze and sunshine. I'm close to a nap.


  1. Hari OM
    Ether mysteries. Luv em. Not. YAM xx

  2. Love your expression 'close to a nap' Joanne - that is me after lunch every day.

  3. I have problems with all technology. I sympathize.

  4. I wish i could help, sometimes i have the same problems here.

  5. Naps are my favorite thing about retirement...

  6. Napping is something I am an expert at!

  7. Enjoy your nap.
    Technology (and my inadequacies) do my head in. Often.

  8. The technology baffles me, the nap, not so much!

  9. I don't even know what an Amazon fire is so I can't help you. and I thought I would blog from my phone while on vacation but then I learned I had to download something or other to enable it to post those pictures from my phone and blew it off.

  10. Google is holding about 1000 of my photos to ransom. I don't even use Cloud. I hate the bastards.

  11. I run into quite a few mystery with the web. But I'm middle age
    Coffee is on

  12. Well enjoy your time anyway in South Carolina!


  13. Another one with no idea what an Amazon fire is. You will tell us won't you :)
    Enjoy your time away.

  14. Amazon Fire? Is that some sort of e-reader Like Kindle Fire, available via Amazon? I know you can access the internet on them, although I don't on mine, for me it's just a means of carrying many books without extra weight.

  15. It looks as if you have solved the problem.

  16. The Amazon Fire flummoxed me, too ( more and more things do these days.
    That looks like the perfect spot to relax, especially if someone else is doing the cooking and you've just got to turn up with an appetite.
