
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Summer plans

A quick tour of our little garden. It's looking good. The pictures are mostly of the northern end, which gets more sunshine and is blooming. The southern end has lots of buds, but no blossoms yet, except Aunt Laura's iris, which are done.

The little bed of hot pinks defy color identification. Magenta? Fuscia?  The scarlet to the right is this year's hollyhock. Past that is the nicely rusting lawn bench, and Stella de Oro is growing nicely through.

One of my favorite things in the garden is the rate the wooly thyme is covering the ground. Here behind the bench it's even begun to grow over my flat stone engraved 'Blarney Stone'.

I bought a Canterbury Bell, to help fill in the north end of the garden. The two butterfly bushes behind are close to opening their yellow buds. Away down, the south end is packed with more plants than I remember names for. The sedum blossoms are set, and two different bushes with blue flowers are getting ready to bloom.

Back up at the house, pig now has a pot of gerbera daisies. All's well with his world.

I think we have summer filled in pretty well. Sunday we're going for a week to the Charleston, South Carolina area, to visit my BFF, Carol. 

In July we'll spend almost two weeks in Wisconsin, and take in some sights. Most importantly, I've arranged a tour of Taliesen. All my reading was that it's stiff walking and all the tours are in the neighborhood of four hours. I'd be left in the dust in ten minutes. I considered sending Laura and Ann, and waiting in the tea room, and then thought, Call Them! Great inspiration; For three week's advance notice, they will make a handicap accessible tour of any regular tour, for no extra cost. Beyond wonderful.

Laura and I will take the Wisconsin Dells boat tour of the river around the bluffs. We will go to Dr. Evermor's Park, built of junk, and Cedarburg, for sure. And some other destinations. That is July, and plenty of time to plan.

I have been weaving, and coming to grips with the fact I must do something about my bone on bone left shoulder. Of course, first I needed a plan, a strategy. I have it! I will see the young whippersnapper surgeon the orthopedic fellow who set my shoulder recommended.  Actually, I was never in doubt about who, only if.

I cannot weave much longer, and don't know about the length of rehab, and all those sorts of things that bother me so. But now I have it!. All the orange thread is woven; I've begun the garnet, and have some more colors staged out. I'll see the surgeon when we come back from Wisconsin in July, and get down to business.

By then I will have three or four sets of colors done, and can spend my "recuperation" getting them hemmed. Always need a plan!


  1. LOVE your plans. And fortitude. And garden.

  2. Your vacation plans sound like fun! And yes, you are definitely a planner, aren't you!

  3. Your garden and your plans seems spot on.

  4. If you're going to the Wisconsin Dells, stop in at the International Crane Foundation. They're involved in conservation of cranes - you can see all 15 of the world's species there - and it's only a few minutes from the Dells. You're so close, it'd be a shame not to stop by and see them.

  5. The garden is looking good. I always love colour in the garden. The trips to Charleston and points in Wisconsin sound wonderful and I look forward to seeing your photos. I need to try and get away too. I'm glad you have a plan worked out for weaving. I'd love to see more of your work :-)

  6. Google tells me magenta and fuchsia are the same thing, so yes, that's what those lovely little flowers are :)

    I wish I were more of a planner; I might get more done. I need a heapin' helpin' of energy to go with it, though.

  7. The garden is so pretty. You mentioning hollyhocks reminded me of the flower dolls we made using hollyhocks. We would pick one flower and one bud. The stem on the bud would be stuck into the back bottom of the flower. Turn the flower over and there was a pretty doll who would float on water to dance and dance.

  8. I think it sounds like a fun summer, minus the shoulder problems. Garden looks lovely!


  9. These plans sound wonderful! Anticipation is so exciting.

  10. I can't believe how busy, busy, busy your summer sounds. I'm more of a sloth type when it's too hot to do anything but lie around and again in winter when it's too cold, well, our version of cold anyway. I hope you get all the weaving done without too much shoulder pain. Your garden is looking very good.

  11. Hari OM
    I can feel those plans coming together! WTG Joanne and Laura; the trips sound fabulous and I hope you get lots of lovely surprises from them too. The 'shoulder' organising seems about right too - may it go accordingly! YAM xx

  12. I agree, a plan is always needed. I know you will enjoy Charleston, it is a great city with much to see and do. The tours there are great.

  13. You young whippersnapper. I don't know how you do it all. Can't wait to see the towels and hear about the travels. Sounds like a good summer is shaping up.

  14. if something can be done for the shoulder then you should do it even though rehab, of which you have enormous amounts of, is a pain in the, well, wherever. summer plans sound great. my plan is to get some new work done if Rocky ever finishes up here. can't wait to see the towels. I am on the list, right?

  15. since retiring I do much less planning

  16. It's all fascinating, you've organised it beautifully. And still lots of colours to try out ...

  17. Thinking ahead...that's how we get along.

  18. Pig looks good in orange. Have a great trip.

  19. Way to plan!! I am hoping for good weather in which to heal, important to be warm! Aunt Laura's Iris is a great title for just about any literature! Poem short story novel ...something else to do while you heal. Good job on the loom prep! So impressive and awe inspiring!

  20. Things always look better when one has a plan...

  21. I plan all the time they don't always work out but I do try.

  22. I love the way your garden is developing Joanne. I too am wrestling with a new garden and it is fun to see it developing. At present there are lots of gaps but I suspect that by next year there wont be a single one.
    Love the sound of your planned holiday - good idea to look into that - I can't walk far either so it gives me an idea too.

  23. The garden is coming along well, I specially like the gerbera, so cheerful! And the holiday plans are also a reason for cheer. Orange weaving sounds good too. Upbeat all the way.

  24. Have a great vacation and best of luck with the shoulder. I had surgery on mine it which was easy and came home the next day. The rehab was also easy but took for ever and was a real test of my lack of patience...:)

  25. Oh what a great vacations you'll have good for you calling ahead, I remember when I couldn't walk far and I got a wheelchair at a zoo and I was glad I did; looking forward to hearing about Charleston trip. I love how your garden is progressing, have you ever seen wooly yarrow, another great one to cover. I love herbs they are so carefree to grow.

  26. Yes, you seem to have everything well planned out. Good luck with the surgeon.

  27. Plans are wonderful. Glad the young whippersnappe seems to be a good un. What a magic vacation. Please take gobs and gobs of pictures. Thank you,.

  28. Whippersnappers! Many times I have wanted to card these young doctors to make sure they are old enough to be out of college. Have a wonderful trip. Wear comfortable shoes.

  29. Your garden looks very nice, indeed!

  30. Your garden is gorgeous and I love your bird bath.
