
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

From the deck

Composing and editing on a screen in my lap is daunting! I have not been in South Carolina since I was a teen, and we know how long ago that was.

Carol and Frank live on a lake.

I liked the gold center of this leaf.

Back to the lake, there is an osprey nest on top of the pole, and turtles sunning on the "dock" attached.

No grass to mow!

More lake.

Laura leaving to swim in the ocean.

A restaurant on the ocean for supper.

Enough arguing with formatting. Off to Charleston.


  1. South Carolina is a great place to visit and I am sure you will fall in love with Charleston with all its history and friendly people.

  2. Hari OM
    I admire you for attempting posting on the go!!! glad to see the results too. YAM xx

  3. What a lovely place.....and, I thought you were STILL a teenager.

  4. Beautiful shots never have I been to southern states, but your photos do look enticing.

  5. Have a great time; it looks like a wonderful place. Enjoy your supper.

  6. Fantastic views. Have a good rest!

  7. Looks like you're enjoying your summer... so wonderful that you and Laura get to make these memories.

  8. Such a pretty place to visit! Enjoy!


  9. I'm waving at you from over here in Georgia.

  10. You're having a good time!
    I put my laptop on a table in front of me,and raise it to the required level with a box or something similar...saves the neck muscles

  11. Carol and Frank live the good life.

  12. You chose a wonderful part of the country for your vacation. And peaceful too.

  13. Looks like a beautiful place.

  14. Enjoy every moment. You’re off to a good start by the look of it, Joanne.

  15. It all looks pretty good to me - enjoy it all Joanne.

  16. Nice pics. I think people are smart today by not trying to clear land to put in grass that doesn't grow well in the location

  17. Those lake views are gorgeous, imagine waking up to that every single day :)
    I hope the ocean wasn't too cold for Laura. I know you have summer there now, but it always takes time for the water to warm up even a little bit after a hard winter, or even our milder winters.

  18. It looks like a truly lovely restorative area.

  19. Looks like a beautiful place! I have always wanted to go.

  20. What a beautiful place to visit!

  21. Ooooh, summertime does make me think: Get to a lake!!!

    Camping, after many years of not doing a stitch of it, could be on the cards this summer.

  22. lovely reminds me of Florida, are there gators ?

  23. Can't wait to hear about Charleston. Always wanted to go there.

  24. vacation! looks gorgeous. I always wondered why I ended up here in the middle of flat agricultural land when I love the woods and water so much. except I also love sun for flowers and gardens. and then, my sister was here.

  25. Enjoy! I hope you had a chance to eat some South Carolina BBQ. Their style of BBQ sauce is my favorite.

  26. Dear Joanne, looks like you and Laura are enjoying your vacation. When I lived in Minnesota--for 38 years--I used to go up north and camp by Lake Superior with a friend. I'd lie in my sleeping bag at night and listen to the waves hit the boulders on shore. I love water and to vacation by a lake or by the ocean would be, I think, nirvana! Peace.

  27. Sounds that you are having a wonderful time at the beautiful place:)

  28. I love your posts. Sometimes I don't even read them all to the end, I just connect with you. I am a very introverted reader and I connect with you politically and intellectually and you are my voice in the political world, I am so proud of your loving and giving role in the life of your grandchildren. You are a real hero to me.
