
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Home again, home again

 How nice the garden looks.

Laura cleaning her souvenirs. 
The entire haul came home in her backpack.
Hard to believe it was not confiscated for smell and put off the plane.

I stepped around to photograph the haul from two trips to the beach.
But I'll also point out, shells are drying on a thirty year old towel.

Time to unpack!


  1. The garden is looking great - and that is an impressive haul.
    One of your towels? A thirty year life is excellent.

  2. I certainly understand. One summer vacation our two teenage sons hid a starfish in the trunk thinking to bring it back to Minnesota from Vancouver Island. Needless to say the bad smell revealed all and it required burying in Montana....

  3. Welcome home! I trust you had a nice vacation. The garden is looking lovely and so are the souvenirs. It's hard to believe your towel is 30 years old.

  4. Laura found some great looking shells!


  5. I love beach combing. I love to travel but love getting back home, your garden is looking great.

  6. Shells like those look very nice piled into a clear fat vase (often found in thrift stores) . . .

    I love finding what the ocean washes up. That's my choice of souvenir, too.

    Glad you had a safer trip this year, Joanne.

  7. Hari om
    Shells are among the best souvenirs for they instntly put us back where we found them... I have a collection!!! Glad you are safe home. YAM XX

  8. Nice to be back? I need to do some beach combing soon.

  9. What a lovely haul of pretty shells! Good to be home again? I always like to get home, no matter how much I've enjoyed being away.

  10. Its a relief to come home and see that the garden has been looking after itself!
    Laura has a lovely haul of shells...fascinating shapes and colours

  11. Beautiful shells,make me want to go the beach .

  12. Such a beautiful collection of shells. Great reminders of a lovely vacation.

  13. Oh Joanne. What a nice trip for you both. 30 year old towel? They barely last a year here. It's good to be home. Did someone water for you. I have to nearly every day as it is HOT!

  14. she's got a nice stash of shells, even if they were stinky! LOL

  15. that's quite a haul. and yes the garden looks great but no sitting on the bench!

  16. She did well with the shells, they look great. As does the towel.

  17. I used to bring it all home too. She is certainly having fun .

  18. souvenirs from the sea do tend to smell

  19. How wonderful that she found all of those shells. In all my years of beach visiting I have never found a sand dollar!!

  20. I left a comment but don't see it. Anyway I like to collect rocks and shells too. There is so much you can do with them.

  21. Shells and beach glass! It's always surprising there's any left after the summer.
