
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Who remembers?

We went to the site the driving school uses for practicing "maneuverability". In my day it was parallel parking. I taught both my daughters to parallel park. My sister taught them to drive. The local driving school taught Laura to drive.

Here we are lined up and ready to maneuver the automobile.

I glanced over, had a flash back to instilling "hand over hand, slide through, accelerate!" to counteract her innate inclination to exit a turn in the same way she entered it. "You can't do that with your hands!" flew out of my mouth.

"Oh, no! This is how not to overturn the wheel."

So, I zipped my lip. With apologies, Dad. Apparently straight wheels and the top and bottom of the steering wheel are no longer taught. As she reversed through the course, Laura did intone the cone that was her guide. Grandma, she didn't say nuthin'.

Modern driver's ed, like modern math, seems to be working. The driver executed the course three times, flawlessly. I was waiting.

There was a turkey vulture using up the wind currents over the parking lot. I could barely keep it in the screen, let alone pull it in. I had this one shot, way off.

As we left, I saw the vulture on the fence rail, behind the tree on the left, in the drive across the road. "Just creep up into that drive," I instructed, and the driver did. I got off one more shot!


  1. Well done, Laura.

    I’ve never seen a turkey vulture! Until now!

  2. I failed my first driving test because I couldn't parallel park. I waited about 8 years to take it again in a state that didn't require parallel parking. So congratulations to Laura.

  3. Hari OM
    Yup, we were definitely taught never to have the arms cross each other...'feed the wheel'... but then again, that's with stick shift; manouvering automatics may be somewhat different..? No matter - the smile says it all! Great second shot at the burrd, too. YAM xx

  4. Congrats on navigating that course successfully Laura....

  5. everything changes. the important thing is, Laura can parallel park although I can't remember when was the last time I had to do that living out here in the country. I think I can still do it in one go.

  6. She looks so happy. Well done!

  7. The worst part of parallel parking is when the traffic behind you doesn't stop far enough back to allow it to happen!!

    Well done, Laura. Very competent!

  8. That is the biggest smile ever. Hooray for Laura. Great shot of yhe turkey vulture. They have begun showing up here. That means spring is on it's way. I hope.

  9. Parallel parking is tough and many drivers do not do it well. Way to go, Laura!

  10. Well done Laura! and great capture of the bird Joanne :)

  11. River said it for me. Consider me her echo.

  12. I still don't know how to make parallel parking, and i drive a lot for many many years.

  13. She resisted the 'thumbs up' whilst driving. That would have been a fail!

  14. Old way or new way, I still cannot parallel park. That girl has a lot of skills!

  15. I was so nervous taking my driver's exam. My new truck parallel parks, but I don't have a clue how to engage that. Luckily, I never have to parallel park. Must be a downtown thing.

  16. My dad taught me to drive. We drove through City Park in New Orleans. There's lots of roads inside the park going every which way... and little traffic. It was fun (especially when I would accelerate over the little stone bridges!) But good for Laura. Sounds like she's got it made.

  17. I suspect that if I took my driving test again today, I'd probably fail miserably. I think I'm a fairly good driver (I've never had a serious accident) but I imagine driving is taught very differently nowadays and some of the techniques I acquired as a teenager may very well be frowned on today. Would I make the grade on manoeuvrability, I wonder?

  18. good job to both of you. I was much better at parallel parking years ago. If you don't need to do it much your ability lessens. As the new cars begin to drive themselves more and more, a selling point for an old car will be - does not drive itself.

  19. Hey, her driving is quite good. Keep it up.

  20. She seems well trained. For my part, // parking is still problematic, especially in a SUV.

  21. Ah, the back seat driver. I know that feeling! She seems pretty cheerful in the photo though! :)

  22. Ouch, we were taught not to cross our arms when driving. At least both hands are on the steering wheel.
