
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Approaching spring slowly

In other years I think I would have elbowed my way into local greenhouses, looking for the Mandevillas by this time.

All that's happened out front is reasonably serious tidying up.

A check on the green stuff. I do hope this is Solomon's Seal, but I did see it up at the old house and know where to get more!

Lot's of colchium. A lovely stand of paper narcissus in the front. Anemones starting up all around. 

We stopped at the garden supply across the road last night and laid in mulch, and stones for a project. We got four bags of mid sized Pocono stones to line the ditch the excess rainwater chose from the downspout to the road.

Laura hopes for more variety of tone when the mud washes off. I smile at future archaeologists cursing us for moving stones and rocks all over this country to satisfy our decorating purposes. 

Our Texas totem is behind the bench. Windy, windy day; after two beautiful spring days, rain is on the way.

The view from above, with the stone watercourse to the road finished.

Solar windchime, from Texas too. The wind threatened to demolish it, so it has taken refuge in Laura's window.

A birdhouse in the pear tree. I am sure a sparrow will lay claim as soon as possible. Since the sparrows have been evicted from Mr. Next Door's kitchen vent, this sparrow may knock on my door and thank me.

Done for the day!

It's raining.

Stuffed peppers for supper.


  1. Another busy and successful day.
    We are in plant for spring mode here. And will be putting in well over 100 anenomies. And I think of you as I plant them.

  2. Hari OM
    Yummy... and well done on the garden spruce-up; love that river of pebbles! YAM xx

  3. What a good feeling to accomplish all that and just in time before the rain!

  4. Such a productive day! And a wonderful supper. It warms my heart to see you two working together!

  5. So glad you were able to make at least some progress on your garden. As for me, all I've done is think about it. I do see my Solomon's Seal (SS) growing quite tall already though.

  6. Laura's in shorts! It must definitely be Spring in your neck of the woods. I'm looking forward to plants coming up as well. -Jenn

  7. timely rain! far better than watering...and further north they have yet more snow

  8. You accomplished a lot today.

  9. No spring here yet as five inches of snow forecast for tonight.

  10. Oh, what a delightful day spent with you two. Thanks.

  11. We have snow now, and there's freezing rain a'comin.

  12. Stuffed peppers sound good. Wish it was warm enough here for shorts and a tank top.

  13. Your garden will be lovely when everything blooms again. I like the birdhouses and wind chimes. I need to get more wind chimes myself. The pebbles for the water run-off are a great idea. And there's Laura cooking dinner, I bet it was delicious.

  14. Laura is getting so good at a lot of things, your garden will be so pretty.

  15. Lol on the moving of rocks, stones and boulders to satisfy the whims of landscape gardeners and give future geologists the pleasure of a little head scratching.
    It's good to see movement from down below the ground - I will admit to getting excited at seeing the new green tips of bulbs poking out of the soil. Enjoy Spring!

  16. How can you live with a wind chime? I would have left it up in the hurricane.

  17. Spring is about as believable as unicorns or elves at the moment. On the other hand, stuffed peppers are achievable and sound like a very good idea.

  18. Spring may be starting slowly where you are but here, it's hiding out...I think we will be going straight from winter to summer. laura looks so very much like you.

  19. nice to see spring finally got a foothold there. that's a great idea, lining the drainage path with stones. looking forward to things blooming in the next pics.
