
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Windows 10 and data in Russia

Jim installed my new computer just last Tuesday, and I mastered enough of it by Wednesday to be comfortable. The truth is, like all the upgrades I’ve ever used, hoopla exceeded fact.

I even found a new checkbook program, paid fifteen dollars for it. I’ve checked it out and it’s more than adequate. I’ve put nothing in it so far.

It was Jim who boosted me to Google, years ago. “It’s the future, yada yada.” Whatever was my starter package, that’s what he encountered last Tuesday. I was chastised for not being “synched”. I do know synching; if I put something on my computer’s Google calendar, the event “synchs” to the other copy of the calendar I have, on my phone.

Everything but photos were backed up, ready to reinstall. I ran out of flash drives before I finished them, never made it to Staples, and would just rely on Jim to produce a spare drive and put all my photos on. “We’ll put them in the cloud,” he said.

And to the cloud they went. The cloud notified me I would run out of data in the near future, so for $15.99 I have enough cloud for the rest of my life. Jim “synched” my pictures, transferred my data, showed me how to turn the puppy off and on.

All my sister and I did the twenty years in business together, we did not master computers. Jim was our systems expert.  We acquired him about the time Toby came on board, and I have a mental image of Jim in Jan’s chair, transferring files, with the kitten in his lap. Toby, who has grown into the coward of the county, squeezed himself from his hiding spot behind my desk, and supervised Windows 10 from the arm of the desk chair.

Scrolling through my files later in the afternoon, I found a picture from the short resurrection of my weaving career a few years ago. Not well focused, but any weaver knows what to do from this draw down. It’s the mother of all towels, my Shaker Towel.

I did not have enough thumb drive memory to back up photos because I realized that ruthless as I’d been culling photos, any one I’d edited was still saved in the Microsoft photo editing program, which is no longer supported. I still need to find a new, simple photo editor.

I already forwarded the picture to Richard, the fellow who wove towels I sent to Charles a couple of years ago. Dear Charles, who let the “big towel fish” get away. Before I email him, I’ll drop around the Art Academy and see if I can rent a four harness loom for a month or so.  I’d even use a jack loom.


  1. I am yet to make the leap to Windows 10. Or the Cloud.
    Like Toby I am a coward. And a wimp.

  2. Replies
    1. Picasa has a lot of my photos. I didn't sign up for that, didn't request it, they were just taken there and I found out later when they informed me I was running out of space and needed to buy more. I didn't and no more was heard or said, but I think they've still got a whole bunch of my photos.

    2. Blogger automatically uploads photos on your blog to Picasa.

    3. Yes, don't panic. You haven't lost them.

  3. Love the pic of the cat... is he being held? flying? Seems to be in mid air! Such a handsome fella!

  4. I don't know what synch is or what cloud is suppose to do. Each camera has an editing program, with Microsoft and Irfanview, plus memory sticks, my brain and photo storage is covered.

  5. I use the cloud for photos but lost some last year. Now I back everything up besides using a cloud

  6. aren't you an accomplished tech savy sister! I have had my MAC for six years and still just use my PC because I am so daft!

  7. I leave all of that stuff to my son. I am a dummy for computers!

  8. All my blogging photos are on Picasa, automatically.
    I'm on Linux/Ubuntu..."shareware", so its free.
    No way am I tech savvy,but it helped to have a computer geek in the family. Not so easy now he is four hours travel away.

  9. I am too scared to use any Cloud, for many reasons.

  10. I haven't put anything in the Cloud and I don't want to, I'm not at all sure about the safety of it and whether or not I'll ever be able to retrieve anything from it. I think you are far more tech competent than I am.
    I also think you are going to have enormous fun doing a little weaving again.

  11. It would be quite a project to backup using flash drives, but I have done it in the distant past. I couldn't do it today.

  12. Dear Joanne, I am so inept at technology that reading his posting was like trying to read a letter in Greek! I simply don't have the vocabulary or the understanding to know what technology terms and procedures mean. I don't even know what "the cloud" is! But oh, I admire you. You have such fortitude and such a will to learn that you inspire me. Peace.

  13. If I'm on the cloud I don't know it. Ignorance is bliss.

  14. You are so techy Joanne. I don't even know anything. If the phone and computers do it automatically, that's fine with me.

  15. I'm staying out of the cloud. I ran out of space on my phone in Hawai'i for pictures and so did the cloud and it totally messed up the albums on my phone. I retrieved all my pics and turned it off but I still have empty duplicate albums on my phone I can't get rid of. borrowing a loom? does that mean more towels? I'm putting my order in right now!

  16. I need a "Jim" to help me with some computer stuff too! Send him up to Canada, willya?

  17. So there will be more Joanne weavings gracing the world soon?

  18. If Toby supervised the transition, all will be well!

    I refuse to use the cloud. I want my pictures right where I have them - on my computer and the best ones printed off into my hot little hands.

  19. about Picasa - Google dropped it and moved on to Photos. They made the Picasa photos available in Photos. Also Photos has a good editor built into it.

  20. I don't use the cloud. I used to store my photos on a memory stick, but lately, I just don't bother.

  21. I'd like to see something woven with that beautiful blue.

    1. That blue is long gone. I've found weft for a new set of towels, and hope to weave it off in red, blue and yellow. And purple or lavender.

    2. Purple!You don't see many purple teatowels.

  22. Clearly I'm not alone in distrusting the cloud. I'm not at all sure anything is safe and secure there and I prefer to keep everything on my pc and memory stick. I see Marie Smith says she lost some photos from the cloud.
