
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Watching time go by

My cat sits outside my door, glaring. I will not let him innocently slip down the back of my chair and be wedged behind back and shoulders when I lean forward to type.

Another day with nowhere to go and little to do. An ENOUGH participant and I worked out the final details of the poster I will hang around town. Tomorrow, after the gym, I will go around and talk nice and see how many I can have posted. I say “old hippie” about all of us, but I think that only applies to me.

They all are twenty odd years younger, which puts them in the range of my daughters, but I don’t know what the new activists are calling themselves. These women who have marched for the last year, plus. Though the potter does have a “hippie jacket” she wanted me to take.

I am looking forward to “talking nice.”

Monday, before any of this began, I think, was a day of blazing sunshine. This bush at the Methodist church basked in it.

In the mornings while breakfast is preparing, I look out the kitchen window at the weather. My solitary indoor plant is this little orchid from Caroline, years ago, on the way to Pennsylvania to see my great grandfather’s grave and the GAR star planted by it.

The little orchid in the kitchen window is tolerant of me beyond explanation. The first time it outgrew a pot and I transplanted it, I put it in dirt. It thrived anyway. A couple of years later I read not to do that, and got not dirt from the nursery. Plus, advice to submerse pot and all into a sink full of water weekly. I still use the kitchen faucet.

The rain woke me first today, then the phone chime that said I had a calendar obligation. We used to get up to turn off the alarm, now to see what’s on the phone. I’d left a note to charge the camera, there is a concert tonight. Laura dropped band next year, in favor of art and creative writing, so just the spring concert and we are done. I will leave my hearing aids at home.

Signing off from several inches of rain. Everyone on this street has green grass, and I have a garden stream.


  1. your poor garden.

    going without your hearing aids...inspired!

  2. For a day with 'little to do' it sounds like you kept busy. Good thinking to leave the hearing aids at home tonight.

  3. Hari OM
    Spring rain... necessary, but messy. You talk nice nicely. At least five posters, maybe ten! Enjoy that sound-dampened concert. YAM xx

  4. When I was teaching and attended graduation, they inevitably put us right in front of the giant speakers. I learned to always have a tissue - not just in case I got weepy (which could happen), but so I could tear it up and stuff it in my ears. Only way to survive.
    No band!? It was a wonderful experience for her, but do you feel a bit liberated now?

  5. Good luck with the 'baby hippies' and hanging the posters.
    Enjoy the day!

  6. Your orchid is very pretty. It goes to show that sometimes you can overthink the care of a plant.

  7. "... I will not let him innocently slip down the back of my chair and be wedged behind back and shoulders when I lean forward to type." Why not? This is where Tux is when I'm on the computer. Actually the heat from his body is comforting and feels good against my back.

    1. Then some more, then more, then more, then he has the chair.

    2. Ha! This is true. Eventually I finish and get up and he has the chair... so perhaps this is his plan all along.

  8. I think that the new legions might be calling themselves a collective 'The Resistance'. Children of hippies would apply in some cases. I've always called myself a liberal feminist.

    1. Resistance seems in vogue in my town. We have hoodies and T shirts that say Resist.

  9. So much rain - it will all be worth it when the flowers start blooming.

  10. Sue gives her orchid an ice cube or two every week. It doesn't work. :)

  11. I use the ice cubs like Sue for the orchids. They have worked for years. They are not as delicate as we think maybe.

  12. Old hippies inspire, and keep doing, Joanne. We have been there, done that and if we still can, we will.

  13. It's amazing how fast the weather can change and how quickly new growth springs up. Simply amazing.

  14. The main thing with orchids is not to let them sit in water. That will kill them!! An elderly friend ignored my advice not to water her beautiful white orchid that her son bought her ( 2 long stems covered in flowers) and she had murdered it within a week. I poured at least a pint of water from the pot!!

  15. You may not have green grass, but when Spring arrives, you will have the prettiest, most colourful garden.
    It seems orchids aren't as delicate as we are led to believe.

  16. Without your hearing aids you can sit in the front row with impunity!

  17. grass is overrated. you may have to wait a little longer but yours will be much prettier. if your little stream is run-off from a gutter or roof, dig it a little deeper, and fill it with gravel. then it won't take your dirt with it. I think 'liberal' is good enough nomenclature even though the conservatives have tried to turn it into a dirty word.

    1. They told me they're "Resistors." I don't care, just show up!

  18. So, how many posters did businesses agree to put up? I hope dozens. And I am sitting here wondering what a "hippie jacket" looks like. A poncho? A fringed suede job? I got nothin' else!

  19. We need some of that rain here in Kansas. We are warming up here
