
Friday, March 2, 2018

Backside of a nor’easter

I keep threatening to get a step counter. I’m getting close. Greg is steppier than Kristen ever was; he uses diagonal corners of the gym, switched out after every routine. 

After gym I ate lunch, then went to town and delivered flyers and my chat to fourteen places of business. Fifteen, actually, except one restaurant, The Winking Lizard, would not take a flyer to post. Wouldn’t take a flyer to throw away later to let me know he supported Stoneman Douglas students. If you eat in my town, I recommend Fishers.

I am so tired tonight.

Last night, last band concert save one. It poured rain all day, as previously reported. After the concert, the door opened to a howling mess. The wind was gusting sometimes sixty miles per hour, I heard later; the rain was biting ice, sneaker sole deep. The cars were encased in the stuff.

I sent Laura ahead with camera and keys, and I minced along, with my cane. A couple of times the wind stopped me short. Finally in the car I pried the ice from one side of my head. The storm definitely was blowing west to east.

Just when I think I’ve covered all possibilities with band, a new one. First the trumpeter is on the wrong part of the stage for my vantage. Then, the camera runs out of battery. For last night I asked where she was sitting (center stage), and I charged the camera. I neglected to ask how high the music stand would be. Only a seat in the balcony would solve last night’s problem, and that only if I wanted pictures of the top of her head.

School was on a two hour delay this morning, for roads to be cleared. So, here are snow covered pictures of yesterday’s rain. The in-house shoveler left me a clean, clean car and the entire drive shoveled. “It was heavy snow!” she reported tonight.


  1. Glad you got through the storm without any more difficulties, Joanne.

  2. No wonder you're tired! And you made me laugh with the image of one side of your head iced up, even though I know it had to be crappy and miserable. I've SEEN freezing rain like that. It's incredible, and not in a way that could ever be called good.

    Have a good sleep, my dear.

  3. It has been such a winter. I'll be glad when it's over.

  4. I have no idea how you manage in such cold conditions and get so much done.

  5. I hope you get a good night's sleep. No where to go early tomorrow!

  6. Shuffling through gale force icy winds and rain, then peeling ice off one side of your head. My admiration goes up a notch. I'm such a wimp about extremes of weather, I wouldn't have even left the house! I've grown up soft, I think.

  7. The river at the end of our street is freezing over, but only the ducks are brave enough to venture out on the ice. And, of course, one lost football.
    You're hardier than I!

  8. We have been sharing a snow storm, a few thousand miles apart.

  9. It seems to be an axiom that the kid you want to photograph will be placed in a very difficult spot.

  10. Hari OM
    Still, it is recognisably Laura... and definitley winter is reluctant to leave - both there and here. Brrrrr... As for the "Stinking Lizard".... *ahem* YAM xx

  11. that's a lot of snow..nice photos of the snow.

  12. Yesterday was not a day/night to be outside for man to beast. You are Grandmother #1 for going out in that weather. The weath in PA was horrid also.

  13. how you managed to negotiate that with a cane and not be blown over I can't imagine. must be your iron hard will.

  14. Clueless morons that wouldn't take a flyer.....

  15. Everybody has an agenda. Their own. It is a problem in this country, Great Britain, because respect for each other has gone out of the window. That is worse than the different agendas.

  16. Three granddaughters in orchestra! I know how you feel. One granddaughter in marching band, got great photos and videos of her!

  17. Man, what a storm! My inlaws live in Winchester, Massachusetts, and I hope they did not lose power.

  18. Freezing rain on top of snow covered by more snow. Rather than risk broken bones here in southern Minnesota we've been mostly hibernating indoors all winter...Ugh!!!

  19. Wow, your storm was worse than ours! At least we didn't get snow. I hear some is coming on Wednesday, though. March is certainly roaring. Hope you got some rest over the weeekend, Joanne.
