
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Keeping up my courage

That little ‘lift’ when something good happens.

I woke up to a rather full mail box this morning. People saying “I notified” this group or that, but haven’t heard back yet, but I’ll be there. And my blank mind says “Who is that?” I call one of my co-hippies. “Oh, that’s……” And I still don’t know, because that’s the way my mind still is.

There’s a message board. No idea how I set that up. Here’s the first message:

Thank you for organizing this local event. We need a comprehensive, common sense strategy to combat gun violence once and for all. Enough is enough. And I firmly believe it will take effort from local communities, states and the nation as a whole to better protect our children. I am so very proud that an event such as this is taking place in our community and I am looking forward to standing with you all.

This is just to blow off a little steam. I need to go prepare in my head my remarks for the trustees tonight. But, I know the names of a lot of people who will stand on the curb with me, and I even know some of their faces.

How I love those faces.


  1. Excellent! Hard work and supportive faces - a good combination.

  2. It just takes one person of courage and conviction to start great things. Others will follow. Well done, Joanne.

  3. hari OM
    ...and I love those faceless faces!!! Hoorah for you! YAM xx

  4. Nice work! I'm so proud of you I could spit.

  5. In some hands gun are evil, you can take away the guns or the people your choice .

  6. one step at a time,you're getting there xx

  7. I'm so glad you do have some faces that will stick with you. All the best tonight. xx

  8. Do bloggers count.....we`re all with you digitally. Good luck.

  9. Those little acknowledgements mean so much, eh?

    1. You know, Tom, it really is. I knew there were three of us who would stand on the corner and be counted, but as of now there are twenty more, and then all those other people who will just show up.

  10. May all go well with the trustees!

  11. How wonderful, Joanne. The company announcing its refusal to sell any more of those weapons is huge too.

  12. We need more companies to refuse to sell those weapons, too. I just saw a headline that said Trump told the senators that they are afraid of the NRA. I think this is the first time he has said something I agree with!!
    You make us proud, Joanne. Hope all goes well with the meeting.

  13. You are fighting the good fight. And it is working at least a bit.

  14. Knowing that you are doing good, even without remembering the parts like setting up the message board, is a good thing and knowing the names and/or faces of people who will stand with you is good too, they may help you remember others and other things.

  15. Nothing better than getting some nice in the mail.

  16. It is something of an inspiration to me to see how you keep fighting. It has made me think I need to keep doing little things against our big bogeyman here in the UK, Brexit. I have been getting off my backside and doing it. Just realised I forgot to write about that in my latest blog post though. I put it on facebook but not the blog....

  17. you are amazing, even with a befuddled brain.

  18. Sometimes I wonder about my brain, too. But it's the only one I have.

  19. Thanks for visiting me and commenting. I shall make a point to "wander over" here.

    Much luck with your campaign.

  20. Every single extra protester is a triumph!
