
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Doing something

Some of me fell back into place recently. I woke up from one of the four hour, dead unconscious naps a week ago. I lay there a few minutes, listening to the birds and the children and I said to myself, so get up and do something. I sat up and thought about it for a minute. I got up, with purposeful action still in mind, cleaned the kitchen and resurrected the sweater I left off in March.

I have to do a deal of tinking on the ribbing I had finished, and as I picked out stitches I realized I still give a darn about the world, the one around me, and the round one I live on. The big world is in a worse mess than when I left off last March. And, I just realized, the bastards stole my birthday. I was 74 on March 31st.  But, I was unconscious from a craniotomy performed a few days before. Or, it may have been the very day I begged nurses for water. That was not a nice story.

Stephen Hawking says earth is ending, and he’s certainly right. That, actually, is interesting to read about. Not good, but boggling. That’s one big chunk of ice about to break off an ice shelf in Antarticia. That, and its consequences, will happen in my life time. The world will last longer. One of my favorite doctors and I had a discussion about drugs that have an adverse effect over time (name one that doesn’t), and I said “but, I’ll be dead by then.” Bring on the CAT scans. I can’t live long enough for the radiation to kill me.

Meanwhile, back at home, nice drains were installed, seed sown, straw distributed thickly. A violent windstorm the next night swept the straw into huge piles, and sent grass seed to the next county. Laura reseeded and moved the straw back. I bought a reel mower, and Laura has been maintaining the established grass around several local trailers. This is less grass than the miniscule front yard of my childhood home, and it looks nice, all the same height. And, the neighbors say Thanks. Like me, none of them can mow.

I asked management if we could rake the straw, as the maintenance guys don’t seem interested. I also pointed out we are mowing the lawns, so the maintenance guys should stop cutting through the side yard on that nasty riding mower. The entire interview with management went well. 

Laura raked a lot of straw into rows, and management sent one of the maintenance men down to collect it into a huge trash can. I’d said we’d bag it and take it to the curb, so I thought that was really nice. Until the other maintenance man came through, at high speed with the damn riding mower, made half a dozen passes, turfed the new growing grass into mud. He attempted to climb the small hills, failed, and made them a mess, too. This all happened near quitting time, Friday.

On Sunday we bought a roll of several hundred feet of yellow tape. On Monday I took my case back to Management, and my complaint of ruined seeding and turfed hills was seconded by the secretary whose unit is across the street.  She even revealed the maintenance guy uses my yard to “cut through.” I volunteered to reseed, if I could protect the work with tape. Management agreed. My neighbors on both sides helped Laura with the tape. I will have grass or know the reason why. My schmoozing neighbor reports the lawn mower operator is unhappy. All is well.

I rest my case.
Before the cowboy on the tractor came through, it all was lush, like the bit at the back.


  1. Hari OM
    Getting closer to fighting fit then?! Gosh Joanne, 'tis the stuff which keeps ya kicking ol' gal &*<> WE look forward to seeing your lawn... Huggies, YAM xx

  2. As you well know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Surely, there is no place as wondrous and beautiful as our Earth. Too bad there are too many people. It is a beautiful world.

  3. Boys with their toys have to play, glad you stood up to them.

  4. You are my hero! Seriously, I love your Passion. Give 'em Hell!

  5. You are getting back into fighting form, Joanne. Well done!

  6. I see all is improving, you still have fight left in you and that's always good.
    Things are not the best in our world but it's all we have and life often has moments that make it all worthwhile.

  7. You are returning. It is so good to see the crusader in you fighting the good fights. Just please don't over-do. You have a lot to do and a lot of time to do it.

  8. Very interesting that something clicked into place and that you could recognize it! So good to hear, Joanne.

    It's incredible how oblivious some people are to where they are driving their toys. Oblivious ... or uncaring. Laura is getting lessons on conflict management that will stay with her the rest of her days. (Should we ask how her temp driver license test went??)

    1. She has a temporary license and starts lessons the first Saturday in July.

    2. Excellent! Congrats to her. And belated birthday wishes to you - may the rest of your year go well. You need cake! I hope you got some.

  9. Throw yourself a late birthday celebration, even if it is just a lunch or dinner out!


  10. I am so pleased to hear that you are starting to be able to 'reclaim yourself'. And yay for Laura.
    And a happy belated birthday. I hope that soon you will be able to celebrate...

  11. We have finally trained the municipal lawn-mower riders to not cut down the flowers on the roadside verges as soon as they raise their heads in the Spring. Give someone a machine which will cut everything down and they think they have to cut everything down.

  12. Me thinks you are returning! Way to go, getting management to see sense. Hopefully that grass will fill in with a bit of rain and heat. Happy belated birthday - stick a candle in a cupcake and celebrate! -Jenn

  13. We're not here for fun, I noticed. Life is hard. It shapes us, and it hurts.
    But dying - who's closest to death? My father in law, at 81, was always moaning about dying. Suddenly, my 23-year-old nephew found he had cancer, and was dead in one year. Life and its mysteries...

  14. Looks like you're back in the saddle and fighting the good fight. My money's on you and the grass. Go get 'em Joanne!

  15. Welcome back! So happy you are getting your mojo back. All that resting and napping must have done your healing process good.

  16. Dumb ass on a riding mower. It sounds as if Laura is doing a great job. That makes me happy.


  17. I hope the mower rider takes heed and dos the right thing now. Perhaps he's jealous or upset in some other way that he is no longer needed.

  18. what is it with these guys on their tractors? can't they see the damage they do? as to this country, I'm afraid it's done. the current incompetents, buffoons, and downright evil men in charge are wiping away all the civil rights and personal liberties that made this country great. as for the planet, it will survive and evolve after we make it uninhabitable for ourselves. hopefully the next dominant species will do a better job than we have.

  19. Glad your fighting spirit has returned, you must celebrate with cake as you missed your birthday x

  20. You must be feeling good about your returning sense of caring for yourself and your world. (Not that I think you ever wholly lost it!)Congratulations to Laura for getting her temporary, and how about a combined small celebrations for your birthday and her success. Lots of success in your world these days!
