
Monday, June 19, 2017

Several liberations

I went early to visit my friend, and left, exhausted. To stop at one chair to say a word is to be expected to stop at each, I discovered, and did. My usual twenty minutes turned into close to an hour. Sadly, instead of nailing one of six handicap parking places at the curb (and, I can parallel park!), I had to drive well into the lot to find a place. Getting into the building and back out was a trial.  

Actually, I was dumbfounded on arriving at my floor and finding many men, and wives, moving along. A lot of men visit their mothers on father’s day, I found. Back home near noon, I simply fell on the bed in a daze.  I was so physically tired I had no strength to move the cat, or lift my legs to his other side, so my heels hung over the bed, and woke me several hours later, with my feet asleep.

For a few more minutes I dozed. Then I felt myself leaving the land of marshmallows and cotton. My brain said “You need to get up and do something.” I got up and cleaned the kitchen. Then I took the chair, turned on HGTV, and resumed working on the sweater I put aside six or eight months ago.

Wednesday the sewing machine will be liberated from the hospital, and tomorrow—ta-da—Laura takes the test for her temporary driver’s permit. She is over the moon, and studying from an app she put on her phone. I am so curious to see how she does. She has the booklet, and I do remember it well. We’ll see what sort of app it makes.


  1. It sounds as if your body is dictating the sleep you need. Listen to it. Please.
    Fingers and toes crossed for Laura.
    Love that sweater too.

  2. Joanne, I'm sure the people you spoke to appreciated your kindness... even though your body may have felt exhausted. The sweater you're working on is really cute. Is it for yourself or one of the girls?

  3. You wore yourself up with kindness. Pretty sweater, love the colors. Hope Laura passes.

  4. Good luck, Laura. Sending good thoughts!

    Take it easy, Joanne. You need sleep when you wear yourself out like you did.

  5. Beautiful colors for the sweater. I don't remember people visiting their mothers on Father's Day when I worked in a nursing home. You were kind to take the time to greet so many people.


  6. Hopefully these are men who always visit their mothers on Sundays. I think that's a pretty busy day at most senior living places.

    Yes, good luck to Laura. She'll nail it.

  7. Hari OM
    Crikey Joanne ol' mate... there is this thing of take care of the self in order to take care of others... horse and cart and all that. Lecture over. GOOD LUCK LAURA - it will be so good for gran to have a 'chuffer' occasionally. Huggies, you two. YAM xx

  8. Lovely sweater. Listen to your body. It knows what it needs ♥️

  9. A nursing home should have more than six handicapped parking spaces.
    You are a good soul, Joanne, and hopefully when you go again, it won't take as much out of you.

    Good luck to Laura.

  10. sleep is good but so is some activity to help reorganize old brain cells and grow new brain cells. nice sweater.

    1. I didn't think of it as reorganization. Of course!

  11. Your body is still letting you know that you are over-doing. Rest and heal. Good luck Laura.

  12. I think the cat was wondering if he should undo all those stitches.

  13. The sweater is looking lovely.

  14. apps for most everything - now don't tell me there is a weaving app.

  15. That sweater is colourful :)
    I hope Laura does well and passes her driving test.
    Seems anywhere you go there are never enough handicapped parking spaces. Some places I know have only one or two, which makes it hard for anyone else who needs one.
    I'm thinking of you, going from chair to chair with a kind word for everyone, that's a very lovely thing you did, and you being barely able to walk too long yourself.

  16. Dear Joanne. You went above and beyond. I'm sure all those "Hellos" were appreciated. Ellen's thinking about "reorganization" sounds right. I believe you showed us that sweater soon after you started it. It is beautiful. Will look great on you,

  17. Wishing Laura luck for her temporary driver's permit!


  18. Good luck to Laura. Yes, Mother's Day at the nursing home was a popular day. And Father's day too. But we didn't have nearly as many male residents where I worked.

  19. Take it easy, Missy, or do we have to send a delegation to your house? ... Lovely thing to do for those residents but they will expect it every time now! And that's not Toby on the chair, unless he's had a dye job. What am I missing? Good luck, Laura! Freedom beckons :)

  20. Good luck for Laura and please rest lots Joanne xx

  21. I am exhausted just reading about your morning \joanne. Take it easy - good luck to Laura by the way.

  22. I'm sure you made many people happy. And I hope Laura passes her exam. You showed a photo of that sweater when you were much closer to just beginning it and the colors make me feel even happier now that there is more of it.

  23. I have my fingers crossed, wishing Laura the best of luck on her temp driving exam.

  24. Dear Joanne, it's so important to listen to your body and what it's telling you about your need for rest or relaxation. I'm glad you did that when you got home. Peace.
