
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

There will be dead bodies, no matter which way the Senate swings

I opened the news this morning to a very similar headline topping the page. I wrote a rather bleak post, mostly about me, and, by damn, I intended to publish it.

Now it’s four in the afternoon, and I’ve managed to save the post as a blank page.  And no, it’s not a sign from god; it’s the result of a brain injury. I’m sick to death of the brain injury. I’m sick to death of clerks who don’t know their jobs, and send me overdue notices for bills they sent to the secondary as primary. And, I’m not even a medical clerk.

I am a few visits from the end of my physical therapy medical allowance. I learned there is cognitive therapy across the hall. I signed up. Medical Mutual counts it the same as physical therapy, which I will continue to take. I’m angry. They can come and get me. They can garnish my wages. (That’s a joke.) They can garnish my Social Security. I don’t care. The savings will just go twice as fast. Three years and gone. I don’t care. It’s not my fault I don’t have a job.

Just to stay cranked up, I made an appointment with the orthotist. He can make that brace work for me, or make me a new one. I think that’s most of what I covered this morning. Oh, yes, I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate my hyperexending knee, injury courtesy of a fast trip down the floor of a bus.

I recall the balance of my rant—I’m not going on vacations with grandchildren. They’re well into teenager hood now and are developing lives of their own, so I suppose I shouldn’t gripe too much.

In the meantime, the turfed yard is growing grass, big and small, and pig is happy.


  1. I'm so sorry, dear. This absolutely effing sucks. I have no words of cheer or encouragement to offer. Let me know if you'd like to talk...leave a message on my blog, I'll delete it quickly.

    1. Thanks, Mike. I have your email. Next time it may be you, and all these nice people will be spared. Well, not from dead bodies in the hall, though.

  2. Shouldn't the Red Bus company be covering your medical expenses? You may have to sue them for it, but it is their responsibility.

  3. You go girl!!! You do your best work when you are angry. I understand about being tired of all the terrible things happening to you because you had the nerve to be injured. Mine was nowhere near as bad as yours but I felt the same way.

  4. You need to use that bus company for medical bills, lost wages and emotional distress.c.f.

  5. Hari OM
    ...I too was thinking there must be a case to answer in the 'duty of care' category at the very least from that bus company - there were enough witness for crying out loud! But at least you are making up that (slightly injured) brain that you need to look after you. That's a good and worthy thing. YAM xx (whose inbox is also open to you darlin'!)

  6. Hiss and spitting on your behalf from this side of the world. Hissing and spitting loudly.

  7. Joanne, when my daughter (at age 29) suffered a TBI in a wreck. Before she was even out of a coma, the neurosurgery group sent us a lien they filed on our home. I guess we'll all have to move to Canada for medical care.

  8. I get sick of people like that too.

  9. What a load of shit these people are dumping on you. I'm still trying to get financial assistance with the hospital (where they mistreated me) bill I have from February. The ambulance bill said that if I couldn't pay the bill to offer a settlement. I did, and no one responded. I called and they said, We don't do that anymore. I told them they might want to stop sending statements telling people to do that. So I'm paying them $25/month. I'm sorry it's so hard for you. I empathize.


  10. I don't have words that would offer much help. I like pic of the pig (guard pig?). best wishes

  11. Oh Joanne, I had hoped that you would get help from the bus company. It just does not seem right that you have to go through all this aggravation on top of your injury.

  12. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. The saying "adding insult to injury" comes to mind loud and clear.

    I am not a violent person but I could change that if I was within range of some of the jokers who are in charge of health insurance.

  13. As a Canadian I am so thankful for free medical care. Sometimes we have to stand in line to get it mind you. Sometimes they also put limits on therapy but that can usually be overlooked if the situation calls for it. Best of luck Jo.

  14. is the bus company not responsible for some of your bills? you do have to watch the billing departments because when my father in law died they tried to bill us; even threatened us and they hadn't even billed his secondary insurance, I think they were hoping we'd pay and then they would have billed his secondary, a curt letter to them about harassment solved that problem. Luckily my hospital allows me to pay a bit a month, was already paying for treatment with ACA which I finally paid off, then my knee here still paying for that, now 2 ER visits, they agreed to lump them all together and I can still pay the $25 per month. Haven't gotten the doctor visit bill yet, we shall see, but do try to see if they let you pay just what you can afford per month. It doesn't help the worrying I know that but it does help with still being able to afford all the other bills each month. I wish I was able enough to work as a waitress but not able to stand and bend all that time, if only.

  15. I wish i was closer and we could talk, my English is not so good but i shall be so happy to be your freind.

  16. I hope the foot brace can be made to work, it will make all the difference. Of course a new one would too. I hope the cognitive therapy is helpful.I think of you every time I use my teatowels.

  17. I agree with the others, the bus company should be footing the bills, the accident was their fault.

  18. yes, why hasn't the bus company's insurance ponied up? I am lucky to be healthy for the most part and my accidents are easily taken care of. my husband had to go to the emergency room once of a rusty fishhook that snagged him on the river out in Big Bend and his whole hand swelled up terribly infected. the hospital sent the bill to a collection agency instead of us. the collection agency called demanding to know when we were going to pay the bill which we had never received and didn't even know how much it was! healthcare in this country is a joke far too expensive for crappy care. it really sucks that you are having to go through this.

    1. The big red bus is not overly interested. It could take years.

  19. How horrifying to be on the receiving end of the madman's carousel ride that is healthcare in the U.S.
    My deep, deep sympathies.

  20. i don't understand the dynamics of your medical insurance, but the bus company must have some liability in this situation. Getting anything out of them would be the problem. Good luck with the therapies.

  21. Dear Joanne, I understand your rant and your anger and your own confusion about all this. Healthcare here in the States is as disgrace and it ties us in knots when we get caught in its web as you have.

    I hope you are being patient with your own feelings. I was so emotionally imbalance after my March operation that I sort of lost my way. I went into what St. John of the Cross called "a dark night of the soul" and lost the peace that was usually at the deep center of myself. But it's really true that time and distance from an event can heal. I hope that will begin--soon--to happen for you. Please be precious to yourself. Peace be to you.

    1. Thank you, Dee. I know all that you are talking about. I get angry now, without reason and at nothing I can control. This is not me. I think I'll get the real me back.

  22. Thanks for message of support.

  23. The frustration is real! I am hating it for you! Ranting on your blog is good for the soul!
