
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What to do with another snow day

Due to inclement weather and the other usual phrases, school is cancelled again today. It just occurred to me I cannot remark smugly that I used to walk uphill both ways. Actually, I did. 

However, there were way fewer cars on the roads then, and we walked strung across the roads that had no sidewalks. When we reached sidewalks, the homeowners and shop keepers had them cleared. The majority of kids these days seem to be on busses, and bus traffic on poorly cleared, early morning roads is a different matter.

I woke the second time to the front door slamming. I’d already told Laura there was no school, so I looked out the window. She tells me this is a far more efficient method of getting ice from the window than coming back in for car keys to get the snow brush.

I looked out the back window, at my neighbor’s car. This is what Laura started with.

Laura had a plan. She’d texted Deb and asked if she could help at Elements Gallery. She packed a lunch, I ate breakfast, and I dropped her off.

Back home, I perused Google news to see what new wheels fell off the clown car that is the presidency of our country. My current assessment is, the wheels don’t actually need to fall off. The Republican controlled houses of Congress are doing a fine job of shooting holes in them. And hopefully in their own feet as well.  The realization is dawning that replacing ACA with, and I quote, “The World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan, 2017,” is political suicide.

I used to send postcards to people in power, asking them to oppose or support things I opposed or supported. Or, I’d tell representatives doing a good job, “Thanks! Persist!” Now I’m thinking of sending post cards to, say, Paul Ryan: “Why stop at 14 million. Go for 24. No, 34. That’s a nice big number. Your seat is up in 2018; keep up the fine work.”

My real plan for today is to finish up the DC trip details, like the elusive Montpelier tickets, and get a firm grasp on transportation available in the city.  And, wonder if the ice will spare the cherry blossoms.

Picture credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images


  1. Yes, it would do my heart good to see the current Republicans in office crash and burn after trying to justify/make sense of/support the craziness spewing from the White House.

  2. Hari OM
    There's some crazy politics going on over here too; Brexit has been triggered and on the same day our Nicola announced the intention to work for another referendum on Scottish independence. Oh boy... At least we are not wading through the white stuff hitting your side - though some will arrive in a couple of days, we are told. Hey ho... YAM xx

  3. We had a storm for about eight hours, then it rained. Today it was above zero. Strange weather!

  4. It's probably a bit late now, but shovelling the snow off a car will scratch the paint, no matter how gently you do it. I learned that from my husband, no need to say how.

    On the political front, to quote the Chief Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther movies, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." Seems to be the attitude, anyhow.

    Those poor little cherry blossoms!

  5. Oh, I had thought about Francis's bike plans, and wondered about weather grief during your trip. The cherry blossoms hadn't occurred to me yet. I do hope there is a big warm-up between now and then!

  6. I'll have to ask my sister about the cherry blossoms. They live in the DC area. Laura had a great plan for her snow day!


  7. I thought it was funny that Paul Ryan only accepted the job as Speaker if he could have time off to see his family. He certainly doesn't care if common people have time to see their families. Long hours, low wages

  8. All else aside, as important as it have blossoms???? U still have mounds of snow, though the temp is creeping north.
    I'm just complaining, if I really cared I'd move......yeah....

  9. I'm wondering how the education system works with all the snow days each year. Kids get to stay home, teachers too of course, but how do they get through a scheduled curriculum if everyone is constantly playing "catch-up" because of missed days?
    I hope the cherry blossoms survive, it would be a shame to miss that sight.

  10. Your weather looks miserable. Do you think maybe Trump will get bored and resign? I can't believe we're going to have to put up with him f o r 4 years.

  11. The whole political situation is so off kilter that it could be funny if it weren't dangerous. I see it going down in flames eventually. The professor who has correctly predicted the outcomes of the last few presidential elections also correctly predicted this one. He also has predicted that this term will end early with an impeachment.

  12. I really, really hope the cherry blossoms survive.
    And am smiling at the thought of your postcards to Ryan. You know that he and his master would claim them as support...

  13. I've been a bit too busy the last few weeks to follow closely what is going on south of the border with exception of travel bans which have also affected numerous Canadians both Muslim and otherwise. I hope things improve soon. Cherry blossoms won't be here until another few weeks. I'm keeping fingers crossed that the weather will be much warmer by then.

  14. Wow - winter again? Here spring seems to start - some people run around without jackets, and the sun is fine.

  15. I cannot believe your weather. I heard this morning that Trump is saying that the judges are over reaching their remit when blocking his ban on foreigners. It is their job to stop the government from over reaching with such thought-up legislation!

  16. That Laura is such a great kid!

  17. Crazy March!!! We had so much snow too!!! Can't wait for spring to finally come:)

  18. oh that clown car presidency! Today I read his budget cut all federal funding for PBS and NEA. The protection of his tower in NYC probably has cost more already than these budget cuts.
    Considering the upsetting news this snow might be a nice distraction.

  19. Good for Laura ! I hope the cherry blossom survives. We are in a political mess too; Brexit triggered & Scotland wanting another referendum for independence. Our Prime Minister fighting with the First Minister of Scotland.

  20. Will the coat of ice protect the cherry blossoms like it does with oranges? Somehow I suspect not.

  21. I know that about the Republican congress and you know it. Unfortunately the Trump supporters don't and still think he's great. Even with all the stupidity of the Obama/England wire tapping fraud/lie they still think he knows what he's doing. It's craziness!

  22. I sure hope the cherry blossoms will still bloom.

  23. I heard it doesn't look good for the Cherry blossoms but hope I'm wrong. They need something beautiful to bloom there. I have no words for Paul Ryan. Ugh. There's one. Miserable. Oh look, there's another. I'll stop, though. Why suck all the air out of the room, right?
