
Sunday, March 12, 2017

This morning, this afternoon, and tomorrow

Another pancake breakfast this morning, this time in Geauga County, home of real pancakes, real butter and real maple syrup. Good sausages, too.

My daughter Beth, her mother and her husband here. Beth broke a lot of her arm last December, in an awful fall. It's not progressing as well as could it should, but she's a long way from where she started.

We all futility waved  the refill sign around, until Francis took the matter under his six foot charge.

Beth, her mother and her mother-in-law. You remember Grandma Ruth. There is no picture of Caroline and Laura today; they tend to move as unit when together, and fade in and out of sight.

Back home this afternoon, here is Toby, attempting to recover from springing ahead for daylight savings. I took a bit of a nap before supper, too.

I sewed two more quilt tops this afternoon, and Laura put several more together, before retreating to her room to exercise her thumbs.

The winter storm forecast starting tomorrow afternoon is now up to 9" of snow. I'm beginning to take this personally.


  1. Naps are good. Naps are very good.
    Stay warm, stay safe.

  2. Oh I couldn't sleep last night so am extra tired today and don't do naps. Most of the time I can't fall asleep even if I want to. I see through your window you have no snow and it looks rather Spring like. I hope the 9 cm you are expecting doesn't stick. As for us our weather is still wild too. We had snow a few days ago though it is mostly gone from the ground at lower elevations. Today is very gray and misty.

  3. You deserve to be free of winter now. Not that it sounds like it does much good to think that. I hope the storm bypasses you.

  4. Pancakes and sausage is a good start.

  5. refill signs - interesting idea that restaurants should adopt. nice pics

  6. Fret on, we all deserve a bit of it. Next month I'll be whining about a new 5" in the yard.
    It's weather, not climate, as my oldest ceaselessly reminds me.

  7. Nine inches of snow is just wrong this time of the year. On the other hand, it usually melts faster than it would in January. I hope it's gone by the time you folks go on your school break trip.

  8. Nine inches is a lot of snow. Somebody here read 9 cm. Another thought 9 feet. Both very different from nine inches. I do hope the temps warm up and melt it fast. It's time you had some spring flowers.

  9. Naps, I know the intimately. We are getting that storm after it's done with you!

  10. Hari OM
    LOVE that shot of you with Beth and Ruth! Hi Tobes... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... our winter is hanging on in as well. Part of the problem is actually that it took rather a long while to actually get started. Sigh... YAM xx

  11. I hope your forecast is as wrong as ours was for yesterday...the snow they threatened us with turned out to be a non-event.

  12. Unfortunately I don't care dor pancakes. I do remember going to pancake breakfasts as a child and they were great fun.

  13. How fun with the pancake breakfasts; glad you got to enjoy it with your daughter! I took a nap today and we didn't even change the time here :) 90 degrees here and potential of 9 inches of snow there. Wow!


  14. Nothing beats real butter and real maple syrup. I watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory where Howard Wolowitz was served pancakes with butter-flavoured syrup. Sounds terrible to me.
    Toby looks sweet all curled up like that.

  15. I like Laura's room, it is a happy room.

  16. That coffee sign is the mechanical equivalent of what H.I. silently signals me every morning with her eyes.

    1. I am going to borrow that photo for a while if you don't mind. I am going to build a flimsy post around it.

  17. They are talking about Armageddon snow here tonight. I am ignoring their predictions and am not even going to shop for my bread and milk. You have made me hungry for pancakes though so I better check my syrup supply.

  18. hmmm, real pancakes. I've promised the husband pancakes for breakfast next Sunday. hope the storm is not as severe and passes quickly.

  19. I want some pancakes now! Real butter and REAL maple syrup! Our snow did not stick and we have a warming trend starting today, but I have been sleeping a lot anyway. Still have remnants of the flu hanging on, so sleep is good!

  20. Pancakes and sausages! American sausages -- a favourite breakfast of mine. Nine inches of snow in March is never ever a welcome sight. Last time I was in the States visiting my sister in Vermont they had 5 inches in the middle of April -- rampant depression throughout New England that day! Great pictures of you all...

  21. Stay dry and warm! We are supposed to get up to 18" here in RI tomorrow. I'm planning a cleaning day. Or a good movie and roaring fire. We'll see which side of my brain wins. Just to be clear-that's a picture of you with your daughter Beth? lol.

  22. Pancakes, drool. Sounds like this pancake breakfast turned out well.
    I drool also as your great sewing machine and setup. two quilt tops? Yes!
    Watching weather reports for my relatives in Midwest. It does not look good.

  23. I'm tired of winter, headed to Arizona this Friday. I hear they serve pancakes with real maple syrup down there as well.

  24. Oh geeze! I hope that snow misses you!! I love seeing your girl exercise her thumbs. Mine does a lot of that too. They must have some pretty strong thumbs by now!!
