
Friday, March 17, 2017

President Tweet

A news commentator on a PBS station this morning misspoke, “President Tweet trumped.” Several sentences in she caught herself and said, ‘I meant “President Tweet trumped.”’ And gave up. 

President Tweet, it is. Now President Tweet is quoting his “favorite” Irish proverb, written by a fellow in Nigeria, named Alhassan. Mr. Alhassan wrote a little morality poem, and its last verse certainly should be taken to heart by President Tweet.”

Always remember to do your duty,
And some kindness, day by day.
But never forget to live a useful and happy life,
That is the only way.

That’s my political remark for the day. Here is a grandmother tale, funnier than President Tweet.

Francis, my grandson who is two weeks younger than Laura, started on his spring break adventure today. He is biking “The Great Alleghany Passage” from Pittsburgh to Washington DC, by himself. Or fellow bikers he meets along the way.  I’m copying and pasting a description I found on Google:

The initial 125 miles of this tour are on the Great Allegheny Passage from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, MD, located on abandoned railroad beds. The final 184 miles from Cumberland, MD to downtown Washington, DC, are on the C&O Canal Towpath, which is the heart of the C&O Canal National Park.

I traveled this highway at least once a month in my show days. Let’s see if I can describe it. He’s starting in Pittsburgh, so we’ll skip the bit about the flat farmland in Ohio. He’s a little bit up the hill to start. Then, the road climbs the Alleghany Mountain. Before the top, my road went through the Alleghany Tunnel, and dropped down just a bit to Breezewood. From there the road climbs Mountain Top, before dropping down to Hagerstown, Maryland, and on to Washington DC. France biked the Alleghenies from West Virginia to Illinois last summer, so this is just a little spring break jaunt. He says.

Francis wanted to meet up in DC. He proposed the rendezvous back when we met for lunch, and even acquiesced to some chair pushing in exchange for courier service of a small parcel via Grandma’s car. He texted me about passing off the parcel. I texted back, in a Grandmotherly way, “We don’t have a meeting plan for DC.” He replied he was just going to be more spontaneous, and guessed he’d ship the package, instead.

For, in DC, Francis will ship his bike back to Ohio and take a plane to meet his mother in South Carolina.

Beth called me the next day. She does not want to ship the package. Here’s how the great meet up will work. Francis will find us in DC via the GPS on his sister’s phone. Who am I to question. The plan is on.  

Erin Go Braugh

I see Francis has invited us to follow him on this trip:


  1. Again, Erin go braugh! Irish know about trouble.

  2. Francis might get pretty chilly on his ride. I hope he's prepared. President Tweet . . . yeah, it works.


  3. I'm going to follow along on your grandson's blog. I like to hear from high school kids since I no longer teach any.

  4. He is a brave boy to do that trip alone; his mother is even braver letting him do it.

    I wonder what words of wisdom 45 will say to Merkel. I see where he ignored the press' request for a picture of them shaking hands. I guess she was not pretty enough. Horrible, horrible man.

    1. The first solo adventure came up when Francis was 12 or 13. He wanted to spend the summer rock climbing in WV. Beth, Grandma Ruth and I said "Who is the adult?" His Dad said "We'll figure it out."

  5. To say someone "trumped" has a couple of meanings in British English, only one of them is OK :)

  6. Hari OM
    The DT's in our news tonight due to false accusation of phone-tapping by Brit Intel. Silly, silly man.

    Happy riding to France and here's to a successful passing of the parcel... YAM xx

  7. West Virginia to Illinois - I just did that by CAR a week or two ago. That was tiring enough for me.

  8. Teenagers are filled with energy for a reason!

  9. Love the President Tweet line. So very true.
    Yay for Francis. And your trip.

  10. You lost me at the road climbs the mountain. Oh torture. Great he is going to meet up with you in DC. It is going to be fun. Kick Trump in the backside for me if you get the chance.

    1. Did you see how he treated Angela Merkel yesterday? I have seen it all. He showed his backside to the world.

  11. I have tis image in my mind of a little blue bird with yellow white hair just tweeting away.
    That's a long bike ride.

  12. Your grandson is an adventurous soul! Happy trails, Francis!

  13. I saw your comment on Sluggy's blog and caught NE Ohio, where I live. I've seen some funny comments about Trump but your what wheels fell off the clown car is the best.

  14. It's rather sad that many sons and daughters of Irish immigrants voted for that sack of crap. Ironically most of them are against immigrants and refugees. The Irish had to flee in great numbers to America because of the Great Famine and met their own conservative haters when they got here.

  15. President Tweet it shall be. I learned today the the African man, Albashir Adam Alhassan, probably plagiarized it. The earliest known version is from 1936. Argggh.

  16. I hope he's having nice weather for his bike trip! Does sound like quite an adventure though! I never got really into Twitter/tweets. Who has time between blogs, Facebook, working 40 hours a week, taking care of a house and grand kids some days?


  17. President Twit really needs to learn about kindness.

    Oh my gosh! That is some amazing bike trip!

  18. President Tweet - what a laugh, but the man isn't a laugh - he is scary.
    Good luck to your grandson on his superb trip x

  19. President Tweet Trumped is perfection. Joanne, what are these "show days" you speak of? I think Francis might have inherited his fearless spirit from you-you seem adventurous.

  20. President Tweet sounds just about right. You must be so proud of your Francis. I will definitely follow his adventures.

  21. 'Ireland Forever' is written as Éirinn go Brách

  22. I just popped over from Jenny's blog and can see we have quite a few of the same blogging buddies. :)

    President Tweet cracked me up, the only problem with the title is, it's a bit too cute for him.

  23. I refuse to give him the title 'president'. he's just plain trump. perhaps now he'll be just plain Tweet. now I want to know what is in the package.

  24. My husband has always joked that those who tweet should be called twits. Truer now than ever ...
