
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Closer to spring

We had the six a.m. call today; school is cancelled. Not surprising; freezing rain forecast and freezing rain the obvious meteorological phenomena when I actually got up at 8. In the Secret Life of Grandma, which Laura puzzles over occasionally, “Eight am is when you get up and school starts.” But, not today.

It was thirty one degrees here, all day, until an hour ago, when it rocketed to forty. That is a diversion, so we won’t believe we will wake up again tomorrow to thirty one and freezing rain, and probably another snow day for school.

I eventually went to work, a treacherous jaunt behind and in front of folks who have no idea how to drive in winter. Hint: do not try to idle through slush and snow. Without power to the wheels, you car is nothing but a two ton sled, that cannot be controlled. Grrrrr…

To continue, it was awful getting into the door at work, and that after the road guys unloaded ten pounds of calcium whatever on the bricks that should not be called a sidewalk. They glazed over again as soon as more rain filled all the nooks and crannies.

Once behind my desk, I finished up the monumental country dance that is closing one year and opening another in government accounting. There is a trustee meeting tomorrow, the annual organizational meeting, as well as forty or fifty odd checks to sign (we call them warrants), so best to be as organized today as possible.

My mother-in-law gave me that Revereware pot when I was married, in 1964
Another side bar: for five years I attended the meetings of one township board to take minutes. I have no membership on the board, or authority (of course), but I do like two of the board members well enough to see the minutes are properly taken. I was notified of a meeting tonight, and I simply said to the nice board member, “You’re on your own. Herself (who is the Secretary of the Board), who despises my snotty attitude, can take her own minutes.” I’ll pay for that tomorrow, and don’t give a rat’s patoot.

After I came home and ate a very late lunch, I asked the kid who wonders about the Secret Life of Grandma if she would like to go to Jan’s new studio and deliver the armload of quilt tops we have finished. And, so we did. Jan sent me a picture of a couple. Remember the tree? It’s ready to have its binding whipped down.

There was a bonanza surprise. Right next door to the studio is the deli where I buy pierogis (in the Secret Life of Grandma). Laura got to pick. We have a six pack each of mashed potato and cheddar, and chicken parmigiana (judgment reserved) in the freezer.

I'm just called for dinner. And it’s one day closer to spring.


  1. Busy, busy, busy.
    Hooray for letting her high and snottiness take her own minutes.
    And love those quilt tops.
    Spring is coming (as is our welcome winter).

  2. Oh- yes- one day closer to spring. Everything here is shut down tonight- town meetings, etc. everything cancelled. We had about 8" of snow last night and then slushy rain/snow today and now it is freezing and wind is 40-50MPH. Crazy weather. Sounds like you have the same. xo Diana

  3. I am trying not to start the countdown yet, Joanne, but it is so tempting!

  4. If I was ever that cold, I'd have a chart of days leading up to spring with a gold star for every day I managed to get out from under a mountain of quilts. I just can't imagine that kind of cold and can honestly say I never want to experience it.
    The tree quilt is lovely :)
    And dinner looks very warming.

  5. I always suspected that Grannies had secret lives, now I know.

  6. Oh how I love pierogi. Potato and cheese is my favorite but I really like sauer kraut too. My brother used to make his own. His specialty was fruit pierogi. I just ate and am full but my mouth is watering.

  7. I saw a robin red breast, so I hope spring is coming, but ice is forecast for the weekend. Love the tree quilt and did someone say pierogis?

  8. Let's cheer for spring. I know winter hasn't been here very long, but I'm ready for some warm, sunny days where the sun is already up when I get up.

  9. I stayed out of work during a recent snowday. But the other days weren't too bad

  10. Everyday brings us a few more moments of light. Oh yes, spring is just around the corner. Until then, mornings of freezing rain and icy roads. You are a brave lady to travel them.

  11. Despite the cold weather and the freezing rain, I think it was a pretty good day for you and Laura. Those quilt tops are very colorful! We are enjoying temps in the 60s and its nice not to be bundled in a tee shirt and a sweatshirt and then have 5 covers on the bed just to stay warm. The downside will be the 114 degree weather in the summer months, but this side of the weather is a nice thing indeed.


  12. you are looking forward to spring and I'm looking forward to the cool of autumn.
    Great quilt tops.

  13. Happy New Year to all of you....In Bath we also had a snow day, but no real reason why. I'm looking forward to spring! But it will be a while before it arrives so I need to keep busy til then. Laura looks like a good cook. You are lucky!

  14. I have an old Revereware pot much like the one in your picture. Great cookware. I like the quilt tops, and I like the fact that you are not taking minutes at that meeting. Cheers.

  15. I love Revereware. I have a few pots that I took from my mother when I moved out. it hasn't even been a month since the solstice and already the days are noticeably longer. winter came here just long enough to do damage to the yard and now spring is back again for a few days.

  16. I had a Reverware pot that was a staple of my kitchen before coming to Europe to live. I love chicken parmesan and think I will have to have it again soon! Very hungry now I've read your post!

  17. I would love to have someone cook my supper - excellent job, Laura! Those quilt tops are lovely. You are getting lots done. And yes, every day is one day closer to spring. The time seems to be going quickly this year. Is that good or bad?

    1. Laura is an experimental cook. She spends her TV time on cooking shows. She needs some solid theory under her belt, and she'll have some cooking classes this summer. Thank goodness. However, my mantra for my adult life: Don't insult the cook.

  18. Joanne, I like cooking shows too! Not the competition ones, but the ones where they actually cook. They give me incentive to try something new every once in a while. Your weather sounds dreadful. It amazes me that you drive in it. We had it down to about 17 for a few days, but we're up in the 60's and 70's again now.

  19. I just stay home when there is freezing rain. If someone needs to be out they need to find another driver. In this Grandma's Secret Life, I am not a skillful ice driver!!

  20. I only go out if I must, and I had to go yesterday in order to write more than fifty purchased orders so I could go in today and write fifty checks. It's all down hill from here.

    Someday I'll have to write about The Secret Life of Grandma, which is a phenomena Laura wonders about. As if Grandma's have no life.

  21. THe quilt tops are very pretty. I wouldn't like to be going to work or driving in freezing rain. Or doing anything that involved going out of the door in fact. Yes, I know it's often necessary.

  22. I used to have pierogi for lunch when I worked downtown. I would love to have one now.

  23. I love your quilt work and I wish someone would make me some soup. I made my own soup but sometimes it tastes better when someone else makes it for you.
