
Friday, January 6, 2017

Bright, bright, sunshiny Friday

It was two degrees, or so, overnight, and I didn't sleep well.
The cold hurts all my muscles and makes my bones groan.

I try not to go to work on Friday, and, year end close notwithstanding, I didn't go today.

First I went to the gym, and Kris marshaled me through her routine.
No doubt I'd been off for two weeks.

Then I went to the optometrist to pick up my new glasses.

That is the technician, making all right.

This is me, attempting my first selfie.
Good for all of you who get it done.
Far harder than it seems.

A deer foraging under the golf course trees. 
It was in a group of five or six, which probably is decent protection against a coyote attack. 

Lunch time. Home again, home again.
The wreath continues to look lovely.

Snow on pig. Snow on toad. Snow on lambie.
Snow on the bird feeder.
Snow on a full can of bird seeds. Sparrows are little piglets, too.
The pear tree has hundreds of buds set.
All is well with the world.


  1. Sparrows are piglets over here too.
    Hooray for the pear tree, and for all being right with the world. Long may it continue.

  2. Bradford! It makes my bones hurt just to read about temperatures like that.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks to spellcheck, we must proofread everything!

  4. I can't believe I'm saying this, but your pictures make me miss the snow and cold.

  5. The cold makes me ache too. I use a heating pad after I've been out. It helps with the muscle aches.

    1. There is a physical therapist at the health center who is thin as a rail. She heard me tell Kris the cold makes my body ache. Rhonda stopped me and said "Just go stand in the sauna for five minutes. I seem do do it every morning in winter." I may try it one day.

  6. Your winter scenes look lovely. Your temperatures are not as cold as I would have thought in Ohio. In fact my temperature has been colder than yours and it hasn't been that cold as far as Canadian temperatures go. Even so I'll be glad to see the end of it. It does make my body creak and groan too and the heavy duty ice doesn't help one get out to the gym.

    I hope your weather improves soon.

    I like that you are ready to experiment and learn new selfies and all the other things you learn and share.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Love love love e your new specs!!

  8. I have to get new glasses as mine aren't working good enough anymore. Just keep putting it off. So cold here too. Can't stand it.

  9. Expect the locals to be frolicking in the streets, that temp. We just went above zero in 4 days. Nice spec's, too. I wore them for years, but when I had a lens replacement for cataracts, lo and behold, my vision was cured also.

  10. Love your glasses! We have had snow in North Texas today. Just made a trip to Lowe's with granddaughter driving. We lost count of the number of collisions. I 20 is bumper to bumper as far as the eye can see. Not fun. In Ohio people know how to drive in winter weather.

  11. The thing I hated about having glasses was ones feeling loose all the time. I had to go Lenscrafters all the time and they'd fix it for me constantly. Luckily my mother didn't have to pay a nickel for it.

    I've been on contacts for at least five years I think

  12. Ridiculously cold here, too. Thank you for the title of your post which has now put that song in my head... I can see clearly now... -Jenn

  13. Nice specs!

    I hope those deer don't read your blog because they will hunt you down and eat your pear buds if they get wind of them ...

  14. The wreath looks lovely with the dusting of snow.
    I need new glasses, been putting it off far too long :(
    Yours are nice.

  15. nice pics - I need to get new glasses too

  16. Lots of snow all around!You did great with the selfie! I always have to remember which way to hold the camera. That wreath still does look lovely indeed!


  17. I saw your title and I thought wait a minute you must have snow, we got some too, will have to wait till daylight to take a photo.

  18. Nice, cheerful post Joanne. And congrats on that first selfie!

  19. I like your glasses. No snow here, sunny day.

  20. Great pictures. Here it's miserable grey and wet -- but still well above freezing. I am so used to thinking in centigrade now that I had to do a second think about 2 degrees! Never gets that cold here in northwest coastal England! The new glasses are very fetching!

  21. it is COLD here. birdbaths are frozen, tubs of water plants are frozen, the water lily pond, while not frozen because of the recirculating water is still frozen around the edges. 20˚ when I got up. we were expecting around 27˚. and yeah, selfies are tough.

  22. I hope you can keep warm and sleep better. Your snow looks beautiful, we hardly ever get even a dusting x

  23. Joanne, Selfies are always funny. But they do work if you want to see yourself in new frames and the only way is to take a pic! I saw a young girl doing this at the Eye doctor's and realized that this would work. It is cold here too... not as cold as you... but cold enough (17F this morning)!

  24. Try as I might I can never seem to make myself look good in a selfie. Yours looks very nice.

  25. I've noticed my knees giving me a bit of trouble with this cold weather. Could I be getting old?

  26. This maybe the blind leading the blind, but you know you don't need a mirror to take a selfie on an iPhone or Android, don't you???

  27. Glad to see you are not blind. Our eyes are our most precious asset.

  28. All of my attempts at selfies make me look like a sloppy drunk! The cold makes me ache all over, too. I want to take a hot shower in the morning and one at night, but then my skin dries out ....... I think we should move to a better climate!

  29. "Sparrows are little piglets, too" - we have hundreds of them living in a big bush at the other side of the street - they try to grunt, but snow muffles their tone :-)
