
Thursday, January 12, 2017

An Areal Flood Event

An Areal Flood Warning is normally issued for flooding that develops more gradually, usually from prolonged and persistent moderate to heavy rainfall. This results in a gradual ponding or buildup of water in low-lying, flood prone areas, as well as small creeks and streams.

Today is day three of rain.

On the way to work this morning. This tree is my header.

I rolled down the window.

The Scout Camp drive.

The river.

The golf course.

Coming home, three hours later.
The header tree at the top of the overflowing pond.

The Scout camp drive.

Water over the ditch and into the road.

Another view. Eerie to see the edge line under water, which is up the hill.

On my way in this morning, county workers were trenching the ditch to send the water downhill.

But, the water is ahead in the race.
See all the green shoots?
I have hundreds of bulbs up in my garden.
Told them they were all a bunch of dummies.
Plummeting from 60 degrees today, to 20 tomorrow.


  1. Terrible weather. I'm waiting to hear if we're in for an ice storm this weekend.

  2. Wow.
    Stay safe, stay dry.
    And good luck with the bulbs.

  3. That much rain makes me uneasy. Stay safe. We had a high of 38 here in middle Georgia over the weekend, and today we're back up to 73. We've gone weeks without rain and weeks where it poured. Strange weather.

  4. Egads! Too much rain! Hope you guys stay dry and those little bulbs will stay properly planted!

    1. That's the thing. I wonder if they're floating to the surface. No solution until I top dress in the spring.

  5. Looks like a wild ride this winter, especially in the mid-west.

    The golf course looks like one big water hazard.

  6. That's the big issue, in your last sentence there - the wild swings from cold to warm and back. Plays havoc with everything. Be careful out there!

  7. A bad old-fashioned flood, that's what you have there. 20 degrees tomorrow?

  8. No rain here, but we've got some worried relatives in California.

  9. Oh- Water can do so much damage! We are not prone to flooding in our area but it can be scary for those that are near water. I hope it stops raining there! xo Diana

  10. As we say in PA after a rainstorm, "It could have been snow".

  11. Oh now, if it plummets that much, there will be lots of ice! Be safe! So much rain for January! Both you and California getting deluged in rain! Stay safe!


  12. Be so careful driving on those roads. The flood waters can quickly become dangerous.

  13. Looks a tad wet up there Joanne :)
    it is unnerving when water creeps up over the roads though and if there is a sudden freeze those roads are ice in no time. I'd be staying home all winter if I lived there. I'm a wuss that way.

  14. Somebody down the way is going to benefit from all that aluvial compost.

  15. Makes you think of a sodden bath sponge..we don't have much snow here...five foot drifts further north in Scotland. The East of Britain has flooding problems.
    It will be gone soon enough. Meanwhile we have the joys of an ice warning from the Met Office for 24 hours, and only the bus route through the village is salted/gritted.

  16. We are supposed to get above zero temps. next week (celcius) and I know what you mean about green shoots. It's not good when buds and bulbs starting growing during a "warm spell" only to be frozen again later. Hope it dries up soon for you. -Jenn

  17. we have the same crazy up and kind of reminds me of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs...the weather keeps getting bigger. Stay dry-hope you plants make it!

  18. Drive carefully! Walk carefully. Glad I'm up on a hill.

  19. the weather has become bipolar. spring one day, winter the next. nice shot of the river.

  20. Like Ellen said, bi-polar! We are expecting lots of ice today and through the weekend. I am content to stay home. Husband informed me that the local grocery is out of bread and almost out of milk. I can bake bread and am lactose intolerant, so no milk is fine with me! Besides that, if ice on the wires kills the power, that milk will sour ....

  21. Spring bulbs showing their green shoots here with severe flood warnings in parts of the counter & ice & snow in others.

  22. Golly, that begins to look dangerous Joanne.
