
Sunday, October 23, 2016

And so the generations roll

The old lady and the kid went shopping at Loews last night,
for some things to improve the laundry room and the shed. 

I watched the young man with distended ear lobes
cut a piece of 2x4xeight feet into 2x4x24 inch sections.

From behind me, Laura demanded "What's the Pink Panther doing here?"

"It's a brand of weatherproofing," I said.

"It's a cartoon," Laura said.

I believe her Pink Panther predates my Pink Panther.


  1. We're seeing, everyday, Joanne, the world move past us. Just like our parents did in the 60's, we're doing now. It's how it should be, I think. You, because of your circumstances, will stay cognizant of other your age (me), but it doesn't change the reality. The world is moving on, shortly we'll be history. I think that's the way it's supposed to be, or at least how it's always been.

    1. I am so aware. Over and over I hear Bob Dylan in my head: don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall. And, that used to be me.

  2. Lol. I love it when I mention something like rabbit ears on the tv and a young person looks at me like I'm crazy.

  3. Loved Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther movies. How goes the laundry room? -Jenn

    1. The shed went much better; the laundry room needs a do-over; say, next week.

  4. LOL- I think you are right! Hope the laundry room is coming along. I think I am going to paint mine come winter-when things slow down here a bit. I wish our Lowe's was closer- we have to drive about 30 miles to hit Lowe's. xo Diana

  5. Oh... you just made me do it... I pulled up Henry Mancini's Pink Panther on YouTube... went a long way back and just enjoyed... Cartoon? Yeah, I know, but there's more....

  6. Hari OM
    Oh good the shed came and is now, presumably, fully functional. Laundry, being ever a work in progress, has a room to match by the sounds of it. ... gotta watch out for those sneaky cartoon types too!!! YAM xx

  7. Good the shed is done before winter sets in.

  8. A lot of the things that we said in our youth have a whole new meaning now.

  9. I only know Laura's Pink Panther.
    Distended ear lobes? As in plugs? They make me wince. Much as the through the eyebrow piercing does. Not sure why, but wince I do.

  10. Pink Panther will always endure the ravages of time.

  11. Pink Panther will always endure the ravages of time.

  12. Pink Panther will always endure the ravages of time.

  13. Joanne, when I was visiting with my 9 year old grandson last week, he asked me something about the new 3DS ??? then googled it for me. Then he said that probably when I was young, we only had the old original Nintendo. I laughed and told him no, we didn't have Nintendo at all. We didn't even have a TV until I was 8. And then he said, 'wow... and I'll bet it was black and white'... which of course it was. So yes, and so the generations roll.

  14. Maybe its a good thing she hasn't seen your Pink Panther :)


  15. I remember Pink Panther cartoons, they weren't a favourite of mine, but Hubby and the kids loved them.

  16. I can still remember the music of the Pink Panther cartoons.My children watched it a lot.

  17. We'll really know we've 'passed it' when the kids no longer have heard of 'I Love Lucy'... has the time come, yet?

  18. I find it both terrifying and reassuring that the generations roll on.

  19. I think of the movie, not the cartoon. I don't get the extended earlobes or the ones with the huge holes in them. gad, don't you know those are going to look seriously gross when they are old men.

  20. Ellen is right! Tattoos will distort on sagging skin, too. I always feel compelled to ask them about the pain that had to be involved with the procedure ....

  21. You have so much fun with the generation gap between you and your grandchildren. It keeps you young.

  22. I think Emma has hit the nail on the head - being around youngsters keeps a person young, if we embrace it. And you are embracing it.

    Loved - LOVED - the Pink Panther movies. The best.
