
Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Tiny thing, in a two inch pot.
We put it in one of Jan's little ceramic pots.

Marty Froehlik, an artist friend, made the little dragon fly pot.

The orchid grew and grew, and made more flower spikes every year.
In a while there obviously was no dirt left in the little pot,
so I bought a four inch pot and transplanted the orchid.
We fitted the plastic pot into another of Marty's pots.

The dragonfly pot had a fatal encounter with the cat who must know all.
Mother used to say, it wasn't the fall. It was the sudden stop.
The dragonfly pot became a lot of pieces.

And, the orchid kept on growing, and sending out spikes.
One even grew through the openwork of the pot.

The orchid is growing another new leaf this year.

Now, Marty is not an infamous potter, so I set EBay searching, searching for his pots.
I hoped to replace the dragon fly and find another Marty Froelick pot this size.

In one year I have found two pots.
One is the little purple pot on my windowsill.

And, one is a similar pot, but, smaller than the pot the orchid  occupies.

Today I had to make a last trip to the old house, and the pot on the right was sitting on the old mantle.

No, my sister did not want that pot. She wanted her pot.

So it goes.
The EBay search continues.


  1. I do like those pots...and I like your mother's saying about it being the sudden stop.

  2. Those pots are quite attractive. I don't have anything quite like those.

  3. I do like the pots too. Orchids, roses and bonsai come to my house to die.

  4. Yeah, it's those sudden stops that get us every time. Love the pot, hope you find another one.

  5. Those pots are so pretty but a wee bit to small , bigger ones would be wonderful.

  6. I have tried to grow orchids and failed miserably. I love the pots. I had three cacti growing in a pot that was a gift from my grands. I loved that pot. It was a good sized glazed ivory. I made the mistake of putting it on my front porch. Someone stole it! I would have given them the cactus, but the pot was special to me. People!

  7. Hari OM
    I have a sister who is inclined to put her dibs on anything and everything around the father's house; he and I had a wry moment together as we realised that mother's old electronic beater was not to be found. "It may have been claimed", said he. I went and bought him a new one. Sigh... the right pot is waiting for you and will appear in it's rightful time. Meanwhile, I can't keep orchids alive, for all the compost in Trumpville, but dad just ignores the ones mum left on the kitchen sideboard and they bloom prolifically and frequently. Tsk. YAM xx

  8. Lovely pots.... but... what happened to the pig? You know who I mean...

    1. Pig is on my bottom step, waiting for nasturtiums in spring. Toad on on the step above and lambie is on the deck. They almost beat me into the moving truck.

    2. A big sigh of relief.... but I KNEW you'd take them along....

  9. The good news is that orchids like small pots. You will be fine. But you can never have too many of those pretty pots. ;-)

  10. The orchids are almost as pretty as the pots.

  11. I'm so impressed that you can grow ANY houseplants with all the cats you've had. I gave up years ago. I do love those pots. Hope you find one you like soon.

  12. Good luck. I do love those pots. All of those pots. And orchids.

  13. I didn't know that orchids could grow so much. Pots are exquisite!

  14. The pots are beautiful! I hope you can find a replacement for your sister's pot. I've never been able to grow orchids, but I once had a neighbour, different state, different town, who had a small green house in his back yard with about a dozen different varieties of orchid.

  15. Those are pretty pots! May the search continue!


  16. I liked the dragonfly pot, especially. I do not grow plants inside. They don't do well because it doesn't rain inside my house. -Jenn

  17. Thank orchid is amazing. We once had an orchid, a gift, that when it's blooms died didn't flower again for 10 years. Then suddenly one Christmas it bloomed and bloomed. Nothing since... Great pots you have, too.

  18. those are some beautiful pots. too bad about the dragonfly pot.

  19. I love orchids Joanne, but nowhere in our farmhouse seems to grow then well - or is it me who is just not very good with them?

  20. The pots are beautiful. I know what your mother meant about the sudden stop.


  21. Gorgeous pots. I need to repot my orchids so I guess I should get busy finding me some pretty pots

  22. I've never been able to keep them... I do so try x

  23. Thank you for visiting my blog. I too love orchids and have a small one, I think I too might look for an interesting pot for it.. yours is very nice.
