
Monday, October 24, 2016

Bird feeder decided, for me

I intended to hang the bird feeder on the pink mandevilla's hook.

I see several neighborhood cats, and until this youngster adopted the front porch, I didn't give them much thought.
Laura says the little girls across the street claim him as their own.
I guess I'll ask their mother if she has plans to have him neutered, and if he really has a home for winter.

After five years with a feral cat, I'd lost track of how friendly house cats can be.
This fellow was in my lap as soon as I sat down.
I removed him, so he moved to the other rail for an "ear show down" with Pig.


  1. I hope he is not the bird feeder you were getting.

    1. He came with a message: I'm sure birds are tasty!

  2. joeh beat me to it. Oh well. You are settling in to your new home quickly.

  3. He is a lovely cat. I miss our girl, who died at the age of 17 back in February. He does look right at home on your rail.

  4. He says he would never touch a bird. He simply wants to watch them. He promises to keep his paws to himself (I speak cat so he asked me to translate for him).


  5. LOL- Looks like you might have adopted a new family member. I miss my kitty but don't think I could have another and go through losing another one. xo Diana

  6. He certainly is friendly getting into your lap right away. I hope he doesn't view a bird feeder as 'food on the wing'.

  7. He is a beauty. And yes, some cats DO see the bird feeders primary purpose as a cat feeder.

  8. I love that you caught him mid-stretch!!

  9. He sure seems comfortable there :)


  10. He may be claimed by others, but he has claimed you as one of his own.

  11. Hari Om
    Not sure why, but I am grinning over hear... you may find Toby starts to wonder and seeks to remind you that you are HIS hyooman! A feeder away from any reachable launch pad would now be the only option it seems. A name for this fella would also be a fine addition &*> YAM xx

  12. He looks like a good one, seemingly with lots of personality.

  13. Such a friendly creature to sit with you. The cats around our neighbourhood wouldn't do that for sure.

  14. Very nice cat!
    A few days ago I came across a cat coming down the stairs. It was coming from my bedroom. We stopped when we saw each other, and I waited to see what its reaction would be; I was afraid the cat would get frightened and run away, but unexpectedly, it came to me and started purring.
    I took it to the garden and put it at the gate. It climbed the garage roof and went away. Never saw it again.

  15. looks like he has decided where he lives to me. still, there must be another place you can put a bird feeder.

  16. Near a tree where they can fly up in the branches is best. If cats are full of cat food they tend to usually just watch the birds.

  17. I love tabby cats - once had a lovely one called Maxi who sadly got run over on our lane when he was around twelve.
    I usually use Lancashire cheese in toasties - it melts well and is strong-tasting.

  18. The cats that find us usually have the most love to give.

    Thoughts in Progress
    and MC Book Tours

  19. I'm partial to tabbies and he looks like a handsome one.

  20. Oh and I don't know about the combination of cats and birds. Good luck

  21. I'm both a cat person and a bird person... reading about how many birds cats kill each year is almost unbelievable! My sweet little kitty cat? Yeah, I guess so. I'm still a cat person, though.

  22. He looks very much at home. And why not, I suspect I could settle down on that porch and snooze away the afternoon.

  23. I think you have a new addition to your new home x

  24. He is cute and hope you will find out soon you can adopt him or not .
    Home cats can be so friendly and warm responder

  25. That's a nice friendly cat. I like your porch and the plants.

  26. He found his place. The birds hopefully will watch out.

  27. Hmmmm... Maybe that's not the best place for a bird feeder. Ouch!
