
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Best laid plans gang aft astray, a bit

 Everyone is out of doors,
 the line begins,

and so does the rain.

I've made up all sorts of conversational quotes for this picture.
Try it, it's fun.

Back into my little house, seven promsters and at least ten additional adults.
Some of us just stayed in a corner.

The parents seemed well versed in staging prom photos.
First the girls.
Then the boys.

Then the girls and the boys.

I didn't catch the names of any of the three remaining poses.

Fun, nevertheless.

Good sports, all.
And then they were off.


  1. oh what a wonderful time proms are; and so good to have lots of photos for remembrances of the memories.

  2. Good job photo person. Emily looks lovely as do the other girls and also the guys. Smiles all around.

  3. Those smiles are brilliant, and the young things gorgeous.
    Love the photos - and thank you.

  4. Wow Joanne, the girls are absolutely beautiful and the boys look very dashing. Even though it is raining I think the outside pics look just fine. Not so good for the promsters to get soaked before the dance though.

  5. They grow up too fast! Beautiful!

  6. What memories those girls will have of this night... beautiful young folks, lovely dresses... and fantastic smiles and happy eyes! The rain will be something they laugh about later.

  7. I like the dresses. I never went to a prom. I was asked once or twice. I was too cool to go to school dances. My daughter was too cool not to go. I still have her prom dress in my closet. She wore it to three or four dances. She was so beautiful. A glittering mermaid.


    1. The girl in the pink sparkles was like a mermaid. I couldn't get over how lovely all of them were.

  8. Love the smiles and sparkling eyes! Rain always makes for spontaneity.

  9. They all look so grown up.
    Lovely dresses pity about the rain.

  10. All so pretty and handsome. These are the days of their lives that they will never forget.

  11. They all look so handsome! The gowns are fabulous and you can't beat a man in a tuxedo.

  12. They all look so beautiful and handsome and so adaptable too to move inside and then take such lovely photos! So neat too that one was without a date, yet looked perfectly at ease being with the group. I hope they had the best of times!


  13. I was feeling excited for all of them just by looking at your photos. They all look fabulous!!!

  14. I believe that the prom idea is beginning to catch on over here. Don't they all look so happy?
    As to cold and rain - it has been yet another disappointing spring. But in The Netherlands, where we have just been, it was eighty degrees every day - we were so lucky. But it is nice to be back with you all.

  15. I don't dare make up a conversational quote for that picture.

  16. Hari OM
    gorgeous... what strikes me is how Emily holds her own in the group and she and her beau are a handsome match! Hope they all had a wonderful evening. YAM xx

  17. Looks like a very excited group of young adults. When our youngest son graduated 16 years ago we had a pre-prom here. I remember how quickly it made a large house seem very small but it was something I would do again. Good times and good memories.

  18. How lovely they all look. I hope their prom was everything it should be.

  19. Beautiful gowns, beautiful people.

  20. they all look lovely and ready to have a good time.

  21. I look at these children and feel my age! How wonderful they all look! I was told a little rain on an event (wedding) etc. or a prom is a good sign, a blessing for what is to come!. May all these young people have wonderful lives!

  22. One can see that they enjoy themselves, Joanne: rain or sun - that is only secondary - the joy is in the heart and in a special occasion.

  23. As my dad would say: They're a fine-looking bunch!

    Seriously, they are.

  24. What fun! Glad you shared them with us!!
