
Thursday, May 19, 2016

A graduation last night

First cake,

And prezzies
(Laura made the poster),

A backpack,

A filtering water bottle, because Hiram's water is "just awful",

A Hiram hoodie,

Some pictures.

The mortarboard art.

The grandma.

The dear friend, Linda.

Off to meet the wizard.

From the nosebleed seats, the best I could get.

But, Emily graduated. Summa cum, by the way.


  1. Are you bursting with pride! Well done, Grandma!

  2. Well done that girl! And well done Grandma!

  3. Such a great moment for Emily and the whole family. Congratulations. The future looks so bright!

  4. Huge congratulations. To her, and to you.

  5. Congrats to Emily and to you too, Joanne! Her success is because of your diligence raising her. I bet she will do jusr as well in college!


  6. Congratulation to her, it's a big world out there, be both cautious and exploring. Go for the big stuff, the rest will fall in line.
    Mike Mulligan, MD

  7. You may all count yourselves among my heroes. Brava!

  8. Good times! You look justifiably proud.

  9. Congratulations all around! When did mortarboard art become a Thing? I'd never seen it before I went to my nieces college graduation last weekend.

  10. It was a fun night but graduating over 400 took a lot of time. I enjoyed the graduates and speakers but the theatre full of family/friends was new to me. A very unruly group. Once we were seated people kept getting up and going back and forth in front of us. One girl did it 4 times. I finally asked her if she was done. The school brass ensemble did the into music and people talked and walked all the way through it. If I had been the director, I would have been very discouraged. Imagine how many times they had to play pomp and Circumstances to get all 400+ into their seats....I must be an older generation who learned manners and respect.

  11. Congratulations Emily. You will go on to do wonderful things.

  12. Well done to Emily and to her supporting cast. It is a well deserved milestone. Now on to the next great thing. xx

  13. Congratulations to ALL!! Good work paid off for Emily and for her supporters.

  14. She did it; you did it. Congratulations to you both. You must be very proud.

  15. Mmmm, cake. And I love that backpack.

    Congratulations Emily, welcome to the next stage of your life.
    Well done Grandma, you have every right to be very proud.

  16. Hari OM
    BRAVA!!! HOOORAAAHHHH!!! (Okay, Linda - I'm sitting down now...) &*> YAM xx

  17. You must be SO PROUD, and rightfully so. Congratulations to Emily, and to you!

  18. Congratulations to Emily! And to Grandma as well - what a trip I imagine it has been.

  19. Congratulations to you and to Emily.

  20. oh Joanne. you must be so proud! and give yourself a big pat on the back because without you, it would not have happened.

  21. Congratulations to Emily! And to you as well, Grandma! It is a proud moment!!

  22. Every body looks so happy, you should be proud of yourself Joanne.

  23. A happy day and event to be sure! Joy to all!

  24. I'm late, as usual... Everyone's already said about all I can think... Congratulations to you all... it took the whole family to graduate the girl... and that's a wonderful thing! Best wishes for a wonderful future!

  25. Wonderful!! Congratulations on your achievements, Emily! You will go far, it is clear. Enjoy your college years; they'll be a memory you will hold close for the rest of your life.

  26. Lovely photographs. Congratulations to Emily (and to Grandma too).

  27. Congratulations to all of you! Summa cum laude? Absolutely excellent! Thank you for sharing these happy photos.
