
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Prom prep

Every day this week--RAIN!
Every day this week--COLDER THAN THE LAST!
The rain should stop by four and at 5 pm picture time it will be 48 degrees.

Emily's group has made no alternate picture plans.
I took my resources out to see what we will do.
Here we have a line of seven people, from a couple of perspectives.

I said it would be nice if the tall grass weeds were removed.

Emily has prom fingernails; Laura got the job.

The seven people model has retreated indoors.
Note to self: remove Laura's wire flower for the pictures.
Thin out the Solomon's Seal one day soon.


  1. Such a pretty garden. Have a great day!

  2. Hari OM
    Crikey, the Scots curse, eh? Never mind - it could make for an entertaining prom-shot with colourful brollies to the fore... I like the 'long angle'. YAM xx

  3. Lots of work for the perfect picture..."Prom Fingernails" great way to get out of work.

  4. they need only shiver for a few minutes.

  5. No, I can't make that old joke any more. Your garden looks great, and that's all I can say.

  6. Hope none of the girls are wearing strapless dresses. That could be cold temps! How exciting though. I hope a bit of sun does peek through when it is picture time and all have fun!


  7. I hope Emily returns the favor when Laura has prom nails. I can't wait to see the pictures.

  8. I do hope all goes well for those all-important pictures! If there are problems, it surely won't be from a lack of forethought on your part!

  9. Looking forward to seeing the photos. And pictures of Emily's prom nails.
    Love your garden. Of course.

  10. It would be cute if they all held umbrellas in the beautiful garden.

  11. I think the garden looks lovely. I like Donna's idea of using umbrellas. I wouldn't have thought of that. All colourful ones would be nice.

  12. The prom photos will be fantastic against your flowers!

  13. Have you tried "Rain, rain go away"?

  14. Your gardens are a great backdrop for these memories, Joanne. Some of our after-wedding photos were taken in front of my mother's gardens. Every time I look at them I remember the beauty of that summer day and the glorious flowers and greenery. Emily will too, especially since she helped create the beauty.
