
Friday, July 10, 2015

Ladies night out

Laura and I have an unblemished record of eating out when we're on our own.
Not that Laura isn't a good cook.

Laura hasn't been to this restaurant in years.
It's in Cleveland, three quarters of an hour away.

Nice little restaurant in a working class neighborhood.
Flower bed in the tree lawn.

It's Aunt Beth's restaurant, the Grovewood Tavern.

We took Beth totally by surprise; the reservation taker spelled my name wrong.
Beth, checking us in.

Pursuing the menu in her new glasses.

And I forgot to take pictures of dinner and desert.

Check it out:


  1. Nice evening out. I love kids of that age, in my experience at dinner they try to be far sophisticated then they are, sometimes with fun results. Once my then-12 year old said "Sweetbreads sound good, that all right dad?" with a side look. I nodded. We chatted about anatomical dietary things later that day. She now orders with a practiced style, and has varied tastes.

  2. There's vegan food!!!
    I'm thrilled!
    Jane x

    1. I veganed for dinner; Laura had pulled pork on challah.

  3. How sweet that you surprised Beth! And what a nice ritual you have with Laura - lots of lovely memories of dinner with Grandma!

  4. Joanne, sounds like a great time and I love Beth's blouse! Your header is gorgeous!

  5. Interesting menu they had, a bit of everything. Not sure I would get the rabbit though. sounded like a nice time for you and Laura :)


  6. I too like to see young people going out for dinner and trying new things. Years ago I used to take my young brother out. Later my nephew to try and expose them to new foods. My brother took to a variety of cuisines much quicker than my nephew but I would say the latter has an ever expanding palate. Laura looks lovely in her new glasses. x

  7. It looks like a great night out, and that restaurant - I already love it, and haven't even been there! Laura is lovely, period, and the glasses suit her beautifully. Shhh, don't tell her but I have some that are very similar. Sounds like a great Ladies night!

  8. I remember taking my kids out to dinner, not often, mostly every time we moved house (army brats) we'd eat out on our first night in the new town. They loved reading the menus and making fun of some of the fancy names given to the selections.
    Laura is looking very lovely, fast leaving the child behind.

  9. Hari OM
    mmmm-alicious - food even I could eat!!! I recall many restaurant trips with parents - but have a very fond memory of eating out with father alone and being permitted choices mother may not have allowed. For teeneagers, these are experiences of long memory! YAM xx

  10. A sure sign of a great meal - when it's gone too quickly for pictures.

  11. I love eating out. I get so fed up with cooking - I am the house chef...

  12. nice little tradition. I'm sure Laurs looks forward to it. she has come so far from the wreck you rescued.

  13. She looks beautiful in her new glasses!!

  14. It looks like a lovely place to eat. Some people wear glasses well. Laura is definitely one of them. The glasses show off her beautiful skin.

  15. So glad you had a nice meal out. What a pretty girl and I agree about her glasses. And you didn't take a photo of the food? It must have been so delicious looking that you had to dive right in.

  16. And while this was happening Emily and I were at State College, Pa selling rugs. So glad you and Laura had this time together. You are divided in so many ways and you do it so well. aunt Beth must have been both pleased and surprised.

  17. Eating together can be such a bonding experience. But you already know that. Nice specs!

  18. If I am not mistaken the flower on your page is a bouganvillea. My favorite but it cannot handle Ohio winters.
