
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Another inch in the world's coolest rain gauge, and it's only Thursday

Laura and I are baching it for a few days. Emily's off at a show with Linda, Tom and Jan are away, just the two of us.
I dropped Laura at the library and went to work. I looked up at the splatter of rain to see the kid barreling down the steep drive from the upper level.
It was an ass over teacup moment, and with the skill and agility of a thirteen year old in prized Converse high tops, Laura took the corners and came through the door. 

I dropped her at a friend's house for the afternoon, and set out on an errand run.

Some pictures, too.
All the horses seemed impervious to the persistent drizzle.

The vegetation appreciates the rain; it looks like early June outdoors.

To the Board of Elections to file my petitions to be on the ballot in the General Election in November.

The BOE is in an old, ethnic, German part of town, two or three blocks from the official University of Akron campus, with its huge stadium, shiny new buildings and dorms.
Of course there must be a low rent district.
Home Cooked Lunches!

The Burkhardt Brewing Company was a big brewery in Akron continuously from the 1860's on. During Prohibition it branched into soft drinks, and back to beer the minute it could.

It still brewed in Akron in the fifties, when I lived there, and has returned as a micro brewery, I understand.

Back to Hudson to retrieve Laura and take her to her art class.
Returning at 7:30 to pick her up (see the clock tower reflected in the window?),
I stopped to take a picture of the green fabric. It reminds me of my mother's VanRaalte nightgowns--
sweeping the floor and sleeveless, summer and winter, in the unheated upstairs.

Mrs. P and Laura, through the studio door. Like two little pixies.
The instant I touched the door to open it, whoosh, the drawings were flipped and I was admonished for trying to peek. So much for what the budding fashion designer may be up to.

On the way back to the car Laura stopped to admire the dress on the left.

It definitely has my vote, too.

Home again, home again, smell the delicious damp and empty the rain gauge.


  1. How I love travelling with you.
    I wouldn't be a teenager again for anyone - but I do envy their agility. And their rapid recovery.

  2. Interesting read and thoughts, and what lovely photos.

  3. Make that three votes for the dress...none for the rain.
    Jane x

  4. So much rain, but boy am I enjoying the cool weather this spring/summer!

  5. Enjoy your alone time with Laura :) Seems like you do a lot of running around with her to this place and that place, but that seems to be the norm I think!


  6. After a busy day it was nice that the two of you saw and agreed on the beauty of that dress. It was a nice day for both of you.

  7. No pics of the "ass over teacup moment, and with the skill and agility of a thirteen year old in prized Converse high tops"?
    We are also having one of the wettest summers in many years.

  8. Your header is stunning, Joanne, and your photos here are beautiful. Wonderful post. :)

  9. How nice to have a day with just the two of you. That green fabric is very nice, I think I'd like that in a navy or prussian blue for curtains.
    It's raining here too, nothing for several hours, then bucketing down furiously for five minutes, repeat, repeat.

  10. Love the header, and admiring Laura's excellent taste (and yours!)... the dress is a very clean, classic design; good on you Laura.
    We're supposed to go from Scottish weather (mid 60's to low 70's) to nearly 90 and muggy as can be overnight. Yay?

  11. You make an ordinary summer day become so much more... I can feel the satiny nightgown... smell the flowers and damn near savor the beer... just can't picture in my mind what Laura is drawing.

    1. The assignment this summer is modernizing a vintage fashion. The only scraps I've seen so far are fifties house dresses--think June Cleaver. Wasp waist, lots of skirt fabric, fitted bodice. The outfit worn in Campbell Soup commercials.

  12. Hari Om
    ...So we are not alone with our pea-souper-soggy-foggy this morning then? I do like the smell of dampened earth after a spell of heat. You got me with that. Add my vote on the dress... YAM xx

  13. It's been long enough now that I can't remember the last time it rained, a couple of weeks maybe. I'm having to water the gardens and pots but the ground isn't parched yet. my ginger has loved all the rain this year and is blooming better than any time since we moved out here. and yah, the dress is gorgeous.

  14. Ah a gentle summer rain, we don't get many of those. Running for office again, unopposed?

    1. Probably unopposed. I do hope at the end of four more years I will be unable to carry on. I stood at the counter next to the wife of the man running for mayor of the village. He won't be unopposed!

  15. I love a rainy day. Truly.

    Laura may be interested in either of these websites if she hasn't already found them:

    And I for one would be very interested in any of her sketches of refashioned vintage clothing that she lets you photograph!

    1. There will be a grand showing after her last class on July 30th.

  16. You make a regular day sound delightful, with rain and horses to boot. Love the photos. The dress on the left is my favorite, too.

  17. So many neat pictures again today!! I love the fabric that reminded you of your mom's nightgown. That must have been a gorgeous gown! I wonder if ladies still wear those 'floor-sweeping gowns?"
