
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A happy end, I think

We had a very open December and a lotta digging happened.
Foundations laid, frames went up, roof trusses delivered.
Then winter slammed down.
This was taken February 9th, and the snowman was several days old.
If you look hard between the snowman and the tree trunk, you can see construction in process on the far shore.

The property is purchased by a father-in-law, son-in-law, but split, so there are two separate lots.
That is a good omen in itself.
And I'm predisposed to like anyone who can make a snowman I can't figure out.

Last Sunday Laura and I ventured way onto the property.
Remember, we're trespassing and that does engage my trepidation button.
A lot of debris at the beginning of the drive. It will be cleared. 

I was on a mission to figure out something I learned recently from our zoning inspector.
The lake flows two directions.
It's spring fed, and empties part to the east, part to the west.
I immediately associated that with the Continental Divide, which we sit smack dab on.
However, it's more circuitous that that. In the far middle distance is the eastern outlet.
It flows to the north, then west.
The western drainage flows west. They join up above Kendall Park Road into Haskell Run and continue into the lake at the boy scout camp on State Route 303, which sits on top of the Continental Divide. 
That lake outlets into one of two streams that merge in the valley at the golf course, the source of many header pictures of a willow on a lake.
From there they flow under Akron Peninsula Road and into the Cuyahoga River and into Lake Erie.
I so wanted half this lake to go to the Atlantic and half to the Gulf.
It's very fortunate I'm not a geologist.

Anyway, enough geography.
Here is "the big house."

Laura and I got out for a good look, and we got a bad case of porch envy. 
The porch will go across the front (we can see supports), then around the side.
See the door up there?
I think a garage is behind the two windows under the four windows.

Here is "the little house."
It will have a fabulous porch wrapping around on the left. A garage probably under the right side.

This swath of mud I'm betting covers the culvert that handles the western side drainage.

So, who else sees two families here?
The grandparents in the little house; the new family in the big house.
Someone already built a snowman here.
And now there's a minnow net in the road.

A boat pulled up,

A tire swing left.

From Kendall Road, then, here is the big house across the lake.

And the little house.

And both houses.

I will be stopping in August to get my petition for the ballot signed.
I may confess I have kept track of them.


  1. Oh -- big houses in our dwindling resources in this country. -- barbara

  2. How beautiful! And such a pretty piece of land. I am so envious. I would happily live in the little house!

  3. I see some good times ahead for the residents. You definitely need to introduce yourself to them...summer barbeque by a lake...Nice!

  4. Beautiful site and a pair of lovely houses Joanne.

  5. wow, wish it were mine, even the small one by a lake

  6. Hari OM
    Outstanding 'recce' Joanne and company!!! This looks like it is already being loved; as you say, promising signs. That means confession may well be looked upon benignly! YAM xx

  7. An interesting fact about the lake. That alone is worth taking the chance of trespassing. The houses will be gorgeous when they are finished.

  8. New life coming into the area. Even the 'little' house looks a good size to me.

  9. how nice! myself, I have always like the Mexican central courtyard with individual hoses of the family members around it and maybe a big communal kitchen and perhaps smaller ones in the homes.

  10. As Delores said, even the little house looks fairly big.
    And yes, the signs are very, very promising. Which is lovely.

  11. I think it would be cool to be by that lake! And I too would like a porch that size!


  12. I'd be happy to live in either of the two house...I'd watch the water make its decision to which way it will go.
    Jane x

    1. I'm unduly hung up on that lake, and I don't care to be on water. But I'd be trying to see both sides at once.

  13. What a quiet place to live... just the waterfowl and woods creatures. I'd love it!

  14. This does look promising, and with you for a neighbour they've landed in gravy! (That's a good thing.) Interesting information about the lake... I do love your curious turn of mind. =)

  15. I'm so pleased to see this. Multi-generational family homes, I'm imagining the fantastic lifestyle.

  16. I think that might have been a snow woman. I'm sure the house is lovely, but I don't ever want a big house again unless it comes with a cleaning crew.


  17. Great house the big one is too big for me but the little one just right.

  18. would be nice if it's a family & grandparents x

  19. In these times when families are scattered all around the world, it is nice to think that a family would want to be together. I hope that is the case. They are lovely homes being built in such a pretty setting.

  20. Looks like it's going to be beautiful, hopefully 2 happy families.

  21. I wish I had a wrap around porch here in Hawaii.

  22. Anyone who builds with porches that face a lake are my kind of people- a stocked pond is my dream. I think this looks like a keeper and you will know more as time passes. Keep up the sleuth work.

  23. I would move there in a heartbeat, just to have a wrap around porch. Well, not really, but almost.

    I have always loved this stage between the white snow and spring's return.
