
Monday, May 11, 2015

A better end

Picture heavy, get a cup of coffee.

In 2013 I turned into this abandoned property, but left when I saw it was posted against trespassers.

By fall I had gathered more information on the property, and decided a sad end should be recorded.
It was Lazy Lake Acres, on Kendall Park Road, in the Township,
run from 1942 until the death of the husband, not that many years ago.

I could imagine it as a happy weekend or even summer retreat,

A couple of cabins, half a dozen camping sites.

A lake with a dock.

I took some pictures of it for our township website.

The property went on the market, and the "For Sale" sign was up for a year.

 Then it was sold, and demo began in March, last year.

Of course I went to look.

A snowstorm the end of the month.

August of last year some grading of the property began.

The dock was breaking away,

The tire swing by the cabins remained.

And that was where I left off picture taking, last October.
Sometimes there were crews working, but no one challenged me.
Even waved on occasion.

And, I did not go far back, where some real digging was going on. 
The path was fit only for construction equipment.
I left off until last weekend, taking pictures.

And for fear of more pictures than Blogger can handle,
I'll tell more tomorrow.


  1. I wonder why abandoned buildings/homes fascinate me. I'm sad when they're demolished, unless they are dangerous.


  2. It looks like it should be a valuable piece of property. Several million at least if it was in Jersey.

  3. I remember this accounting...I'm a bit wary of what happens next.
    Jane x

  4. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story......


  5. Abandoned houses always fascinate me too. It is too bad someone didn't want to save the property. The property itself is beautiful! Are they building something there?

  6. Definitely looking forward to the rest of the story. And the images.

  7. After my mother-in-law died the family farm was sold to a very nice man. Their ramshackle little house was not in good condition so he demolished it. The property is being lovingly cared for but I really miss seeing that little house.

  8. That's good writing Joanne - leave a good story hanging in the balance.

  9. someone is probably going to build a nice house on the lake

  10. I'm so saddened by the sight of places like this, just left to rot.

  11. Sad that such a pretty place couldn't be restored and reused, it looks like a perfect summer area.
    Still, perhaps the new place will be worthy of the area fingers crossed eh?

  12. Hari OM
    .... this is going to be interesting! YAM xx

  13. Very curious to see what happens next.

  14. I remember you writing about this place. seems like it would have been a nice little business for someone younger to take on.

  15. Looks intriguing.
