
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Surviving the cold snap

The annual May freeze settled in this week.
Frost warnings last night.

Folks scurried to cover tomatoes
and bring in hanging baskets.

I forgot to mention taking the baskets over to the barn
before I left for a meeting last night.

They weathered it, so to speak.
It will be in the fifties tonight and back into the eighties for the near future.

Global warming is too near, this year.

In other garden news,
the Solomon's seal and the allium look good.
The white allium are about to bloom. I think they're white. 

Over in "the swamp", the bleeding heart took good hold, the miniature iris are starting buds and the saw grass is greening up.

Closer to the house, Walt's pinks bloomed first.
The big bed of Nina's pinks has hundreds of waving blossoms, but they are not open yet.

The flower tower that I have been keeping from you is coming along fine.
Less than three weeks old; it's on a tear.

My lovely anemone still bloom, opening every morning, closing every night.
The red and blue flowers along the walk.
But it seems like a good time for a new header picture,
and in the process of taking one,
I seem to have gathered the gardening news for the week.


  1. We're at that point too _ plants outdoors in the cool morning, indoors if the temp's going too low at night. I need to remember to plant allium. It's so pretty.

  2. I love all the flowers... but that flower tower is fantastic! Please... when the nasturiams bloom... take a photo and include their lovely aromas if you can... one of my very favorite flowers!!!

  3. Dang, I can't even grow pansies...the rabbits keep trimming the flowers.

  4. We are so behind you..the bleeding hearts are no more than a couple of leaves. Frost last night makes me grateful that I didn't buy plants.
    Jane x

  5. We have had a lot of rain lately. At least the tornadoes have not hit around here. They have been north, south, east, and west of here but we have had no more than high winds.

  6. All your plants and flowers are so pretty and everything is so green! I remember when we lived in Montana, supposedly the last day that one could get a hard frost was May 15th. I remember lots of people covering up their plants in the meantime some cool nights.


  7. I don't believe we've had our last frost, it was 26 two mornings ago. It's thought my MT town has a growing season of around 50 days. I'm impressed by your lovely flowers.

  8. In France we were warned of the Ice our area May 11th, 12th and 14th.
    Nothing tender went outside until these gentlemen had wended their way...

  9. Everything is making me green with envy. Love the new header pictures. I must get out and buy me some baskets. Along with the beauty it will lift my spirits! Just as looking at your pictures does.

  10. LOVING your garden. And planning my own.

  11. I love your new header photo. The bee is a special touch.

  12. I love your new header photo. The bee is a special touch.

  13. A delightful tour of your garden. Thank you x

  14. Love your header photo, that's the Solomon's Seal is it?

  15. Hari OM
    Yes River, that IS Solomon's Seal and it is one of those cottage plants which lifts the heart! It is so elegant. Your garden in all its variety, Joanne, is truly blossoming!!! We just had a couple of frost nights as well. It's has caused the yellow gorse over on the hillside to sparkle! YAM xx

  16. Your garden is looking very good, very god, indeed.

  17. Such gorgeous flowers. I love the hanging baskets.

  18. I just love that tower! In fact your whole garden is just magical...

  19. Looks pretty. It is supposed to be 71 here today.

  20. Our temps are still dipping at night, too. Your gardens are producing so well already - they are beautiful!

  21. Glad they all survived, really like the Alliums. Our overnight lows have been near 70ยบ.

  22. Your garden looks lovely. I haven't put any of my bedding plants out yet - May is a bit unpredictable.

  23. it all looks wonderful. everything is so lush here and blooming like mad. the flowers on the altheas that are just covered with blooms are half again as big as last year from all the rain all winter and spring, has rained off and on all this week and supposed to rain all next week!

  24. thought of you, shipping would be exorbitant but you may know someone who has interest in the antique looom.

  25. You know, I tend to be a little heartless with frost warnings. I never cover up my plants and they usually do just fine. I like a nice, hardy flower. Even my roses are now pretty tough. The weaker ones have died and the stronger prevail. My bleeding hearts are doing well, too. A little concerned for my Bells of Ireland, though. They aren't even up yet.

  26. Beautiful. Just beautiful. And things aren't even in full bloom yet?! I am so envious!
    We've had an early spring here in the north country, but folks are too wary to do much planting before the May 24th holiday weekend. So much of my yard is still brown and barren!

  27. Beautiful. Just beautiful. And things aren't even in full bloom yet?! I am so envious!
    We've had an early spring here in the north country, but folks are too wary to do much planting before the May 24th holiday weekend. So much of my yard is still brown and barren!

  28. Oh my! A freeze? It's almost June for goodness sake! Then again I remember people telling me in Chicago that I should wait until Memorial Day to plant annuals into the ground.

  29. Gorgeous flowers!! Our weather is nuts. It was 33C on Monday. THis morning it's 5C. Glad I brought in the potted flowers last night.
